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InitializeSdkObjects(lSdkManager, lScene); // Create the scene. lResult = CreateScene(lSdkManager, lScene); if(lResult == false) { printf("\n\nAn error occurred while creating the scene...\n"); DestroySdkObjects(lSdkManager); return 0; } // Destroy all objects created by the FBX SDK. DestroySdkObjects(lSdkManager); return 0; } bool CreateScene(KFbxSdkManager* pSdkManager, KFbxScene* pScene) { int i; KTime lTime; KFbxAnimCurveKey key; KFbxAnimCurve* lCurve = NULL; // Create one animation stack KFbxAnimStack* lAnimStack = KFbxAnimStack::Create(pScene, "Stack001"); // this stack animation range is limited from 0 to 1 second KFbxSet<KTime>(lAnimStack->LocalStop, KTIME_ONE_SECOND); KFbxSet<fbxString>(lAnimStack->Description, "This is the animation stack description field."); // all animation stacks need, at least, one layer. KFbxAnimLayer* lAnimLayer = KFbxAnimLayer::Create(pScene, "Base Layer"); // the AnimLayer object name is "Base Layer" lAnimStack->AddMember(lAnimLayer); // add the layer to the stack // Set and get the blend mode bypass of the layer bool val; lAnimLayer->SetBlendModeBypass(eMAX_TYPES, true); // set the bypass to all the datatypes. val = lAnimLayer->GetBlendModeBypass(eBOOL1); // val = true lAnimLayer->SetBlendModeBypass(eBOOL1, false); // overwrite just for the bool datatype. val = lAnimLayer->GetBlendModeBypass(eBOOL1); // val = false val = lAnimLayer->GetBlendModeBypass(eBYTE1); // val = true val = lAnimLayer->GetBlendModeBypass(eDATETIME); // val = true val = lAnimLayer->GetBlendModeBypass((EFbxType)-1); // invalid type, val = false val = lAnimLayer->GetBlendModeBypass((EFbxType)120); // invalid type (>MAX_TYPES), val = false // we want to animate the layer's weight property. KFbxAnimCurveNode* wcn = lAnimLayer->CreateCurveNode(lAnimLayer->Weight); if (wcn) { // the curve node from the Weight property already contains 1 channel (Weight). i = wcn->GetChannelsCount(); // i = 1 // Now, let's add a second channel to the animation node. Note that this code // is useless and has only been provided to show the usage of the AddChannel and // ResetChannels bool ret; ret = wcn->AddChannel<int>("MyAddedIntChannel", 99); // this call will succed i = wcn->GetChannelsCount(); // i = 2 ret = wcn->AddChannel<int>("MyAddedIntChannel", 10); // this call will fail, since the channel already exists. i = wcn->GetChannelsCount(); // i = 2 wcn->ResetChannels(); // remove any added channels i = wcn->GetChannelsCount(); // i = 1 } // get the Weight curve (and create it if it does not exist, wich is the case!) lCurve = lAnimLayer->Weight.GetCurve<KFbxAnimCurve>(lAnimLayer, true); if (lCurve) { // add two keys at time 0 sec and 1 sec with values 0 and 100 respectively. for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { lTime.SetSecondDouble((float)i); key.Set(lTime, i*100.0f); lCurve->KeyAdd(lTime, key); } } // // now create a 3 components curvenode and animate two of the three channels. // // first, we need a "dummy" property so we can call the CreateTypedCurveNode KFbxProperty p = KFbxProperty::Create(pScene, DTDouble3, "Vector3Property"); KFbxSet<fbxDouble3>(p, fbxDouble3(1.1, 2.2, 3.3)); KFbxAnimCurveNode* lCurveNode = KFbxAnimCurveNode::CreateTypedCurveNode(p, pScene); // let's make sure the curveNode is added to the animation layer. lAnimLayer->AddMember(lCurveNode); // and to the "Vector3Property" since CreateTypedCurveNode does not make any connection p.ConnectSrcObject(lCurveNode); double v1 = lCurveNode->GetChannelValue<double>(0U, 0.0); // v1 = 1.1 float v2 = lCurveNode->GetChannelValue<float> (1U, 0.0f); // v2 = 2.2 int v3 = lCurveNode->GetChannelValue<int> (2U, 0); // v3 = 3 // // create two free curves (not connected to anything) // // first curve lCurve = KFbxAnimCurve::Create(pScene, "curve1"); if (lCurve) { // add two keys at time 0 sec and 1 sec with values 0 and 10 respectively. for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { lTime.SetSecondDouble((float)i); key.Set(lTime, i*10.0f); lCurve->KeyAdd(lTime, key); } } // connect it to the second channel lCurveNode->ConnectToChannel(lCurve, 1); // second curve lCurve = KFbxAnimCurve::Create(pScene, "curve2"); if (lCurve) { // add three keys for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { lTime.SetSecondDouble((float)i); key.Set(lTime, i*3.33f); lCurve->KeyAdd(lTime, key); } } // connect it to the third channel lCurveNode->ConnectToChannel(lCurve, "Z"); // for backward compatibility, string identifier are still // allowed for the X,Y,Z and W components or "0", "1", ... "9", "A", "B", ... "F" for the Matrix44 datatype // ====================================================================== // // Add a second animation layer and evaluate using the KFbxAnimEvaluator // // ====================================================================== lAnimLayer = KFbxAnimLayer::Create(pScene, "Layer2"); lAnimStack->AddMember(lAnimLayer); // get the number of animation layers in the stack int nbLayers = lAnimStack->GetMemberCount(FBX_TYPE(KFbxAnimLayer)); // nblayers = 2 lAnimLayer = lAnimStack->GetMember(FBX_TYPE(KFbxAnimLayer), 1); // get the second layer // set its blend mode to Additive lAnimLayer->BlendMode.Set(KFbxAnimLayer::eBlendModeAdditive); // Now, let's animate the firrt channel of the "Vector3Property" (remember, we animated the second and // third on the base layer) // but firs, make sure the property is animatable otherwise the creation of the curveNode is prohibited. p.ModifyFlag(KFbxProperty::eANIMATABLE, true); lCurveNode = p.GetCurveNode(lAnimLayer, true); // create it since it does not exist yet // use "curve2" to animate it lCurveNode->ConnectToChannel(lCurve, 0U); // and set the other two channels values lCurveNode->SetChannelValue<double>(1U, 5.0); lCurveNode->SetChannelValue<double>(2U, 0.0); // evaluate the "Vector3Property" value at three different times // with the use of the KFbxAnimEvaluator so we take into account the two layers // make sure the evaluator is using the correct context (context == animstack) pScene->GetEvaluator()->SetContext(lAnimStack); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { lTime.SetSecondDouble((float)i*0.33f); KFbxAnimCurveNode& val = pScene->GetEvaluator()->GetPropertyValue(p, lTime); double v[3]; v[0] = val.GetChannelValue<double>(0U, 0.0); v[1] = val.GetChannelValue<double>(1U, 0.0); v[2] = val.GetChannelValue<double>(2U, 0.0); } /* the evaluated values for v at 0, .333 and .999 seconds are: time | 0.0 | 0.33 | 0.99 | val +-------------+----------------+--------------| 0 | 3.33 | 3.69 | 4.05 | 1 | 5.0 | 6.08 | 9.35 | 2 | 0.0 | 1.098 | 2.19 | +-------------+----------------+--------------| */ return true; }