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Chapter 6, Browsing for Footage
Accessing the File Browser

Use the file browser to locate shots and load them into the Shot bin.

To access the file browser:

When you are in the Browse menu, the work area is divided into three areas.

Shot bin-- Use to organize the shots you are using in your cuts.

Click: To:
Proxies Display shots in the Shot bin as thumbnails. Traditional methods of multi-selecting (Shift-click, Ctrl-click) are enabled.
Details Display shots in Thumbnail and Text view. Traditional methods of multi-selecting (Shift-click, Ctrl-click) are disabled.
List Display shots in Text view.
Select All Select all shots in the Shot bin so that they can be added to the Storyboard simultaneously.
Unselect All Deselect the selected clips in the Shot bin.
Expand Display the contents of the selected folder.
Collapse Hide the contents of the selected folder.
New Folder Create a new folder. First select the main folder under which the new one is to be created. Rename the folder by right-clicking it and entering a new name (the root, Shot bin, cannot be renamed). Shots already in the Shot bin cannot be moved to the new folder.
Delete Selected Delete selected shots.
Delete All Delete all shots from the Shot bin.

File browser--Use to locate footage and bring it into the Shot bin. When copying captured footage into Lustre, always place the files into the Scans-Full home directory. In the file browser, you can see if the files are correctly located in the Scans-Full home directory. If they are, the path to the media file starts with the word <HOME>.

Show full-size image

Image courtesy of Moviworld / UK File & TV Company / Videolab

Click: To:
Details Display details about all clips.
Proxies Display only the clip thumbnails (without details).
List Display shot information in a tabular Text view.
Refresh Rescan the file systems and update the file browser with up-to-date information.

The EDL Only button is specific to Wiretap footage.

Browse menu-- Use to create and manage the cuts in the project.

Supported File Formats Top

The following uncompressed file formats are all valid for use in Lustre:

Note: You cannot work with compressed files in Lustre.

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