Autodesk 3ds Max 2015 和 Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2015

Service Pack 1 (SP1) 自述


本自述文件包含有关安装和使用 Autodesk® 3ds Max 2015 SP1 和 Autodesk® 3ds Max Design 2015 SP1 软件的最新信息。强烈建议您在安装软件之前完整阅读本文档。为了便于以后参考,您应当将本自述文件保存到硬盘上。

注意:对于在本文档中标识的合格软件或硬件(或您可能使用的与 Autodesk 产品有关的任何其他第三方软件或硬件)的第三方硬件或软件供应商所发布的更新、扩展或新版本的安装中产生的 Autodesk 软件错误或失败,Autodesk 不承担任何责任。


Service Pack 版本
Autodesk 3ds Max 2015/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2015 修复的缺陷
客户参与计划 (CIP) 和客户错误报告 (CER)

可以在下表中找到与 3ds Max 2015/3ds Max Design 2015 相关的各种资源:









3ds Max SDK 文档



用户必须安装 Autodesk 3ds Max 2015/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2015,然后才能安装此 Service Pack。

3ds Max Beta 版安装

如果之前安装了 Autodesk 3ds Max 2015/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2015 的任何 Beta 版软件(包括发布候选 (RC) 版本),请卸载并删除与这些 Beta 版本相关的所有系统文件夹,然后再安装商业版本。Beta 入口上的 Beta 和 RC 自述文件中发布了有关如何卸载 Beta 版本的说明。




Autodesk 3ds Max 2015


Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2015



1. 下载对应您系统的文件。请参见“Service Pack 版本”。
2. 双击 Service Pack 1 可执行文件。
3. 按照 Service Pack 1 安装程序中的安装提示进行安装。

Windows 7/Windows 8
1. 打开“开始”>“控制面板”>“程序和功能”。
2. 单击“查看已安装的更新”。
3. 选择 Autodesk 3ds Max 2015 Service Pack 1/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2015 Service Pack 1。
4. 单击“卸载”。

注意:如果您当前使用的是学生版或教育许可版的 Autodesk 3ds Max,则自动允许 3ds Max 收集您的桌面分析数据。系统将在您首次启动 3ds Max 时通过对话框通知您此信息。要禁用数据收集,请选择“帮助”>“桌面分析”,然后在对话框中禁用相应复选框。

卸载 SP1 之后,如果您尝试运行 3ds Max 2015,软件将产生错误。卸载 SP1 之后,您必须修改或删除以下文件才能运行 3ds Max 2015:

存在问题的文件为。此文件位于:C:\Users\<用户文件夹>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\en-US\UI\Workspaces


可见 = True
可见 = True

要解决该问题,您可以删除第二个“可见 = True”文件,或完全删除 文件。


以下列表包含此版本中已修复的问题。Service Pack 1 还包括 OpenSSL 的 Heartbleed 漏洞的安全更新。


缺陷 ID 小结
MAXX-16831 State Sets: Entering an invalid character in an file path would cause states to stop working.
MAXX-16830 State Sets: Camera tracking was using incorrect orientation.
MAXX-16819 State Sets: Render output retained keyboard focus after closing State Sets.
MAXX-16801 The Scanline renderer caused a program error when rendering with more than 32 processors. The program error is fixed but rendering is limited to no more than 32 processors.
MAXX-16799 An incorrect link to movies in the Welcome Screen for 3ds Max Design 2015 has been fixed.
MAXX-16771 A program error when loading specific scene types has been fixed.
MAXX-16645 Save As + and Increment On Save appended "_01" to file names instead of incrementing the existing sequence number. This has been fixed.
MAXX-16640 In localized languages, changing the Custom UI And Defaults to a layout style other than DefaultUI caused an obsolete quad menu to display in the Scene Explorer.
MAXX-16639 and MAXX-1390 In localized languages, columns were missing from the Scene Explorer > Container Explorer dialog, and an error message appeared when resizing this dialog.
MAXX-16636 When using the Exchange Store, the appPackage for both 3ds Max 2014 and 3ds Max 2015 was not installing correctly.
MAXX-16629 Populate: Changing the height of a Seat would cause a character's knees to shake.
MAXX-16616 and MAXX-16537 Localized Startup movies would not play.
MAXX-16569 Customer Error Report: A program error would occur when changing Layer names and then reopening the MAX file.
MAXX-16558 The calculation method of Chamfer modifier > Quad Chamfer has been corrected.
MAXX-16487 A program error would occur when creating two Expose Transform helpers.
MAXX-16408 A program error would occure when loading certain MAX scene files.
MAXX-16394 In Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, closing a Scene Explorer > MassFX Explorer would cause a program error.
MAXX-16349 State Sets: Using the Token menu would add symbols that made the output path invalid.
MAXX-16334 When using XRef Scene and Inherited Containers in the same scene, the scene reference would be lost.
MAXX-16293 In Scene Explorer, adding a Display As Box column made objects invisible in Nitrous viewports.
MAXX-16284 State Sets: Right-click > Clone State Node was not working.
MAXX-16280 Populate would generate an error on closing 3ds Max.
MAXX-16265 Populate: Regenerate was not using the Appearance UI table in a newly open scene, and the Appearance UI > Reset button was not working.
MAXX-16264 The mCloth action table was causing an error.
MAXX-16259 In Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, the Scene Explorer would show garbled characters.
MAXX-16232 iray renderer: Rendering Metallic Paint with a bitmap assigned as a color component would cause a program error.
MAXX-16219 iray renderer: The Autodesk Generic material would ignore assigned maps and render the object color only.
MAXX-16141 Performance is now improved when opening a Layer Explorer with more than 1000 layers.
MAXX-16045 Workspace Reset did not work on Workspace Scene Explorers.
MAXX-15970 Nitrous viewports were not showing map offsets.
MAXX-15969 and MAXX-15968 Nitrous viewports were not displaying multi-layer Composite maps correctly.
MAXX-15958 Customer Error Report: Changing the Material Editor renderer would cause a program error.
MAXX-13950 Populate: Loading a scene with Object-XRef'ed pedestrians would cause animation to be wrong.



客户参与计划 (CIP)

第一次启动 3ds Max/3ds Max Design 时,将打开“客户参与计划”对话框。如果选择加入客户参与计划,3ds Max 或 3ds Max Design 将自动向 Autodesk 发送有关系统配置、常用功能、所遇问题的信息,以及其他有助于确定产品未来发展方向的信息。 有关详细信息,请参见

要启用 CIP,请执行以下操作:

  1. 安装并启动 3ds Max/3ds Max Design。

  2. 如果“客户参与计划”对话框未自动显示,请在“帮助”菜单中单击“客户参与计划”。

  3. 在“客户参与计划”对话框中,选择“加入 - 并提供联系信息”。

  4. 输入有效的电子邮件地址和公司名称(如果有)。单击“确定”。


最终用户提交的客户错误报告 (CER) 帮助我们极大提高了 Autodesk 3ds Max/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 的稳定性。我们非常感谢您花时间填写这些报告,我们希望您提供尽可能多的有关在发生错误时您执行的操作的信息。这些详细信息极大提高了报告的价值,Autodesk 3ds Max 质量工程团队非常感谢您提供了这些信息。
