cacheFile is undoable, queryable, and editable.
Creates one or more cache files on disk to store attribute data for
a span of frames. The caches can be created for either points on a
geometry (using the pts/points flag) or for vectorArray output data
(using the oa/outAttr flag). When the ia/inAttr flag is used,
connects a cacheFile node that associates the data file on disk
with the attribute. Frames can be replaced/appended to an existing
cache with the rcf/replaceCachedFrame and apf/appendFrame flag.
Replaced frames are never deleted. They are stored in the same
directory as the original cache files with the name provided by the
f/fileName flag. If no file name is provided, the cacheFile name is
prefixed with "backup" followed by a unique number. Single file
caches are backed up in their entirety. To revert to an older
version, simply attach to this cache. One file per frame caches
only backup the description file and the frames that were replaced.
To recover these types of caches, the user must rename these files
to the original name.
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-fileName(-f) |
string |
Specifies the base file name for the cache files. If more than
one object is being cached and the format is OneFilePerFrame, each
cache file will be prefixed with this base file name. In query
mode, returns the files associated with the specified cacheFile
node. When used with rpf/replaceCachedFrame or apf/appendFrame
specifies the name of the backup files. If not specified, replaced
frames will be stored with a default name.
In query mode, this flag can accept a value.
-directory(-dir) |
string |
Specifies the directory where the cache files will be located.
If the directory flag is not specified, the cache files will be
placed in the project data directory. |
-prefix(-p) |
Indicates that the specified fileName should be used as a
prefix for the cacheName. |
-descriptionFileName(-dfn) |
This is a query-only flag that returns the name of the
description file for an existing cacheFile node. Or if no cacheFile
node is specified, it returns the description file name that would
be created based on the other flags specified. |
-startTime(-st) |
time |
Specifies the start frame of the cache range. |
-endTime(-et) |
time |
Specifies the end frame of the cache range. |
-simulationRate(-smr) |
time |
Specifies the simulation rate when caches are being created.
During cache creation, the time will be advanced by the simulation
rate, until the end time of the cache is reached or surpassed. The
value is given in frames. The default value is 1 frame. |
-sampleMultiplier(-spm) |
int |
Specifies the sample rate when caches are being created as a
multiple of simulation Rate. If the value is 1, then a sample will
be cached everytime the time is advanced. If the value is 2, then
every other sample will be cached, and so on. The default is
1. |
-runupFrames(-rf) |
int |
Specifies the number of frames of runup to simulate ahead of
the starting frame. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The default is 2. |
-points(-pts) |
string |
Specifies the name of a geometry whose points will be cached.
In query mode, this flag needs a value.
-worldSpace(-ws) |
If the points flag is used, turning on this flag will result in
the world space positions of the points being written. The expected
use of this flag is for cache export. |
-cacheableNode(-cnd) |
string |
Specifies the name of a cacheable node whose contents will be
cached. A cacheable node is a node that is specially designed to
work with the caching mechanism. An example of a cacheable node is
a nCloth node.
In query mode, this flag needs a value.
-dataSize(-dsz) |
This is a query-only flag that returns the size of the data
being cached per frame. This flag is to be used in conjunction with
the cacheableNode, points, and outAttr flags. |
-cacheFileNode(-cfn) |
string |
Specifies the name of the cache file node(s) we are
appending/replacing to if more than one cache is attached to the
specified geometries.
In query mode, this flag needs a value.
-singleCache(-sch) |
When used in conjunction with the pts or cacheableNode flag,
specifies whether multiple geometries should be put into a single
cache or to create one cache per geometry (default). |
-inAttr(-ia) |
string |
Specifies the name of the attribute that the cache file will
drive. This file is optional when creating cache files. If this
flag is not used during create mode, the cache files will be
created on disk, but will not be driving anything in the scene.
This flag is required when the attachFile flag is used. |
-outAttr(-oa) |
string |
Specifies the name of the attribute that will be cached to
In query mode, this flag needs a value.
