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This class contains color profile descriptions which can be applied to output passes, render passes, textures, etc.

Node name Parents Classification MFn type Compatible function sets
colorProfile node rendernode:utility/color kColorProfile kBase

Attributes (23)

colorProfileType, colorTemperature, forceGamma, gamma, gammaOffset, intensity, transform, transformRow1, transformRow1Col1, transformRow1Col2, transformRow1Col3, transformRow2, transformRow2Col1, transformRow2Col2, transformRow2Col3, transformRow3, transformRow3Col1, transformRow3Col2, transformRow3Col3, whitepoint, whitepointB, whitepointG, whitepointR

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
colorProfileType (cpt) enum 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
An enumeration which defines the type of color profile being used.
gamma (gam) float 1.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Gamma correction exponent.
gammaOffset (gmo) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Below this value, gamma correction is linear.
forceGamma (fga) bool 0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Allow gamma values less than 1.0.
colorTemperature (tmp) integer 0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
White point color temperature between 4000 and 25000 Kelvin. 6500 corresponds to the standard D65 illuminant.
whitepoint (wp) float3 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The whitepoint of the color profile.
whitepointR (wpr) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Whitepoint red component.
whitepointG (wpg) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Whitepoint green component.
whitepointB (wpb) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Whitepoint blue component.
intensity (int) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Intensity of whitepoint.
transform (tr) compound n/a outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The transformation matrix for converting to CIE XYZ.
transformRow1 (tr1) float3 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 1st row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow1Col1 (tr11) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 1st column of the 1st row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow1Col2 (tr12) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 2nd column of the 1st row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow1Col3 (tr13) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 3rd column of the 1st row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow2 (tr2) float3 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 2nd row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow2Col1 (tr21) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 1st column of the 2nd row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow2Col2 (tr22) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 2nd column of the 2nd row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow2Col3 (tr23) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 3rd column of the 2nd row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow3 (tr3) float3 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 3rd row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow3Col1 (tr31) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 1st column of the 3rd row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow3Col2 (tr32) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 2nd column of the 3rd row of the transformation matrix.
transformRow3Col3 (tr33) float 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The 3rd column of the 3rd row of the transformation matrix.