Autodesk Maya 2016 Extension 2 + Service Pack 1 リリース ノート


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この文書では、Autodesk Maya 2016 Extension 2 + Service Pack 1 に含まれる既知の制限事項、問題、および修正について説明します。このリリースをインストールする前に本書を必ずお読みください。参照用に本書をハード ドライブに保存するか印刷してください。

すべての Maya リリース ノートを表示するには、 にアクセスしてください。






バグ番号 説明
MAYA-63286 Assets break Channel Box multi-edits
MAYA-69928 Published attributes in the Channel box get stuck on connected and remain yellow
MAYA-67488 Multiple prop nodes that have the same name will lose data
カラー管理(Color Management)
MAYA-62771 Color management in Playblast loses data precision
パーツ モデリング
MAYA-50573 Hidden components still appear in OpenSubdiv Smooth Mesh Preview
MAYA-55870 Auto UV projection does not give the same result as it did previously
MAYA-61615 Shape Editor: Grouping 100 targets is slow
MAYA-61843 Performance is slow sometimes when adding new targets on the Shape Editor
MAYA-62336 Create Target is slow with posed multi-object
MAYA-65889 Curve Warp has poor performance
MAYA-66359 Falloff curve refresh produces unexpected results if an in-between target is deleted and then undo is performed
MAYA-66464 Wrong deformation order chosen for blend shape for character in scene
MAYA-66507 Edit should be auto-enabled for added in-between targets
MAYA-66623 Export/import of Transform targets produces the wrong result
MAYA-66752 Adding a target for an invisible blendShape will make the Edit button red and un-clickable
MAYA-66824 Using Mirror on multiple selection combines meshes
MAYA-66888 When changing the interpolation mode between linear and smooth, the base mesh doesn't update
MAYA-66900 Mask stroke doesn't reappear after target deletion and undo
MAYA-66999 Sculpting on the base mesh when Edit is enabled for In-Between breaks the deformation
MAYA-67251 Blend shape target is changed after deleting non-deformer history (post-deformation)
MAYA-67401 Undo redo new target crashes Maya
MAYA-67480 Creating a Pose Interpolator from a controller crashes Maya, instead of returning an error message
MAYA-67532 Masks don't update after flipping or mirroring targets in the Shape Editor
MAYA-67730 Masks disappear after changing symmetry state
MAYA-67770 Relative in-between targets with smooth interpolation don't update after flipping or mirroring
MAYA-67987 Grab tool's twist function corrupts the base object when editing targets
MAYA-68135 In-between interpolation reverts to Linear for duplicated in-between targets
MAYA-68232 The Shape Editor needs to have the weighting column locked to a minimum of the full width of the sliders
MAYA-68290 Targets can't have the same name as deleted targets
MAYA-68293 Need to use MEL to create/modify a combination target without UI selection from Shape Editor treeview
MAYA-68348 Masks disappear after changing symmetry state
MAYA-68478 Grab points on the base mesh when Edit is enabled crashes Maya
MAYA-68499 Mask stroke doesn't come back after target deletion and undo
MAYA-68501 Curve Warp has poor performance
MAYA-68509 Shape Editor - Error message appears when importing blend shape targets
MAYA-68861 Hidden setting of targets or groups is not respected sometimes when playing back animation
MAYA-69023 Error message when duplicating targets in the Shape Editor
MAYA-69099 Mirror target works incorrectly on tangent space target
MAYA-69181 Targets can't have the same name as deleted targets
MAYA-69427 Using Mirror on multiple selection combines meshes
MAYA-69429 In-between interpolation reverts to Linear for duplicated in-between targets
MAYA-69812 Modelers need to have options for how combination shapes are calculated
MAYA-69820 Hidden setting of targets or groups is not respected sometimes when playing back animation
MAYA-70234 Performance is very slow after sculpting in smooth OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark Uniform mode
MAYA-70242 Shadow of mesh changed if mirror target is performed
MAYA-70438 Modelers need to have options for how combination shapes are calculated
MAYA-70443 Shape Editor: Playback speed is slow with Shape Editor panel open
MAYA-70492 Modelers need to be able to toggle the visibility of a target without having to re-enable Edit mode
MAYA-68657 Outliner filters no longer display yellow vertical bars when using Render Setup Filters
MAYA-68659 Materials are lost on File > Open if you don't click the red square immediately after creating material overrides on referenced objects
MAYA-68662 Isolate Select should not affect the Light and Render Settings collections
MAYA-68922 Both materials are lost when saving a scene after unloading a reference that uses material overrides, if layer is visible when saving
MAYA-70062 Materials used in Render Setup Material Overrides are deleted unexpectedly when using Delete Unused Nodes in Hypershade
MAYA-70181 Shader overrides apply to all shading engines of all instances of a same shape
MAYA-32937 MGeometryExtractor does not handle returning named tangent / bitangents

Previously, over expanding the Maya UI would cause Viewport 2.0 to appear black or garbled when the viewport size exceeds 4k x 4k, and it was impossible to render images at a resolution greater than 4k x4k in Maya Hardware 2.0.

To obtain the fix for this issue, set the environment variable MAYA_VP2_USE_GPU_MAX_TARGET_SIZE to 1.

MAYA-62267 Clicking cancel on Preference window triggers scene background loading
MAYA-66775 Python calls to undo stack is causing Maya to crash
MAYA-67646 Facial rig performance is poor due to Viewport 2.0 material monitoring



この製品のアンインストールおよびインストールに関する包括的な説明については、「Maya インストレーション ヘルプ」を参照してください。

本リリースの新機能については、Maya ヘルプを参照してください。

この製品のすべてのマニュアルおよび資料については、 を参照してください。

Maya の実行の認定ハードウェア(グラフィックス カードを含む)のリストについては、「オートデスク認定ハードウェア」を参照してください。

Maya サポートの詳細については、 を参照してください。


Maya を最初に起動すると、品質向上プログラム(CIP)(Customer Involvement Program (CIP))ダイアログ ボックスが表示されます。CIP への参加を選択すると、ご使用のシステムの設定に関する情報、最も頻繁に使用した機能、発生した問題、および製品の今後の方向性を決定する際に役立つその他の情報が Maya から自動的にオートデスクに送信されます。詳細については、 を参照してください。

カスタマ エラー報告

製品のユーザから寄せられるカスタマ エラー報告(CER)によって、Maya の安定性を大幅に向上させることができます。大変お手数ですが、カスタマ エラー報告に入力し、エラー発生時に実行していた操作についてできるだけ多くの情報を含めていただけますようお願いいたします。これらの詳細情報によってカスタマ エラー報告の価値が非常に高まり、オートデスクの Maya エンジニアリング チームにとって有益な情報となります。

CER の詳細については、 を参照してください。

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