Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. Flags. Python examples.


stereoCameraView( objects , [activeComponentsXray=boolean], [activeOnly=boolean], [activeSupported=boolean], [activeView=boolean], [addObjects=string], [addSelected=boolean], [allObjects=boolean], [backfaceCulling=boolean], [bufferMode=string], [bumpResolution=[uint, uint]], [camera=string], [cameraName=string], [cameraSetup=boolean], [cameras=boolean], [centerCamera=string], [colorMap=boolean], [colorResolution=[uint, uint]], [control=boolean], [controlVertices=boolean], [cullingOverride=string], [default=boolean], [defineTemplate=string], [deformers=boolean], [dimensions=boolean], [displayAppearance=string], [displayLights=string], [displayMode=string], [displayTextures=boolean], [docTag=string], [dynamicConstraints=boolean], [dynamics=boolean], [editorChanged=script], [exists=boolean], [filter=string], [fluids=boolean], [fogColor=[float, float, float, float]], [fogDensity=float], [fogEnd=float], [fogMode=string], [fogSource=string], [fogStart=float], [fogging=boolean], [follicles=boolean], [forceMainConnection=string], [grid=boolean], [hairSystems=boolean], [handles=boolean], [headsUpDisplay=boolean], [highlightConnection=string], [hulls=boolean], [ignorePanZoom=boolean], [ikHandles=boolean], [interactive=boolean], [jointXray=boolean], [joints=boolean], [leftCamera=string], [lights=boolean], [lineWidth=float], [locators=boolean], [lockMainConnection=boolean], [lowQualityLighting=boolean], [mainListConnection=string], [manipulators=boolean], [maxConstantTransparency=float], [nCloths=boolean], [nParticles=boolean], [nRigids=boolean], [noUndo=boolean], [nurbsCurves=boolean], [nurbsSurfaces=boolean], [occlusionCulling=boolean], [panel=string], [parent=string], [pivots=boolean], [planes=boolean], [polymeshes=boolean], [removeSelected=boolean], [rendererList=boolean], [rendererListUI=boolean], [rendererName=string], [rigRoot=string], [rightCamera=string], [selectionConnection=string], [selectionHiliteDisplay=boolean], [setSelected=boolean], [shadows=boolean], [smoothWireframe=boolean], [sortTransparent=boolean], [stateString=boolean], [strokes=boolean], [subdivSurfaces=boolean], [swapEyes=boolean], [textureAnisotropic=boolean], [textureDisplay=string], [textureHilight=boolean], [textureMaxSize=int], [textureMemoryUsed=boolean], [textureSampling=int], [textures=boolean], [transpInShadows=boolean], [transparencyAlgorithm=string], [twoSidedLighting=boolean], [unParent=boolean], [unlockMainConnection=boolean], [updateColorMode=boolean], [updateMainConnection=boolean], [useBaseRenderer=boolean], [useColorIndex=boolean], [useDefaultMaterial=boolean], [useInteractiveMode=boolean], [useRGBImagePlane=boolean], [useTemplate=string], [userNode=string], [viewColor=[float, float, float, float]], [viewObjects=boolean], [viewSelected=boolean], [wireframeBackingStore=boolean], [wireframeOnShaded=boolean], [xray=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

stereoCameraView is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This is the main command for creating stereo editors. This commands only acts as an interface to the actual viewport. It is derived off of MPxModelEditorCommand. This command manages the set of stereo rig tools.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.




activeComponentsXray, activeOnly, activeSupported, activeView, addObjects, addSelected, allObjects, backfaceCulling, bufferMode, bumpResolution, camera, cameraName, cameraSetup, cameras, centerCamera, colorMap, colorResolution, control, controlVertices, cullingOverride, default, defineTemplate, deformers, dimensions, displayAppearance, displayLights, displayMode, displayTextures, docTag, dynamicConstraints, dynamics, editorChanged, exists, filter, fluids, fogColor, fogDensity, fogEnd, fogMode, fogSource, fogStart, fogging, follicles, forceMainConnection, grid, hairSystems, handles, headsUpDisplay, highlightConnection, hulls, ignorePanZoom, ikHandles, interactive, jointXray, joints, leftCamera, lights, lineWidth, locators, lockMainConnection, lowQualityLighting, mainListConnection, manipulators, maxConstantTransparency, nCloths, nParticles, nRigids, noUndo, nurbsCurves, nurbsSurfaces, occlusionCulling, panel, parent, pivots, planes, polymeshes, removeSelected, rendererList, rendererListUI, rendererName, rigRoot, rightCamera, selectionConnection, selectionHiliteDisplay, setSelected, shadows, smoothWireframe, sortTransparent, stateString, strokes, subdivSurfaces, swapEyes, textureAnisotropic, textureDisplay, textureHilight, textureMaxSize, textureMemoryUsed, textureSampling, textures, transpInShadows, transparencyAlgorithm, twoSidedLighting, unParent, unlockMainConnection, updateColorMode, updateMainConnection, useBaseRenderer, useColorIndex, useDefaultMaterial, useInteractiveMode, useRGBImagePlane, useTemplate, userNode, viewColor, viewObjects, viewSelected, wireframeBackingStore, wireframeOnShaded, xray
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
rigRoot(rr) string createqueryedit
Defines the rig root associated with this view.
