Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.
help( [string] , [documentation=boolean], [language=string], [list=boolean], [popupDisplayTime=uint],
[popupMode=boolean], [popupPauseTime=uint], [rolloverMode=boolean], [syntaxOnly=boolean])
Note: Strings representing object names and
arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the
help is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.
With no arguments, help tells how to use help. If a command name is
specified, help will return the quick help for that command. Other
flags can be used to open the online documentation, or to list
available commands based on a pattern. Pattern follows the
following syntax:
* matches any string
? matches any character
[agj] matches a, g or j
[^0-9] matches anything but a digit
x+ matches any number of subsequent x
a{3} matches aaa
a{3,} matches aaa, aaaa, ...
a{3,5} matches aaa, aaaa, or aaaaa
(ab)(CD)\2\1 matches abCDCDab (\1 to \9 available)
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
documentation, language, list,
popupDisplayTime, popupMode, popupPauseTime, rolloverMode, syntaxOnly
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
list(l) |
boolean |
List all the commands whose names match the regular expression.
Pass the regular expression as the first argument to the command
specified. |
documentation(doc) |
boolean |
Use a browser to show the documentation associated with the
single command name given. A pattern cannot be used with this flag.
If no command name is specified, then this flag will go to the main
documentation index. |
language(lng) |
string |
Show the help for this command in the specified language. Valid
values are "mel" and "python". The default is Mel. Used with the
doc flag. |
syntaxOnly(so) |
boolean |
When no other flag is specified, return only the syntax part of
the quick help. |
boolean |
Turn on or off popup help mode. This flag is mutually exclusive
of the list and doc flags. |
uint |
Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, before the popup help
will be displayed. The default is 800 milliseconds. This flag is
mutually exclusive of the list and doc
flags. |
uint |
Set the amount of time, in seconds, that the popup help will be
displayed. The default is 4 seconds. This flag is mutually
exclusive of the list and doc flags. |
rolloverMode(rm) |
boolean |
Turn on or off rollover help mode. This flag is mutually
exclusive with the list and doc flags. |
Flag can appear in Create mode of
command |
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command |
Flag can appear in Query mode of command |
Flag can have multiple arguments, passed
either as a tuple or a list. |
import maya.cmds as cmds
# List all commands starting with a, b or c
cmds.help( '[a-c]*', list=True )
# List all commands without vowels!
cmds.help( '[^aeiou]+', list=True )
# Print a message explaining how to use help
# Bring up the main on-line help index
cmds.help( doc=True)
# Bring up the Python version of command documentation for the polySphere
# command
cmds.help( language='python', doc='polySphere' )
# Bring up the on-line help for the disable command.
cmds.help( 'disable', doc=True )