pluginInfo is undoable, queryable, and editable.
This command provides access to the plugin registry of the
application. It is used mainly to query the characteristics of
registered plugins. Plugins automatically become registered the
first time that they are loaded. The argument is either the
internal name of the plug-in or the path to access it.
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-name(-n) |
string |
returns a string containing the internal name by which the
plugin is registered. |
-path(-p) |
string |
returns a string containing the absolute path name to the
plugin. |
-vendor(-vd) |
string |
returns a string containing the vendor of the plugin. |
-version(-v) |
returns a string containing the version the plugin. |
-apiVersion(-av) |
returns a string containing the version of the API that this
plugin was complied with. See the comments in MTypes.h for the
details on how to interpret this value. |
-listPlugins(-ls) |
returns a string array containing all the plugins that are
currently loaded. |
-pluginsInUse(-pu) |
returns a string array containing all the plugins that are
currently being used in the scene. |
-loaded(-l) |
returns a boolean specifying whether or not the plugin is
loaded. |
-unloadOk(-uo) |
returns a boolean that specifies whether or not the plugin can
be safely unloaded. It will return false if the plugin is currently
in use. For example, if the plugin adds a new dependency node type,
and an instance of that node type is present in the scene, then
this query will return false. |
-autoload(-a) |
boolean |
sets whether or not this plugin should be loaded every time the
application starts up. Returns a boolean in query mode. |
-savePluginPrefs(-spp) |
saves the plugin preferences (ie. autoload) out to
pluginPrefs.mel |
-loadPluginPrefs(-lpp) |
loads the plugin preferences (ie. autoload) from
pluginPrefs.mel into Maya. |
-command(-c) |
string |
returns a string array containing the names of all of the
normal commands registered by this plugin. Constraint, control,
context and model editor commands are not included. |
-tool(-t) |
string |
returns a string array containing the names of all of the tool
contexts registered by this plugin. |
-dependNodeByType(-dnt) |
string |
returns a string array of all registered node types within a
specified class of nodes. Each custom node type registered by a
plug-in belongs to a more general class of node types as specified
by its MPxNode::Type. The flag's argument is an MPxNode::Type as a
string. For example, if you want to list all registered Locator
nodes, you should specify kLocatorNode as a argument to this
flag. |
-dependNode(-dn) |
returns a string array containing the names of all of the
custom nodes types registered by this plugin. |
-dependNodeId(-dni) |
string |
returns a integer array containing the ids of all of the custom
node types registered by this plugin. |
-data(-d) |
string string |
returns a string array containing the names of all of the data
types registered by this plugin. |
-translator(-tr) |
returns a string array containing the names of all of the file
translators registered by this plugin. |
-iksolver(-ik) |
returns a string array containing the names of all of the ik
solvers registered by this plugin. |
-device(-dv) |
returns a string array containing the names of all of the
devices registered by this plugin. |
-dragAndDropBehavior(-ddb) |
returns a string array containing the names of all of the drag
and drop behaviors registered by this plugin. |
-userNamed(-u) |
returns a boolean specifying whether or not the plugin has been
assigned a name by the user. |
-registered(-r) |
returns a boolean specifying whether or not plugin is currently
registered with the system. |
-serviceDescriptions(-sd) |
if there are services in use, then this flag will return a
string array containing short descriptions saying what those
services are. |
-remove(-rm) |
removes the given plugin's record from the registry. There is
no return value. |
-changedCommand(-cc) |
script |
adds a callback that will get executed every time the plugin
registry changes. Any other previously registered callbacks will
also get called. |
-settings(-set) |
Returns an array of values with the loaded, autoload,
registered flags |
-cacheFormat(-cf) |
returns a string array containing the names of all of the
registered geometry cache formats |
-activeFile(-af) |
Specifies that the -pluginsInUse/-pu flag should return the
plugins used by the active file only, not the entire scene. For use
during export selected. |
-modelEditorCommand(-mec) |
string |
Returns a string array containing the names of all of the model
editor commands registered by this plugin. |
-controlCommand(-ctc) |
string |
Returns a string array containing the names of all of the
control commands registered by this plugin. |
-constraintCommand(-cnc) |
string |
Returns a string array containing the names of all of the
constraint commands registered by this plugin. |