版本說明 - 讀我檔案
Autodesk, Inc.
為了不斷提供高品質的產品,Autodesk 發行了 Autodesk Inventor View 2020 單機版。此檔案重點介紹該產品的安裝。
磁碟需求 - Autodesk Inventor View 2020
包括 Inventor View 磁碟需求和 Inventor 先決條件磁碟需求。
系統 | 要求的實際磁碟 | |
64 位元 Windows | 總共 - 2.2 GB | 系統磁碟機 (必需) - 1.0 GB |
Windows 7:「Windows Update」位於「控制台」的側邊欄中。
Windows 8.1:對於桌面安裝,「Windows Update」位於「控制台」上。
Windows 10:對於桌面安裝,「Windows Update」位於「設定」下方。
有時需要多次執行「Windows Update」,才能完全更新您的作業系統。
若要確認是否已成功安裝,請啟動 Autodesk Inventor View 2020 單機版。在「說明」功能表上,選取「關於 Inventor View...」。如果「關於」方塊顯示「Build: 136, Release: 2020」,則安裝成功。
Notwithstanding the terms contained in the terms and conditions and the Autodesk Software License Agreement (EULA) accompanying this software, if you received this Software as a New Version or Cross grade (all as defined in the EULA), your license with respect to the previously licensed version of Autodesk Mechanical Desktop software ("Mechanical Desktop") shall not terminate, you shall have no obligation to uninstall such software and you may continue to use such Previous Version of Mechanical Desktop with your current version of Autodesk Inventor software.
Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Inventor View, Autodesk Vault, Autodesk Data Management Server, Autodesk Productstream, Autodesk Autoloader, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical, Mechanical Desktop, and AutoCAD Electrical, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Portions of this software copyright 1996-2008 Acresso Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Autodesk Inventor View 產品團隊
Copyright © 2019 Autodesk, Inc.