leftCamera(lcm) string query
Only available in query mode: returns the current left camera of this view.
rightCamera(rcm) string query
Only available in query mode: returns the current right camera of this view.
centerCamera(ccm) string query
Only available in query mode: returns the current center camera of this view.
displayMode(dm) string createqueryedit
Defines the display mode for this view. Some modes are available only for certain types of graphics hardware. Valid values are:
  • active: uses the graphics card's built-in stereoscopic mode is available
  • leftEye: displays only the view from the left camera.
  • rightEye: displays only the view from the rigth camera.
  • centerEye: displays only the view from the center camera.
  • anaglyph: displays both left and right cameras, filtered using red and blue
  • anaglyphLum: same as anaglyph, except the luminace is computed before the red and blue filtering
  • interlace: displays an interlaced view of left and right cameras
  • checkerboard: Same as interlace, except a checkerboard pattern is used to mix both images
  • freeview: displays both left and right images, half size next to each other
  • freeviewX: same as freeview, except left and right cameras are swapped
viewColor(vc) [float, float, float, float] createqueryedit
Specifies the background color for the stereoscopic model editor. The default value is black which provides optimal stereoscopic viewing.
activeSupported(ams) boolean query
True if the viewer is capable of drawing in active mode which takes advantage of the graphics card's built-in stereoscopic support. This includes support for shutter glasses and stereo support in clone mode.
swapEyes(se) boolean createqueryedit
Swap the display of the left and right cameras. The left camera becomes the right draw pass and the right camera becomes the left draw pass.
This flag is intended for advanced users, for situations where the hardware uses the opposite left/right convention.
Common model editor flags
exists(ex) boolean create
Returns true|false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
defineTemplate(dt) string create
Puts a command in a mode where any other flags and args are parsed and added to the command template specified in the argument. They will be used as default arguments in any subsequent invocations of the command when templateName is set as the current template.
useTemplate(ut) string create
Force the command to use a command template other than the current one.
panel(pnl) string createquery
Specifies the panel that the editor belongs to. By default if an editor is created in the create callback of a scripted panel it will belong to that panel. If an editor doesn't belong to a panel it will be deleted when the window that it is in is deleted.
parent(p) string createqueryedit
Specifies the parent layout for this editor. This flag will only have an effect if the editor is currently un-parented.
unParent(up) boolean createedit
Specifies that the editor should be removed from its layout. This cannot be used with query.
control(ctl) boolean query
Query only. Returns the top level control for this editor. Usually used for getting a parent to attach popup menus. Caution: It is possible, at times, for an editor to exist without a control. This flag returns "NONE" if no control is present.
mainListConnection(mlc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the editor will use as its source of content. The editor will only display items contained in the selectionConnection object.
forceMainConnection(fmc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the editor will use as its source of content. The editor will only display items contained in the selectionConnection object. This is a variant of the -mainListConnection flag in that it will force a change even when the connection is locked. This flag is used to reduce the overhead when using the -unlockMainConnection , -mainListConnection, -lockMainConnection flags in immediate succession.
selectionConnection(slc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the editor will synchronize with its own selection list. As the user selects things in this editor, they will be selected in the selectionConnection object. If the object undergoes changes, the editor updates to show the change.
highlightConnection(hlc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the editor will synchronize with its highlight list. Not all editors have a highlight list. For those that do, it is a secondary selection list.
filter(f) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of an itemFilter object to be placed on this editor. This filters the information coming onto the main list of the editor.
lockMainConnection(lck) boolean createedit
Locks the current list of objects within the mainConnection, so that only those objects are displayed within the editor. Further changes to the original mainConnection are ignored.
stateString(sts) boolean query
Query only flag. Returns the MEL command that will edit an editor to match the current editor state. The returned command string uses the string variable $editorName in place of a specific name.
unlockMainConnection(ulk) boolean createedit
Unlocks the mainConnection, effectively restoring the original mainConnection (if it is still available), and dynamic updates.
