Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Flags. Python examples.


renderer([string], [addGlobalsNode=string], [addGlobalsTab=[string, string, string]], [batchRenderOptionsProcedure= string], [batchRenderOptionsStringProcedure= string], [batchRenderProcedure=string], [cancelBatchRenderProcedure= string], [changeIprRegionProcedure=string], [commandRenderProcedure=string], [exists=boolean], [globalsNodes=boolean], [globalsTabCreateProcNames=boolean], [globalsTabLabels=boolean], [globalsTabUpdateProcNames=boolean], [iprOptionsMenuLabel=string], [iprOptionsProcedure=string], [iprOptionsSubMenuProcedure= string], [iprRenderProcedure=string], [iprRenderSubMenuProcedure=string], [isRunningIprProcedure=string], [logoCallbackProcedure=string], [logoImageName=string], [namesOfAvailableRenderers=boolean], [pauseIprRenderProcedure=string], [polyPrelightProcedure=string], [refreshIprRenderProcedure=string], [renderDiagnosticsProcedure= string], [renderGlobalsProcedure=string], [renderMenuProcedure=string], [renderOptionsProcedure=string], [renderProcedure=string], [renderRegionProcedure=string], [rendererUIName=string], [renderingEditorsSubMenuProcedure= string], [showBatchRenderLogProcedure= string], [showBatchRenderProcedure=string], [showRenderLogProcedure=string], [startIprRenderProcedure=string], [stopIprRenderProcedure=string], [textureBakingProcedure=string], [unregisterRenderer=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

renderer is NOT undoable, queryable, and editable.

Command to register renders. This command allows you to specify the UI name and procedure names for renderers. The command also allow you to query the UI name and the procedure names for the registered renders.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


