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Get root node of the scene. // 4. Recursively traverse each node in the scene. // 5. Detect and get stereo camera by from node attribute type. // 6. Get left and right camera. // 7. Evaluate left/right camera. // 8. Get local/global matrix of left and right camera. // 9. Create stereo camera set after extracting stereo camera. // 10. Connect left/right and stereo. // 11. Get the updated values via connections. // 12. Destroy all objects. // #include <fbxsdk.h> #include "../Common/Common.h" #define SAMPLE_FILENAME "StereoCamera.fbx" void PrintMatrix(const KFbxXMatrix& pMatrix); void GetStereoCameraInfo(KFbxNode* pNode); void CreateStereoCamera(KFbxScene* pScene); int main(int argc, char** argv) { KFbxSdkManager* lSdkManager = NULL; KFbxScene* lScene = NULL; bool lResult; // Prepare the FBX SDK. InitializeSdkObjects(lSdkManager, lScene); // Load the scene. // The example can take a FBX file as an argument. if(argc > 1) { printf("\n\nFile: %s\n\n", argv[1]); lResult = LoadScene(lSdkManager, lScene, argv[1]); } else { printf("\n\nFile: %s\n\n", SAMPLE_FILENAME); lResult = LoadScene(lSdkManager, lScene, SAMPLE_FILENAME); } if(lResult == false) { printf("\n\nAn error occurred while loading the scene..."); } else { if(!lScene) { K_ASSERT_MSG_NOW("null scene"); } //get root node of the fbx scene KFbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); //This function illustrates how to get stereo camera info from scene. GetStereoCameraInfo(lRootNode); //create your own stereo camera set CreateStereoCamera(lScene); } //Destroy all objects created by the FBX SDK. DestroySdkObjects(lSdkManager); return 0; } //This function illustrates how to get stereo camera info from scene. void GetStereoCameraInfo(KFbxNode* pNode) { if(!pNode) return; //detect stereo camera by node attribute type if(pNode->GetNodeAttribute() && pNode->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == KFbxNodeAttribute::eCAMERA_STEREO) { //get stereo camera KFbxCameraStereo* lStereoCamera = (KFbxCameraStereo*)pNode->GetNodeAttribute(); //once we get the KFbxCameraStereo, its connection has already been done. //it's easy to get its left and right camera //get left camera KFbxCamera* lLeftCamera = lStereoCamera->GetLeftCamera(); KString lLeftName = lLeftCamera->GetName(); printf("left camera: %s\n", lLeftName.Buffer()); //get right camera KFbxCamera* lRightCamera = lStereoCamera->GetRightCamera(); KString lRightName = lRightCamera->GetName(); printf("right camera: %s\n", lRightName.Buffer()); //FBX SDK support reevaluation functionality //reevaluate left/right camera double lLeftOffsetX = lStereoCamera->ReevaluateLeftCameraFilmOffsetX(); printf("reevaluated left camera film offset: %f\n", lLeftOffsetX); double lLeftFbxOffsetX = lLeftCamera->FilmOffsetX.Get(); printf("The original FBX left camera film offset: %f\n", lLeftFbxOffsetX); double lRightOffsetX = lStereoCamera->ReevaluateRightCameraFilmOffsetX(); printf("reevaluated right camera film offset: %f\n", lRightOffsetX); double lRightFbxOffsetX = lRightCamera->FilmOffsetX.Get(); printf("The original FBX right camera film offset: %f\n", lRightFbxOffsetX); //get local/global matrix of left and right camera //Then you can get their Translate, Rotate and Scale info. KFbxXMatrix lLeft_localMatrix = lStereoCamera->GetLeftCameraLocalMatrix(); KFbxXMatrix lRight_localMatrix = lStereoCamera->GetRightCameraLocalMatrix(); KFbxXMatrix lLeft_globalMatrix = lStereoCamera->GetLeftCameraGlobalMatrix(); KFbxXMatrix lRight_globalMatrix = lStereoCamera->GetRightCameraGlobalMatrix(); //print the local and global TRS for left camera printf("===local TRS of left camera===\n"); PrintMatrix(lLeft_localMatrix); printf("===global TRS of left