updateMainConnection(upd) boolean createedit
Causes a locked mainConnection to be updated from the orginal mainConnection, but preserves the lock state.
docTag(dtg) string createqueryedit
Attaches a tag to the Maya editor.
camera(cam) string queryedit
Change or query the name of the camera in model editor.
cameraName(cn) string createedit
Set the name of the panel's camera transform and shape. The shape name is computed by appending the string "Shape" to the transform name. This flag may not be queried.
displayLights(dl) string queryedit
Sets the lighting for shaded mode. Possible values are "selected", "active", "all", "default", "none".
bufferMode(bm) string queryedit
Sets the graphic buffer mode. Possible values are "single" or "double".
activeOnly(ao) boolean queryedit
Sets whether only active objects should appear shaded in shaded display.
interactive(i) boolean queryedit
Causes this command to modify the interactive refresh settings of the view. In this way it is possible to change the behavior of the model editor during playback for improved performance.
default(d) boolean queryedit
Causes this command to modify the default value of this setting. Newly created model editors will inherit the values. This flag may be used with the -interactive to set default interactive settings.
ignorePanZoom(ipz) boolean queryedit
Sets whether the model panel will ignore the 2D pan/zoom value to give an overview of the scene.
twoSidedLighting(tsl) boolean queryedit
Turns on or off two sided lighting. This may be used with the -default flag.
displayAppearance(da) string queryedit
Sets the display appearance of the model panel. Possible values are "wireframe", "points", "boundingBox", "smoothShaded", "flatShaded". This flag may be used with the -interactive and -default flags. Note that only "wireframe", "points", and "boundingBox" are valid for the interactive mode.
wireframeOnShaded(wos) boolean queryedit
Sets whether the model panel will draw the wireframe on all shaded objects (if true) or only for active objects (if false).
headsUpDisplay(hud) boolean queryedit
Sets whether the model panel will draw any enabled heads up display elements in this window (if true). Currently this requires the HUD elements to be globally enabled.
selectionHiliteDisplay( sel) boolean queryedit
Sets whether the model panel will draw any selection hiliting on the objects in this window.
useDefaultMaterial(udm) boolean queryedit
Sets whether the model panel will draw all the shaded surfaces using the default material as opposed to using the material(s) currently assigned to the surfaces.
useColorIndex(uci) boolean queryedit
Sets whether the model panel will attempt to use color index mode when possible. Color index mode can provide a performance increase for point, bounding box, and wireframe display modes. This may be used with the -default flag.
userNode(un) string queryedit
Allows the user to associate a node name with the modelEditor. The value is automatically updated in the event the node is deleted or renamed.
wireframeBackingStore(wbs) boolean queryedit
Sets whether a backing store is used to optimization the drawing of active objects. This mode can provide a performance increase in wireframe mode for certain scenes.
useRGBImagePlane(ip) boolean queryedit
Sets whether the model panel will be forced into RGB mode when there is an image plane attached to the panel's camera.
updateColorMode(ucm) boolean edit
Using this flag tells the model panel to check which color mode it should be in, and to switch accordingly. This flag may be used to update a model panel after a camera image plane has been added or removed.
colorMap(cm) boolean query
Queries the color map style for the model panel. Possible values are "colorIndex" and "rgb".
backfaceCulling(bfc) boolean queryedit
Turns on or off backface culling for the whole view. This setting overrides the culling settings of individual objects. All objects draw in the view will be backface culled. When backface culling is turned on, surfaces becomes invisible in areas where the normal is pointing away from the camera.
xray(xr) boolean queryedit
Turns on or off Xray mode. This may be used with the -default flag.
jointXray(jx) boolean queryedit
Turns on or off Xray mode for joints.
activeComponentsXray(acx) boolean queryedit
Turns on or off Xray mode for active components.
maxConstantTransparency( mct) float queryedit
Sets the maximum constant transparency. Setting this value remaps constant transparency values from the range [0.0, 1.0] to the range [0.0, maxConstantTransparency]. All transparency values are shifted linearly to the new range, so a fully transparency object (transparency 1.0) would appear with a transparency of maxConstantTransparency in the viewport, allowing highly transparent objects to be made visible. This flag only affects constant (non-textured) transparent objects.
