
jointCluster(*args, **kwargs)

The joint cluster command adds high-level controls to manage the cluster percentage values on a bound skin around a joint. JointClusters are one way to create smooth bending behaviour on skin when joints rotate. . a —- aboveBound . ____________a_________ . a . Joint1 a Joint2 . _____________a_______ . a b — belowBound . a b . b . b . b . b Joint3 CVs/vertices between Joint1 and aaaaa (aboveBound) receive only translation/rotation/scale from Joint1. CVs vertices between aaaa and bbbb transition between translation/rotatation/scale from Joint1 and Joint2. CV2 beyand bbbbb (below bound) receive only translation/ rotation scale from Joint3.

  • aboveBound : ab (float) [create,query,edit]

    Specifies the where the drop-off begins in the direction of the bone above the joint. A value of 100 indicates the entire length of the bone. The default value is 10.

  • aboveCluster : ac (bool) [query]

    Returns the name of the cluster associated with the bone above this joint.

  • aboveDropoffType : adt (unicode) [create,query,edit]

    Specifies the type of percentage drop-off in the direction of the bone above this joint. Valid values are linear, exponential, sineand none. Default is linear.

  • aboveValue : av (float) [create,query,edit]

    Specifies the drop-off percentage of the joint cluster in the direction of the bone above the cluster. A value of 100 indicates the entire length of the bone. The default value is 50.

  • belowBound : bb (float) [create,query,edit]

    Specifies where the drop-off ends in the direction of the bone below the joint. A value of 100 indicates the entire length of the bone. The default value is 10.

  • belowCluster : bc (bool) [query]

    Returns the name of the cluster associated with this joint.

  • belowDropoffType : bdt (unicode) [create,query,edit]

    Specifies the type of type of percentage drop-off in the direction of the bone below this joint. Valid values are linear, exponential, sineand none. Default is linear.

  • belowValue : bv (float) [create,query,edit]

    Specifies the drop-off percentage of the joint cluster in the direction of the joint below the cluster. A value of 100 indicates the entire length of the bone. The default value is 50.

  • deformerTools : dt (bool) [query]

    Used to query for the helper nodes associated with the jointCluster.

  • joint : j (unicode) [create]

    Specifies the joint that the cluster should act about.

  • name : n (unicode) [create]

    This flag is obsolete. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.jointCluster

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