Muscle Spline Deformer Shape window

The following are the options in the Muscle Spline Deformer Shape window:


Specifies what geometry is modified.

<<< (Load Selection)

The button loads the selected geometry into the window for editing.


Shows the Muscle Spline deformer that is going to do the shaping.

Prep for Sculpt

Prepares the mesh for sculpting and creates a temporary piece of geometry that you can modify directly to make the shape correction.

Color Swatch

Sets the color for the temporary piece of sculpt geometry.

Create New

After you sculpt a change on the temporary geometry, this creates a new target shape for the Current State length.


After you sculpt a change on the temporary geometry, select the shape you want to modify from the list on the right and click this button. The original shape is replaced by the one you just sculpted.


Select a shape from the list and click to rename the target.


Select a shape from the list on the right and click to delete that target shape.


Sets how the shape or shapes you created blend on and off. Smaller values cause the shapes to trigger only when the length of the muscle is very close to the original sculpt length. Larger values cause the shapes to blend even with the current muscle state/length is farther away from the sculpt length.

Current State

Shows the current state the muscle is in. A value of -1 means the muscle is fully squashed, +1 means fully stretched, and 0 means the muscle is in its default length.

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