displayTextures(dtx) boolean queryedit
Turns on or off display of textures in shaded mode
smoothWireframe(swf) boolean queryedit
Turns on or off smoothing of wireframe lines and points
lineWidth(lw) float queryedit
Set width of lines for display
textureMaxSize(tms) int queryedit
Set maximum texture size for hardware texturing. The integer value must be a power of 2. Recommended values are 128 or 256. If the value specified is larger than the OpenGL maximim textures size for the graphics hardware it will be clamped to the OpenGL size. If many large textures are used in a scene reducing this value improves performance. On Impact texture memory is pinned in RAM so using large textures can cause reliability and performance problems. Again reducing this value will help. Software rendering does not use this value. This flag is obsolete as of Maya 6.5. The maxTextureResolution/mtr argument on the displayPref command should be used instead.
textureMemoryUsed(tmu) boolean query
Returns the total number of bytes used by all texture maps. This is typicly width*height*channels for all texture objects in the scene If the texture is mip mapped all mip map levels are included in the total though not never more than two level will be in use at one time
textureAnisotropic(ta) boolean queryedit
Set whether to perform anisotropic texture filtering. Will work only if the anisotropic texture filtering extension is supported in OpenGL on the graphics system.
textureSampling(ts) int queryedit
Set the type of sampling to be used for texture display. The argument can be either:
  • 1 : means to perform point sample
  • 2 : means to perform bilinear interpolation (default)
textureDisplay(td) string queryedit
Set the type of blending to use for textures. The blend is performed between the destination fragment and the texture fragment. The source is usually the material color. Argument options are: "modulate" : multiply the destination and texture fragment "decal" : overwrite the destination with the texture fragment
textureHilight(th) boolean queryedit
Set whether to show specular hilighting when the display is in shaded textured mode.
fogging(fg) boolean queryedit
Set whether hardware fogging is enabled or not.
fogSource(fsc) string queryedit
Set the type of fog algorithm to use. If the argument is "fragment" (default) then fog is computed per pixel. If the argument is "coordinate" then if the geometry has specified vertex fog coordinates, and the OpenGL extension for vertex fog is supported by the graphics system, then fog is computed per vertex.
fogMode(fmd) string queryedit
This determines the drop-off mode for fog. The possibilities are:
  • "linear" : linear drop-off
  • "exponent" : exponential drop-off
  • "exponent2" : squared exponential drop-off
fogDensity(fdn) float queryedit
Determines the density of hardware fogging.
fogEnd(fen) float queryedit
The end location of hardware fogging.
fogStart(fst) float queryedit
The start location of hardware fogging.
fogColor(fcl) [float, float, float, float] queryedit
The color used for hardware fogging.
shadows(sdw) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of hardware shadows in shaded mode.
rendererName(rnm) string queryedit
Set or get the renderer used for the 3d modeling viewport. The default options for setting are: "base_OpenGL_Renderer" : The default OpenGL based renderer. "hwRender_OpenGL_Renderer" : The high quality hardware renderer. The default is "base_OpenGL_Renderer". The high quality renderer is only supported on certain hardware configurations. See the hardware qualification charts for more details.
rendererList(rls) boolean query
Query for a list of the internal names for renderers are available for usage with the 3d modeling viewport. The default list contains at least "base_OpenGL_Renderer", and "hwRender_OpenGL_Renderer", if supported. See rendererName for more details on these renderers. Any plugin viewport renderers will also appear in this list.
rendererListUI(rlu) boolean query
Query for a list of the UI names renderers are available for usage with the 3d modeling viewport. The default list contains at the UI name for"base_OpenGL_Renderer", and possibly the UI name for "hwRender_OpenGL_Renderer" if it is support. Any plugin viewport renderer's UI names will also appear in this list. This list and the list returned from rendererList have a 1:1 correpsondance.
colorResolution(crz) [uint, uint] queryedit
Set the resolution for "baked" color textures when using the hardware renderer. The default value is 256, 256 respectively.
bumpResolution(brz) [uint, uint] queryedit
Set the resolution for "baked" bump map textures when using the hardware renderer. The default value is 512, 512 respectively.
transparencyAlgorithm(tal) string queryedit
Set the transparency algorithm. The options are:
  • 1) "frontAndBackCull" : Two pass front and back culling technique.
  • 2) "perPolygonSort" : Draw transparent polygons in back-to-front order technique.
transparency pptions 1) and 2) are supported by the hardware renderer. Options 1) is supported by the interactive modeling viewports. The default value is "frontAndBackCull".
transpInShadows(tis) boolean queryedit
Set whether to enable display of transparency in shadows when using the hardware renderer. The default value is false.
cullingOverride(cov) string queryedit
Set whether to override the culling attributes on objects when using the hardware renderer. The options are:
  • "none" : Use the culling object attributes per object.
  • "doubleSided" : Force all objects to be double sided.
  • "singleSided": Force all objects to be single sided.