-cacheableAttrs(-cat) |
string |
Returns the list of cacheable attributes defined on the
accompanying cache node. This argument requires the use of the
cacheableNode flag. |
-attachFile(-af) |
Used to indicate that rather than creating a cache file, that
an existing cache file on disk should be attached to an attribute
in the scene. The inAttr flag is used to specify the
attribute. |
-createCacheNode(-ccn) |
Used to indicate that rather than creating a cache file, that a
cacheFile node should be created related to an existing cache file
on disk. |
-channelName(-cnm) |
string |
When attachFile is used, used to indicate the channel in the
file that should be attached to inAttr. If not specified, the first
channel in the file is used. In query mode, allows user to query
the channels associated with a description file. |
-creationChannelName(-cch) |
string |
When creating a new cache, this multi-use flag specifies the
channels to be cached. The names come from the cacheable channel
names defined by the object being cached. If this flag is not used
when creating a cache, then all cacheable channels are cached. |
-channelIndex(-chi) |
A query-only flag which returns the channel index for the
selected geometry for the cacheFile node specified using the
cacheFileNode flag. |
-refresh(-r) |
When used during cache creation, forces a screen refresh during
caching. This causes the cache creation to be slower but allows you
to see how the simulation is progressing during the cache. |
-convertPc2(-pc2) |
boolean |
Convert a PC2 file to the Maya cache format (true), or convert
Maya cache to pc2 format (false) |
-pc2File(-pcf) |
string |
Specifies the full path to the pc2 file. Must be used in
conjunction with the pc2 flag. |
-format(-fm) |
string |
Specifies the format of the cache. Valid values are "OneFile"
and "OneFilePerFrame" |
-appendFrame(-apf) |
Appends data to the cache for the times specified by the
startTime and endTime flags. If no time is provided, appends the
current time. Must be used in conjunction with the pts/points or
cnd/cacheableNode flag. Any overwritten frames will not be deleted,
but renamed as specified by the f/fileName flag. |
-replaceCachedFrame(-rcf) |
Replaces cached data for the times specified by the
startTime/endTime flags. If no time is provided, replaces cache
file for the current time. Must be used in conjunction with the
pts/points or cnd/cacheableNode flag. Replaced frames will not be
deleted, but renamed as specified by the f/fileName flag. |
-rws) |
When replacing cached frames, this flag specifies whether the
replacement should come from the cached node without simulating or
from advancing time and letting the simulation run. This flag is
valid only when neither the startTime nor endTime flags are used or
when both the startTime and endTime flags specify the same time
value. |
-deleteCachedFrame(-dcf) |
Deletes cached data for the times specified by the
startTime/endTime flags. If no time is provided, deletes the
current frame. Must be used in conjunction with the pts/points or
cnd/cacheableNode flag. Deleted frames will not be removed from
disk, but renamed as specified by the f/fileName flag. |
-interpStartTime(-ist) |
time |
Specifies the frame from which to begin linear interpolation,
ending at startTime. Must be used with the rpf/replaceCachedFrame
or apf/appendFrame flags. Interpolation is achieved by removing
frames between interpStartTime and startTime from the cache. These
removed frames will will be renamed as specified by the f/fileName
flag. |
-interpEndTime(-iet) |
time |
Specifies the frame until which there will be linear
interpolation, beginning at endTime. Must be used with the
rpf/replaceCachedFrame or apf/appendFrame flag. Interpolation is
achieved by removing frames between endTime and interpEndTime from
the cache. Removed frames will be renamed as specified by the
f/fileName flag. |
-inTangent(-it) |
string |
Specifies the in-tangent type when interpolating frames before
the replaced frame(s). Must be used with the ist/interpStartTime
and iet/interpEndTime flags. Valid values are "linear", "smooth"
and "step". |
-outTangent(-ot) |
string |
Specifies the out-tangent type when interpolating frames after
the replaced frame(s). Must be used with the ist/interpStartTime
and iet/interpEndTime flags. Valid values are "linear", "smooth"
and "step". |
-noBackup(-nb) |
Specifies that backup files should not be created for any files
that may be over-written during append, replace or delete cache
frames. Can only be used with the apf/appendFrame,
rpf/replaceCachedFrame or dcf/deleteCachedFrame flags. |
-geometry(-gm) |
A query flag which returns the geometry controlled by the
specified cache node |
-cacheInfo(-ci) |
string |
In create mode, used to specify a mel script returning a string
array. When creating the cache, this mel script will be executed
and the returned strings will be written to the .xml description
file of the cache. In query mode, returns descriptive info stored
in the cacheFile such as the user name, Maya scene name and maya
version number. |
-pointCount(-pc) |
A query flag which returns the number of points stored in the
cache file. The channelName flag should be used to specify the
channel to be queried. |
-doubleToFloat(-dtf) |
During cache creation, double data is stored in the file as
floats. This helps cut down file size. |
-staticCache(-sc) |
boolean |
If false, during cache creation, do not save a cache for the
object if it appears to have no animation or deformation. If true,
save a cache even if the object appears to have no animation or
deformation. Default is true. In query mode, when supplied a shape,
the flag returns true if the shape appears to have no animation or
deformation. |
-cacheFormat(-cf) |
string |
Cache file format, default is Maya's .mcc format, but others
available via plugin |