ジャンプ先: 概要. 戻り値.
キーワード. 関連項目.
フラグ. MEL 例.
copySkinWeights [-destinationSkin string]
string] [-mirrorInverse]
[-mirrorMode string]
[-noBlendWeight] [-noMirror] [-normalize] [-sampleSpace uint] [-smooth] [-sourceSkin string] [-surfaceAssociation string]
[-uvSpace string
copySkinWeights は 「元に戻す」が可能、「照会」が可能、「編集」が可能 です。
skinCluster ウェイトを XYZ 軸の 1
skinCluster, duplicate, mirror
skinCluster, skinPercent
destinationSkin, influenceAssociation, mirrorInverse, mirrorMode, noBlendWeight, noMirror, normalize, sampleSpace, smooth, sourceSkin,
surfaceAssociation, uvSpace
: コマンドの作成モードで使用可能なフラグ |
: コマンドの編集モードで使用可能なフラグ |
: コマンドの照会モードで使用可能なフラグ |
: 1 つのコマンドで複数回使用可能なフラグ |
// Create plane and a skeleton. Bind the skin.
file -f -new;
polyPlane -w 10 -h 10 -sx 5 -sy 5 -ax 0 1 0 -ch 1;
select -d pPlane1 ;
select -d;
joint -p 0 0 -6 ;
joint -p 0 0 -4 ; joint -e -zso -oj xyz joint1;
joint -p 2 0 -4 ; joint -e -zso -oj xyz joint2;
joint -p 5 0 -3 ; joint -e -zso -oj xyz joint3;
select -r joint2;
joint -p -2 0 -4 ; joint -e -zso -oj xyz joint2;
joint -p -5 0 -3 ; joint -e -zso -oj xyz joint5;
select -r joint2;
joint -p 0 0 3 ; joint -e -zso -oj xyz joint2;
joint -p 5 0 5 ; joint -e -zso -oj xyz joint7;
select -r joint7;
joint -p -5 0 5 ; joint -e -zso -oj xyz joint7;
select -r joint1 pPlane1 ;
createSkinCluster "-mi 5 -dr 4";
// Modify some weights on the -x side of the character
skinPercent -tv joint2 0.200000 skinCluster1 pPlane1.vtx[30];
skinPercent -tv joint2 0.200000 skinCluster1 pPlane1.vtx[31];
skinPercent -tv joint5 0.550000 skinCluster1 pPlane1.vtx[24];
skinPercent -tv joint5 0.550000 skinCluster1 pPlane1.vtx[25];
// Mirror the skin weights to the other side of the character
// Mirror inverse is chosen since we want to go from -x to +x, not +x to -x.
copySkinWeights -ss skinCluster1 -ds skinCluster1 -mirrorMode YZ -mirrorInverse;
// Now create a second plane and bind it as skin
polyPlane -w 10 -h 10 -sx 5 -sy 5 -ax 0 1 0 -tx 1 -ch 1;
select -r joint1 pPlane2 ;
createSkinCluster "-mi 5 -dr 4";
// Copy the skin weights from the first plane onto the new plane.
// The -noMirror flag is used since we want to copy directly, not mirror.
copySkinWeights -ss skinCluster1 -ds skinCluster2 -noMirror;