The default value is "none".
lowQualityLighting(lql) boolean queryedit
Set whether to use "low quality lighting" when using the hardware renderer. The default value is false.
occlusionCulling(ocl) boolean queryedit
Set whether to enable occlusion culling testing when using the hardware renderer. The default value is false.
useBaseRenderer(ubr) boolean queryedit
Set whether to use the "base" renderer when using the hardware renderer and in "interactive display mode" (-useInteractiveMode) The default value is false.
nurbsCurves(nc) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of nurbs curves for the view of the model editor.
nurbsSurfaces(ns) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of nurbs surfaces for the view of the model editor.
polymeshes(pm) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of polygon meshes for the view of the model editor.
subdivSurfaces(sds) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of subdivision surfaces for the view of the model editor.
planes(pl) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of sketch planes for the view of the model editor.
lights(lt) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of lights for the view of the model editor.
cameras(ca) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of cameras for the view of the model editor.
controlVertices(cv) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of NURBS CVs for the view of the model editor.
grid(gr) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of the grid for the view of the model editor.
hulls(hu) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of NURBS hulls for the view of the model editor.
joints(j) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of joints for the view of the model editor.
ikHandles(ikh) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of ik handles and end effectors for the view of the model editor.
deformers(df) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of deformer objects for the view of the model editor.
dynamics(dy) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of dynamics objects for the view of the model editor.
fluids(fl) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of fluids for the view of the model editor.
hairSystems(hs) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of hairSystems for the view of the model editor.
follicles(fo) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of follicles for the view of the model editor.
nCloths(ncl) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of nCloths for the view of the model editor.
nParticles(npa) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of nParticles for the view of the model editor.
nRigids(nr) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of nRigids for the view of the model editor.
dynamicConstraints(dc) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of dynamicConstraints for the view of the model editor.
locators(lc) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of locator objects for the view of the model editor.
manipulators(m) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of manipulator objects for the view of the model editor.
dimensions(dim) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of dimension objects for the view of the model editor.
handles(ha) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of select handles for the view of the model editor.
pivots(pv) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of transform pivots for the view of the model editor.
textures(tx) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of texture objects for the view
strokes(str) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of Paint Effects strokes for the view
allObjects(alo) boolean queryedit
Turn on/off the display of all objects for the view of the model editor. This excludes NURBS, CVs, hulls, grids and manipulators.
useInteractiveMode(ui) boolean queryedit
Turns on or off the use of the special interaction settings during playback. This flag may be used with the -default flag.
activeView(av) boolean queryedit
Sets this model editor to be the active view. Returns true if successful. On query this flag will return whether the view is the active view.
sortTransparent(st) boolean queryedit
This flag turns on/off sorting of transparent objects during shaded mode refresh. Normally, objects are sorted according to their origin in camera space but when this flag is turned off they will be drawn according to their (depth-first traversal) order in the scene graph. This is a global flag that affects all model editors.
viewSelected(vs) boolean queryedit
This flag turns on/off viewing of selected objects. When the flag is set to true, the currently active objects are captured and used as the list of objects to view.
setSelected(ss) boolean edit
This flag causes the currently active objects to be the only objects visible in the view (if viewSelected is true).
addSelected(addSelected) boolean edit
This flag causes the currently active objects to be added to the list of objects visible in the view (if viewSelected is true).
removeSelected(rs) boolean edit
This flag causes the currently active objects to be removed from the list of objects visible in the view (if viewSelected is true).
addObjects(aob) string edit
This flag causes the objects contained within the selection connection to be added to the list of objects visible in the view (if viewSelected is true).
viewObjects(vo) boolean query
Returns the name (if any) of the objectSet which contains the list of objects visible in the view if viewSelected is true and the list of objects being displayed does not come from the active list.
noUndo(nud) boolean edit
This flag prevents some viewport operations (such as isolate select) from being added to the undo queue.
cameraSetup(cs) boolean query
Based on the model editor name passed in will returns a string list containing camera setups. A camera setup can contain one or more cameras which are associated with each other. Camera setups are defined as pairs of consecutive strings in the list. Each pair is comprised of: a string which identifies an active camera, and a string which defines a script to set up a given active camera. As many pairs of strings can be returned as the number of active cameras. If nothing is returned then it is assumed that no set up is required to activate a given camera.
editorChanged(ec) script createqueryedit
An optional script callback which is called when the editors options have changed. This is useful in a situation where a scripted panel contains a modelEditor and wants to be notified when the contained editor changes its options.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Test if the panel exists
stereoCameraView("StereoPanel", query=True, exists=True)