
skinPercent(*args, **kwargs)

This command edits and queries the weight values on members of a skinCluster node, given as the first argument. If no object components are explicitly mentioned in the command line, the current selection list is used. Note that setting multiple weights in a single invocation of this command is far more efficient than calling it once per weighted vertex. In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.

  • ignoreBelow : ib (float) [query]

    Limits the output of the -value and -transform queries to the entries whose weight values are over the specified limit. This flag has to be used before the -query flag.

  • normalize : nrm (bool) [create]

    If set, the weights not assigned by the -transformValue flag are normalized so that the sum of the all weights for the selected object component add up to 1. The default is on. NOTE: The skinCluster has a normalizeWeights attribute which when set to OFF overrides this attribute! If the skinCluster.normalizeWeights attribute is OFF, you must set it to Interactive in order to normalize weights using the skinPercent command.

  • pruneWeights : prw (float) [create]

    Sets to zero any weight smaller than the given value for all the selected components. To use this command to set all the weights to zero, you must turn the -normalize flag offor the skinCluster node will normalize the weights to sum to one after pruning them. Weights for influences with a true value on their Hold Weightsattribute will not be pruned. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

  • relative : r (bool) [create]

    Used with -transformValue to specify a relative setting of values. If -relative is true, the value passed to -tv is added to the previous value. Otherwise, it replaces the previous value.

  • resetToDefault : rtd (bool) [create]

    Sets the weights of the selected components to their default values, overwriting any custom weights.

  • transform : t (unicode) [query]

    If used after the -query flag (without an argument) the command returns an array of strings corresponding to the names of the transforms influencing the selected object components. If used before the -query flag (with a transform name), the command returns the weight of the selected object component corresponding to the given transform. The command will return an average weight if several components have been selected. In query mode, this flag can accept a value.

  • transformMoveWeights : tmw (unicode) []

  • transformValue : tv (unicode, float) [create]

    Accepts a pair consisting of a transform name and a value and assigns that value as the weight of the selected object components corresponding to the given transform.

  • value : v (bool) [query]

    Returns an array of doubles corresponding to the joint weights for the selected object component.

  • zeroRemainingInfluences : zri (bool) [create]

    If set, the weights not assigned by the -transformValue flag are set to 0. The default is off.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.skinPercent

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