camera===\n"); PrintMatrix(lLeft_globalMatrix); //print the local and global TRS for right camera printf("===local TRS of right camera===\n"); PrintMatrix(lRight_localMatrix); printf("===global TRS of right camera===\n"); PrintMatrix(lRight_globalMatrix); }// end if pNode->GetNodeAttribute() //recursively traverse each node in the scene int i, lCount = pNode->GetChildCount(); for (i = 0; i < lCount; i++) { GetStereoCameraInfo(pNode->GetChild(i)); } } //print the TRS for the given matrix void PrintMatrix(const KFbxXMatrix& pMatrix) { //print the TRS printf(" T : %f %f %f %f\n", pMatrix.GetT()[0], pMatrix.GetT()[1], pMatrix.GetT()[2], pMatrix.GetT()[3] ); printf(" R : %f %f %f %f\n", pMatrix.GetR()[0], pMatrix.GetR()[1], pMatrix.GetR()[2], pMatrix.GetR()[3] ); printf(" S : %f %f %f %f\n", pMatrix.GetS()[0], pMatrix.GetS()[1], pMatrix.GetS()[2], pMatrix.GetS()[3] ); } //This function illustrates how to create and connect stereo camera. void CreateStereoCamera(KFbxScene* pScene) { if(!pScene) return; //create a fbx node for stereo camera KFbxNode* lMyStereoNode = KFbxNode::Create(pScene,"myStereoNode"); //create a cameraStereo, it's a node attribute of stereo camera node. KFbxCameraStereo* lMyStereoCamera = KFbxCameraStereo::Create(pScene,"myStereoCamera"); //set stereoCamera as a node attribute of the FBX node. lMyStereoNode->SetNodeAttribute (lMyStereoCamera); //create a camera(node attribute), it will be left camera of stereo KFbxCamera* lLeftCamera = KFbxCamera::Create(pScene, "leftCamera"); //create a camera(node attribute), it will be right camera of stereo KFbxCamera* lRightCamera = KFbxCamera::Create(pScene, "rightCamera"); //add left camera to stereo lMyStereoCamera->SetLeftCamera(lLeftCamera); //add right camera to stereo lMyStereoCamera->SetRightCamera(lRightCamera); //During FBXSDK reevaluating, if ConnectProperties() is called, //left and right camera property will be connected to stereo camera. //It's used to connect the left/right camera property [FocalLength, FarPlane, NearPlane, FilmWidth, //FilmHeight, FilmSqueezeRatio] to stereo camera. //If these properties of stereo camera have been modified by SDK, //FBX will not automatically sync and update the corresponding properties of left/right camera. //However, you could get the newest property of left/right camera since ConnectProperties() is called. //To get the newest property value, please use lLeft_Camera->FocalLength.GetSrcProperty().Get(&lNewValue, ...); //Then you can update your left/right camera properties, for example, lLeftCamera->FocalLength.Set(lNewValue); lMyStereoCamera->ConnectProperties(); //test the connection //get the focal length value of left camera. double lFocalLength_Left = lLeftCamera->FocalLength.Get(); printf("FocalLength of left camera: %f\n", lFocalLength_Left); double lFocalLength_Left_src = 0; //get source property of left focal length, it should be stereo focal length. KFbxProperty lLeftSrcLengthProperty = lLeftCamera->FocalLength.GetSrcProperty(); if(lLeftSrcLengthProperty.IsValid()) { bool lStatus = lLeftSrcLengthProperty.Get(&lFocalLength_Left_src, eDOUBLE1); printf("Initialized FocalLength of left camera source: %f\n", lFocalLength_Left_src); //modify the FocalLength of stereo camera lMyStereoCamera->FocalLength.Set(3.333); //get the FocalLength of left camera. It's 34.89 now. //But it should be updated to 3.33 since stereo FocalLength has changed. //FBX doesn't sync it from stereo camera lFocalLength_Left = lLeftCamera->FocalLength.Get(); printf("FocalLength of left camera: %f\n", lFocalLength_Left); //get the newest value from connected property. lStatus = lLeftSrcLengthProperty.Get(&lFocalLength_Left_src, eDOUBLE1); printf("FocalLength of left camera source: %f\n", lFocalLength_Left_src); } }