List of Macro Recorder Value Types

One of the following macro recorder type tags followed by the argument(s) indicated. Depending upon the case there may be one, two or three arguments as noted:

Basic C Types

mr_int - An integer. Follow the tag with the int. Example code: 91462

mr_float - A floating point value. Follow the tag with a double. Example code: 123.45

mr_string - A string. Follow the tab with the string (TCHAR*). Example code: "Benson"

mr_bool - A boolean. Follow the tag with a int. Example code: true


mr_point3 - A Point3. Follow the tag with a Point3*. Example code: [10,0,0]

mr_color - A Color. Follow the tag with a Color*. Example code: color 12 128 0

mr_angaxis - An AngAxis. Follow the tag with an AngAxis*. Example code: angleAxis 45[1,0,0]

mr_quat - A Quaternion. Follow the tag with a Quat*. Example code: quat 1 0 0 0

mr_time - A TimeValue, follow the tag with a TimeValue. Example code: 22f

mr_reftarg - A Reference Target pointer. Follow the tag with a ReferenceTarget*. Example code: $foo or $baz.modifiers[2] or $foo.material, etc.

mr_bitarray - A bit array. Follow the tag with a pointer to a BitArray*. Example code: #{1..20, 30,34..100}

mr_pbbitmap - A parameter block2 bitmap object. Follow the tag with a PBBitmap*. Example code: bitMap 640 480 fileName:"fuz.bmp"

mr_matrix3 - A Matrix3. Follow the tag with a Matrix3*. Example code: matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [10,0,0]

mr_dimfloat - A floating point value with the specified ParamDimension. Follow the tag with: ParamDimension*, double. Example code: 123.45 (scaled by the dimension).

mr_dimpoint3 - A Point3 value with the specified ParamDimension. Follow the tag with: ParamDimension*,Point3*. Example code: [10,0,0] (scaled by the dimension)

mr_classid - A Class ID, follow the tag with a Class_ID and a SClass_ID. Example code: box (the class variable name)

mr_create - A constructor call for the class. Follow the tag with: Class_ID, SClass_ID, int, <args>. The int parameter is the number of keyword args following, these are specified in pairs as TCHAR*, <arg>. Example code: sphere radius:20 pos:[10,0,0]

mr_angle - A floating point value with a ParamDimension of a stdAngleDim. Follow the tag with a double. Example code: 90

mr_percent - A floating point value with a ParamDimension of stdPercentDim. Follow the tag with a double. Example code: 10

MAXScript Types

mr_sel - A selection set. This tag works alone with no additional data. This tag denotes the current scene node selection and will emit as either a '$' or an array of explicit objects, depending on the state of the EmitAbsoluteSceneNames() flag. Example code: $ or $sphere01

mr_funcall - A function call. Follow the tag with an int, int, <args>. The first int parameter is the number of positional arguments, given first in the <args> items, as <arg>, the second int parameter is the number of keyword args following the positional args in <args>, given as TCHAR*, <arg> pairs. Example code: foo x y z output:f

mr_varname - A variable name. Follow the tag with a string (TCHAR*). Example code: baz

mr_index - An index. Follow the tag with: <op_arg>, <index_arg>. <op_arg> is an <arg> specifying the operand to be indexed and <index_arg> is an <arg> specifying the index value. Example code: meditMaterials[3]

mr_prop - A property name. Follow the tag with TCHAR*, <arg>. The TCHAR* is the property name, the <arg> specifies the item being accessed. Example code: $foo.pos

mr_nurbssel - A NURBS selection level. Follow the tag with: int, ReferenceTarget*. The int parameter is the selection level desired of the specified NURBS base object. Example code: #{1..20, 50..100}. This is an example of a BitArray literal in MAXScript, so it says sub-objects 1 through 20 and 50 through 100 are currently selected at the given level (the int) in the NURBS ReferenceTarget* base object.

mr_name - A name. Follow the tag with a string (TCHAR *). Example code: #relational. Note: A name in MAXScript is a simple symbolic value, often used instead of numbers to denote options in some function call. For example, when setting the motion blur of a scene node, one can say:

$foo.motionBlur = #image (or #none, or #object)

generated, perhaps by:

macroRecorder->SetSelProperty(_T("motionBlur"), mr_name, blurname);

or when choosing g-buffer channels in the render() function, one would say:

bm = render camera:$c1 channels:#(#zdepth, #coverage, #objectID)

See Also