Windows Related Functions

  • MaxMsgBox() - Provides an extended message box functionality. This is used to easily support message dialogs with a 'Hold' button and/or a 'Don't Show Again' checkbox. Note that MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE, MB_YESNOCANCEL, and MB_RETRYCANCEL are not supported by this function and will be treated identically to MB_OKCANCEL.
  • GetWindowFloat() - Returns a floating point value parsed from the specified windows control.
  • GetWindowInt() - Returns an integer value parsed from the specified windows control.
  • SetWindoowTextInt() - Converts an integer value to a string for display in a windows control.
  • SetWindowTextFloat() - Converts a floating point value to a string for display in the control. The precision parameter is used to determine the number of values to display to the right of the decimal point.
  • SetDlgItemFloat() - Sets the dialog box control to display the floating point value passed. Trailing zeros are removed.
  • GetDlgItemFloat() - Returns a floating point value parsed from the specified dialog box control.
  • SetDlgFont() - Sets the font used for the specified dialog and all its child dialogs.
  • SlideWindow() - Moves the window to the specified coordinates.
  • StretchWindow() - Stretches the window to the specified size.
  • CenterWindow() - Centers the specified child window in the parent window.
  • GetClientRectP() - This function is the same as the Win32 function GetClientRect() except it returns the coordinates relative to the window's parent's client window.
  • DrawIconButton() - Draws a button which has a bitmap icon.
  • GetListHeight() - Returns the height of a list box dropdown list.
  • ShadedVertLine() - Draws a shaded vertical line at the specified x coordinate between the two given y coordinates. The in parameter indicates if the shading which appears to the right is light or dark.
  • ShadedHorizLine() - Draws a shaded horizontal line at the specified y coordinate between the two given x coordinates. The in parameter indicates if the shading which appears below the line is light or dark.
  • ShadedRect() - Draws a shaded rectangle.
  • Rect3D() - Draws a rectangle with a 3D appearance.
  • WhiteRect3D() - Draws a rectangle with a white background and a 3D appearance.
  • DrawButton() - Draws a toolbar button using the given rectangle and in or out state passed.
  • XORDottedRect() - Draws a solid or dotted rectangle in XOR mode. When solidToRight is non-zero, the regions are drawn solid (not dotted) when the second point is to the right of the first point.
  • XORDottedCircle() - Draws a solid or dotted circle in XOR mode given a center point and radius point. The radius is computed as the larger of abs(p1.x-p0.x) or abs(p1.y-p0.y). When solidToRight is non-zero, the regions are drawn solid (not dotted) when the second point is to the right of the first point.
  • XORDottedPolyline() - Draws a solid or dotted series of line segments in XOR mode. When solid is non-zero the line is solid.
  • XORRect() - Draws a rectangle in XOR mode using a specified border width.
  • MakeButton2State() - This sets the control whose window handle is passed to include the BS_AUTOCHECKBOX bit set. This creates a control which is the same as a check box, except that a check mark appears in the check box when the user selects the box; the check mark disappears the next time the user selects the box.
  • MakeButton3State() - This sets the control whose window handle is passed to include the BS_AUTO3STATE bit set. This creates a control which is the same as a three-state check box, except that the box changes its state when the user selects it.
  • GetCheckBox() - Returns the checked state of the given control.
    • BST_CHECKED Button is checked.
    • BST_INDETERMINATE Button is grayed, indicating an indeterminate state.
    • BST_UNCHECKED Button is unchecked

  • SetCheckBox() - Set the check state of a radio button or check box to checked or unchecked.
  • DoesFileExist() - Returns TRUE if the specified file exists; FALSE if it does not.
  • GetBitsPerPixel() - Returns the number of adjacent color bits for each pixel in use by the desktop.
  • StripTrailingZeros() - Delete superfluous zeroes from a string representing a floating point value (e.g. "1.2300000" becomes "1.23").
  • ComputeViewportXORDrawColor() - Returns a suggested color to use when drawing XOR lines over a viewport by taking into account the background color settings.
  • ComputeXORDrawColor() - Returns a suggested color to use when drawing XOR lines over a specified background color.

See Also

  • Miscellaneous Utility Functions.