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Compute information associated with a point on a nurbs surface. The point is specified with the input surface (inputSurface) and the parameter value (parameterU and parameterV), either in the surface domain or in the 0-1 domain (if turnOnPercentage is set to true.) The information available is: position, surface normal (normalized to length 1 in normalizedNormal), surface tangents and their normalized counterparts.

Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
pointOnSurfaceInfo abstractBaseCreate kPointOnSurfaceInfo kBase

Related nodes

closestPointOnSurface, pointOnCurveInfo

Attributes (33)

inputSurface, normal, normalX, normalY, normalZ, normalizedNormal, normalizedNormalX, normalizedNormalY, normalizedNormalZ, normalizedTangentU, normalizedTangentUX, normalizedTangentUY, normalizedTangentUZ, normalizedTangentV, normalizedTangentVX, normalizedTangentVY, normalizedTangentVZ, parameterU, parameterV, position, positionX, positionY, positionZ, result, tangentU, tangentUx, tangentUy, tangentUz, tangentV, tangentVx, tangentVy, tangentVz, turnOnPercentage

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
inputSurface (is) nurbsSurface NULL outputinputconnectable
Input surface
parameterU (u) double 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorable
U parameter value on surface
parameterV (v) double 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorable
V parameter value on surface
turnOnPercentage (top) bool false outputinputconnectablestorable
If set, the parameter values should be specified in 0,1 range
result (r) compound n/a outputconnectable
All results - container holding position, tangents, normal etc.
position (p) double3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 outputconnectable
Pposition (in result compound)
positionX (px) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
X value of position
positionY (py) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Y value of position
positionZ (pz) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Z value of position
normal (n) double3 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 outputconnectable
Nnormal (in result compound)
normalX (nx) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
X value of normal
normalY (ny) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Y value of normal
normalZ (nz) distance (double) 1.0cm outputconnectable
Z value of normal
normalizedNormal (nn) double3 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 outputconnectable
Normalized normal (in result compound)
normalizedNormalX (nnx) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
X value of normalized normal
normalizedNormalY (nny) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Y value of normalized normal
normalizedNormalZ (nnz) distance (double) 1.0cm outputconnectable
Z value of normalized normal
tangentU (tu) double3 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 outputconnectable
U tangent (in result compound)
tangentUx (tux) distance (double) 1.0cm outputconnectable
X value of U tangent
tangentUy (tuy) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Y value of U tangent
tangentUz (tuz) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Z value of U tangent
normalizedTangentU (ntu) double3 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 outputconnectable
Normalized U tangent (in result compound)
normalizedTangentUX (nux) distance (double) 1.0cm outputconnectable
X value of normalized U tangent
normalizedTangentUY (nuy) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Y value of normalized U tangent
normalizedTangentUZ (nuz) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Z value of normalized U tangent
tangentV (tv) double3 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 outputconnectable
V tangent (in result compound)
tangentVx (tvx) distance (double) 1.0cm outputconnectable
X value of V tangent
tangentVy (tvy) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Y value of V tangent
tangentVz (tvz) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Z value of V tangent
normalizedTangentV (ntv) double3 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 outputconnectable
Normalized V tangent (in result compound)
normalizedTangentVX (nvx) distance (double) 1.0cm outputconnectable
X value of normalized V tangent
normalizedTangentVY (nvy) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Y value of normalized V tangent
normalizedTangentVZ (nvz) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Z value of normalized V tangent