# Copyright 2009 Autodesk, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement 
# provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
# this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
# Script description:
# Create custom properties and attached them to all selected models.
# Topic: FBPropertyType, FBProperty

from pyfbsdk import *

# Create an empty FBModelList object.
lModels = FBModelList()

# Obtain the list of selected models.

# List of Properties to create

lProperty = (('My Integer ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_int, 'Integer', True, True, None),
             ('My Bool ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_bool, 'Bool', True, True, None),
             ('My Float ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_float, 'Float', False, True, None), # Not animatable
             ('My Double ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_double, 'Number',True, True, None),
             ('My Chrptr ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_charptr, 'String', False, True, None), # Not animatable
             ('My Enum ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_enum, 'Enum', True, True, None),
             ('My Time', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_Time, 'Time', True, True, None),
             ('My Obj',  FBPropertyType.kFBPT_object, 'Object', False, True, None ), # Not animatable
             ('My Stringlist', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_stringlist, 'StringList', False, True, None), # Not animatable
             ('My Vector4D ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_Vector4D, 'Vector', True, True, None),
             ('My Vector3D ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_Vector3D, 'Vector', True, True, None),
             ('My Vector2D ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_Vector2D, 'Vector', True, True, None),
             ('My Colour ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_ColorRGB, 'Color', True, True, None),
             ('My ColourAndAlpha ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_ColorRGBA, 'ColorAndAlpha', True, True, None),
             ('My Action ', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_Action, 'Action', True, True, None),
             ('My TimeSpan', FBPropertyType.kFBPT_TimeSpan, 'Time', False, True, None), # Not animatable

# Explanation of property syntax

# Parameters: 
#   pName -  The name of the property. 
#   pType -  Type of the property see enum FBPropertyType. 
#   pDataType -  DataType of the property is a text define in ANIMATIONNODE_TYPE_??? in fbdata.h. 
#   pAnimatable -  To specify if the property can be animated. 
#   pIsUser -  To specify if the property is available as a custom property or dynamic and attached to the object. 
#   pReferenceSource - Use that param to specify the property that a reference refer to. 

# check if there is a selection
if len( lModels ) == 0:
  FBMessageBox( "Message", "Nothing selected", "OK", None, None )


    # Create a FBProgress object and set default values for the caption and text.
    lFbp = FBProgress()
    lFbp.Text = "yay !"
    lCount = 0.0

    # Create custom properties    
    for x in lModels:

        for ( pName, pType, pDataType,pAnimatable, pIsUser, pReferenceSource ) in lProperty:
            prop = x.PropertyCreate( pName, pType, pDataType, pAnimatable, pIsUser, pReferenceSource )
            if prop == None:
                print "NoneObj:"+pName+","+str(pType)
                print prop.GetName()+prop.GetPropertyTypeName()
        # set values for 'My Integer'            
        lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My Integer ')### marche po
        lProp.Data = 10

        # set values for 'My Bool'            
        lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My Bool ')
        lProp.Data = False

        # set values for 'My Double'            
        lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My Double ')
        lProp.Data = 2.2
        # SetAnimated exposes the property to the relations constraint

        # set value for 'My Chrptr'
        lProp= x.PropertyList.Find('My ChrPtr ')
        lProp.Data = "TestThis!"

        # set value for 'My Enum'
        ##lProp= x.PropertyList.Find('My Enum ')

        # set value for 'My Time '
        ##lProp= x.PropertyList.Find('My Time ')
        ##lProp.Data = FBTime(0,0,1,1)
        ##lProp.SetAnimated =True

        # set values for 'My Vector3D'            
        ##lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My Vector3D ')
        ##lVector = FBVector3d(90,20,-70)
        ##lProp.Data = lVector

        # set values for 'My Vector4D'            
        ##lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My Vector4D ')
        ##lVector = FBVector4d(90,20,-70, 60)
        ##lProp.Data = lVector

        # set values for 'My Colour '            
        lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My Colour ')
        lColour = FBColor(0,0,1)
        lProp.Data = lColour

        # set values for 'My ColourAndAlpha '            
        lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My ColourAndAlpha ')
        lColour = FBColorAndAlpha(0,1,0,0.5)
        ##lProp.Data = lColour

        # set values for 'My Action '            
        lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My Action ')

        # set values for 'My Bool '            
        lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My Bool ')
        lProp.Data = True

        # set values for 'My Integer '            
        lProp = x.PropertyList.Find('My Integer ')
        lProp.Data = 0

    lCount += 1
    lVal = lCount / len(lModels) * 100
    lFbp.Percent = int(lVal)

    # We must call FBDelete when the FBProgress object is no longer needed.