Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-quiet(-qt) |
boolean |
If set to true, then under no circumstances should the user be
prompted for more information. Default value is false. |
-force(-f) |
boolean |
If set to true, then an attempt to connect a source attribute
to a destination attribute which already has a source will cause
the existing source to be disconnected and the new source to be
connected in its place. Default value is true. |
-destination(-d) |
name |
Specifies an existing destination attribute for a createNew or
connectToExisting. |
-source(-s) |
name |
Specifies an existing source attribute for a
connectToExisting. |
-createNew(-cn) |
Create a new node and connect it to the node.attribute
specified using the destination flag. |
-connectToExisting(-ce) |
Connect the destination (which is a node.attribute or simply
node) to an existing source. If the source is specified (as
node.attribute or simply as node), the command will proceed
immediately. If the source is not specified, the user will be
prompted to specify one. Once a source has been specified, a best
guess will be made about what the user is trying to accomplish by
connecting the two, based on the type of source and type of
destination. The command will connect the nodes/attributes
according to the best guess. The destination is specified using the
destination flag and the source specified using the
source flag. |
-ignore(-i) |
Ignore any connections flowing into the node.attribute
specified by the destination flag. |
-unignore(-u) |
Stop ignoring any connections flowing into the node.attribute
specified by the destination flag. |
-delete(-del) |
Delete nodes with connections flowing into the node.attribute
specified by the destination flag. |
-relatedNodes(-ren) |
List nodes which are conceptually related to the node.attribute
specified by the destination. Related nodes may include, but are
not limited to, nodes which are directly or indirectly connected to
the destination. The destination is specified using the
destination flag. Returns an array of strings. |
-defaultWorkingNode(-dwn) |
Returns the name of the node which the user is most likely to
want to work with if they are interested in the attributes of the
destination node. The destination is specified using the
destination flag. Returns a string. |
-defaultTraversal(-dtv) |
Returns the name of the node to which it would make the most
sense to navigate to from the destination node.attribute specified.
The destination is specified using the destination flag.
Returns a string. |
-defaultAttribute(-da) |
Returns the name of the attribute to which a connectNodeToNode
would connect, given the source (attribute) and
destination (node) flags. Returns a string. |
-nds) |
string |
This is your opportunity to pass the navigator a string that
can help it decide what behaviour to execute. |