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gravity [-attenuation float] [-directionX float] [-directionY float] [-directionZ float] [-magnitude float] [-maxDistance linear] [-name string] [-perVertex boolean] [-position linear linear linear] [objects]

gravity is undoable, queryable, and editable.

A gravity field simulates the Earth's gravitational force. It pulls objects in a fixed direction (generally downward) entirely independent of their position or mass. The transform is the associated dependency node. Use connectDynamic to cause the field to affect a dynamic object. If fields are created, this command returns the names of each of the fields. If a field was queried, the results of the query are returned. If a field was edited, the field name is returned. If object names are provided or the active selection list is non-empty, the command creates a field for every object in the list and calls addDynamic to add it to the object. If the list is empty, the command defaults to -pos 0 0 0. Setting the -pos flag with objects named on the command line is an error. The default for -dx -dy -dz is always the opposite of the current up direction. For example, if the current up direction is (0,1,0) (a standard Maya configuration), then the gravity default is -dx 0 -dy -1 -dz 0. The default for -a is 9.8. 9.8 meters per second squared happens to be standard Earth gravity, but in fact Maya interprets this value as centimeters per second squared. If we were to use it as meters per second squared then with default Maya units, your particles would vanish almost in the wink of an eye. If you want a different value, set it in the gravity option box.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


addDynamic, connectDynamic, particle


attenuation, directionX, directionY, directionZ, magnitude, maxDistance, name, perVertex, position
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-position(-pos) linear linear linear queryeditmultiuse
Position in space where you want to place a field. The gravity then emanates from this position in space rather than from an object. Note that you can both use -pos (creating a field at a position) and also provide object names.
-magnitude(-m) float queryedit
Strength of field.
-attenuation(-att) float queryedit
Attentuation rate of field
-maxDistance(-mxd) linear queryedit
Maximum distance at which field is exerted. -1 indicates that the field has no maximum distance.
-name(-n) string queryedit
name of field
-perVertex(-pv) boolean queryedit
Per-vertex application. If this flag is set true, then each individual point (CV, particle, vertex,etc.) of the chosen object exerts an identical copy of the force field. If this flag is set to false, then the force is exerted only from the geometric center of the set of points.
-directionX(-dx) float queryedit
X-component of direction.
-directionY(-dy) float queryedit
Y-component of direction.
-directionZ(-dz) float queryedit
Z-component of direction

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

  gravity particle1;
// Creates a gravity field and adds it to the list of fields
// owned by particle1.

  gravity -pos -2 0 4;
// Creates a gravity field at position (0,2,4) in world coordinates.

  gravity -e -att 10.4 MyGravity;
// Changes the gravitational acceleration of the field called
// "MyGravity" to 10.4.

  gravity -dx 0 -dy 1.0 -dz 0.5;
// Creates a gravity field pulling in direction (0,1,0.5) for every
// active selection. If there is no active selection, it creates this
// field at world position (0,0,0).