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Related nodes. Attributes.
File textures allow you to use any image file as a texture map.
The image file can be any of the image file types supported by Maya.
File Texture can also use a numbered sequence of images, allowing you
to use an animation as a texture map. To do this:
- Set File Texture Name to the name of one of the first image in
the sequence, e.g. "myfile.1.iff"
- Turn on the Use Frame Extension attribute to start using an
image sequence.
- Go to the first frame in your animation where you want the texture
to show, set the Frame Extension attribute to the number of the image file you
want used at that frame, and keyframe it.
- Go to the last frame in your animation where you want the texture
to show, set the Frame Extension attribute to the number of the image file you
want used at that frame, and keyframe it.
Some tips for using File Textures:
- Square images usually give the best image quality.
- Use IFF or SGI format images for optimum performance.
Aside from the attribute described here, File Texture inherits
many other attributes from its parent, Texture 2d.
In the table below, important attributes have their names listed
in bold in the description column.
This node is MP safe
Node name | Parents | Classification | MFn type | Compatible function sets |
file | texture2d | texture/2d | kFileTexture | kBase kNamedObject kDependencyNode kTexture2d kFileTexture |
Related nodes
layeredTexture, envCube, envSphere, envSky, envBall, envChrome, bump3d, uvChooser, bump2d, texture2d, ramp, cloth, water, stencil, checker, fractal, bulge, grid, mountain, texture3d, projection, cloud, granite, crater, leather, stucco, brownian, solidFractal, marble, wood, rock, snow, defaultTextureList, place2dTexture, place3dTexture
Attributes (82)
The following quick index only shows top-level attributes (too many attributes to show them all): blurPixelation, byCycleIncrement, coverage (2), disableFileLoad, doTransform, endCycleExtension, fileHasAlpha, fileTextureName, filterType, filterWidth, forceSwatchGen, frameExtension, frameOffset, hdrExposure, hdrMapping, infoBits, miConvertToOptim, miEllipticalMaxMinor, miOverrideConvertToOptim, miUseEllipticalFilter, mirrorU, mirrorV, noiseUV (2), objectType, offset (2), outSize (2), outTransparency (3), pixelCenter (2), preFilter, preFilterRadius, primitiveId, rayDepth, repeatUV (2), rotateFrame, rotateUV, stagger, startCycleExtension, translateFrame (2), useCache, useFrameExtension, useHardwareTextureCycling, useMaximumRes, vertexCameraOne (3), vertexCameraThree (3), vertexCameraTwo (3), vertexUvOne (2), vertexUvThree (2), vertexUvTwo (2), wrapU, wrapV