
static system.dgInfo(*args, **kwargs)

This command prints information about the DG in a text-oriented manner. The scope of the information printed is the entire graph if the -all flag is used, the nodes/plugs on the command line if they were specified, and the selection list, in that order.

Long name (short name) Argument Types Properties
allNodes (all) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Use the entire graph as the context
connections (c) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Print the connection information
dirty (d) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Only print dirty/clean nodes/plugs/connections. Default is both
nodes (n) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Print the specified nodes (or the entire graph if -all is used)
nonDeletable (nd) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Include non-deletable nodes as well (normally not of interest)
outputFile (of) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
Send the output to the file FILE instead of STDERR Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.
propagation (p) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Only print propagating/not propagating nodes/plugs/connections. Default is both.
short (s) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Print using short format instead of long
subgraph (sub) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Print the subgraph affected by the node or plugs (or all nodes in the graph grouped in subgraphs if -all is used)
type (nt) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
Filter output to only show nodes of type NODETYPE

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.dgInfo


import pymel.core as pm

# create a node
# Result: nt.Transform(u'NODE') #
# Result: 3 #
# Print all things connected to node NODE
pm.dgInfo( 'NODE', c=True )
# Print all connections currently in the graph
pm.dgInfo( c=True, all=True )
# Print all connections to attribute tx on node NODE
# Print all dirty connections in the entire graph
pm.dgInfo( c=True, all=True, d=True )

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