renderer, registration


addGlobalsNode, addGlobalsTab, batchRenderOptionsProcedure, batchRenderOptionsStringProcedure, batchRenderProcedure, cancelBatchRenderProcedure, changeIprRegionProcedure, commandRenderProcedure, exists, globalsNodes, globalsTabCreateProcNames, globalsTabLabels, globalsTabUpdateProcNames, iprOptionsMenuLabel, iprOptionsProcedure, iprOptionsSubMenuProcedure, iprRenderProcedure, iprRenderSubMenuProcedure, isRunningIprProcedure, logoCallbackProcedure, logoImageName, namesOfAvailableRenderers, pauseIprRenderProcedure, polyPrelightProcedure, refreshIprRenderProcedure, renderDiagnosticsProcedure, renderGlobalsProcedure, renderMenuProcedure, renderOptionsProcedure, renderProcedure, renderRegionProcedure, rendererUIName, renderingEditorsSubMenuProcedure, showBatchRenderLogProcedure, showBatchRenderProcedure, showRenderLogProcedure, startIprRenderProcedure, stopIprRenderProcedure, textureBakingProcedure, unregisterRenderer
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
rendererUIName(ui) string createqueryedit
Set or query the rendererUIName for the specified renderer. The rendererUIName is the name of the renderer as it would appear in menus.
renderGlobalsProcedure( rg) string createqueryedit
This flag is obsolete. It will be removed in the next release.
iprRenderProcedure(ipr) string createqueryedit
Set or query the IPR render command associated with the specified renderer.
iprOptionsProcedure(io) string createqueryedit
Set or query the IPR render options procedure associated with the specified renderer.
isRunningIprProcedure(isr) string createqueryedit
Set or query the isRunningIpr command associated with the specified renderer.
startIprRenderProcedure( sti) string createqueryedit
Set or query the start IPR render procedure associated with the specified renderer.
stopIprRenderProcedure( spi) string createqueryedit
Set or query the stop IPR render procedure associated with the specified renderer.
refreshIprRenderProcedure( rfi) string createqueryedit
Set or query the refresh IPR render procedure associated with the specified renderer.
pauseIprRenderProcedure( psi) string createqueryedit
Set or query the pause IPR render procedure associated with the specified renderer.
changeIprRegionProcedure( cir) string createqueryedit
Set or query the change IPR region procedure associated with the specified renderer.
iprOptionsMenuLabel(ipm) string createqueryedit
Set or query the label for the IPR update options menu which is under the render view's IPR menu.
iprOptionsSubMenuProcedure( ips) string createqueryedit
Set or query the procedure for creating the sub menu for the IPR update options menu which is under the render view's IPR menu.
iprRenderSubMenuProcedure( irs) string createqueryedit
Set or query the procedure for creating the sub menu for the IPR render menu which is under the render view's IPR menu.
renderProcedure(r) string createqueryedit
Set or query the render command associated with the specified renderer.
renderOptionsProcedure( ro) string createqueryedit
Set or query the render options procedure associated with the specified renderer.
renderDiagnosticsProcedure( rd) string createqueryedit
Set or query the render diagnostics procedure associated with the specified renderer.
commandRenderProcedure( cr) string createqueryedit
Set or query the command line rendering procedure associated with the specified renderer.
batchRenderProcedure(br) string createqueryedit
Set or query the batch render procedure associated with the specified renderer.
batchRenderOptionsProcedure( bro) string createqueryedit
Set or query the batch render options procedure associated with the specified renderer.
batchRenderOptionsStringProcedure( bso) string createqueryedit
Set or query the argument string that will be used with the command line utility 'Render' when doing a batch render
cancelBatchRenderProcedure( cbr) string createqueryedit
Set or query returns the cancel batch render procedure associated with the specified renderer.
showBatchRenderProcedure( sbr) string createqueryedit
Set or query the show batch render procedure associated with the specified renderer.
showRenderLogProcedure( srl) string createqueryedit
Set or query the log file render procedure associated with the specified renderer.
showBatchRenderLogProcedure( brl) string createqueryedit
Set or query the log file batch procedure associated with the specified renderer.
renderRegionProcedure(rr) string createqueryedit
Set or query the render region procedure associated with the specified renderer.
textureBakingProcedure( tb) string createqueryedit
Set or query the texture baking procedure associated with the specified renderer.
polyPrelightProcedure(pp) string createqueryedit
Set or query the polygon prelight procedure associated with the specified renderer.
renderingEditorsSubMenuProcedure( res) string createqueryedit
Set or query the procedure reponsible for creating renderer specific editors submenu under the "Rendering Editors" menu for the specified renderer.
renderMenuProcedure(rm) string createqueryedit
This flag is obsolete. It will be removed in the next release.
logoImageName(log) string createqueryedit
Set or query the logo image name for the specified renderer. The logo is a image representing the renderer.
logoCallbackProcedure(lgc) string createqueryedit
Set or query the procedure which is a callback associated to the logo for the specified renderer. For example, the logo and the callback can be used in the unified render globals window beside the "Render Using" optionMenu.
namesOfAvailableRenderers( ava) boolean queryedit
Returns the names of renderers which are currently registered.
unregisterRenderer(unr) boolean queryedit
Unregister the specified renderer.
exists(ex) boolean queryedit
The flag returns true if the specified renderer is registered in the registry, and it returns false otherwise.
addGlobalsTab(agt) [string, string, string] createedit
Add a tab associated with the specified renderer for the unified render globals window.
globalsTabLabels(gtl) boolean createqueryedit
This flag returns the labels of unified render globals window tabs which are associated with the specified renderer.
globalsTabCreateProcNames( gtc) boolean createqueryedit
This flag returns the names of procedures which are used to create the unified render globals window tabs which are associated with the specified renderer.
globalsTabUpdateProcNames( gtu) boolean createqueryedit
This flag returns the names of procedures which are used to update the unified render globals window tabs which are associated with the specified renderer.
addGlobalsNode(agn) string createqueryedit
This flag allows the user to add a globals node the specified renderer uses.
globalsNodes(gn) boolean createqueryedit
This flag returns the list of render globals nodes the specified renderer uses.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# To register a renderer called "myRenderer":
cmds.renderer( 'myRenderer' )
# To edit a renderer called "myRenderer" with its rendererUIName
# being "My Renderer":
cmds.renderer( 'myRenderer', edit=True, rendererUIName='My Renderer' )
# To register a renderer called "anotherRenderer" with all
# its parameters specified.
cmds.renderer( 'anotherRenderer', rendererUIName='Another Renderer', iprRenderProcedure='mayaSoftwareIprRender', -iprOptionsProcedure='', isRunningIprProcedure='mayaSoftwareIsRunningIpr', startIprRenderProcedure='mayaSoftwareStartIprRender', stopIprRenderProcedure='mayaSoftwareStopIprRender', refreshIprRenderProcedure='mayaSoftwareRefreshIprImage', pauseIprRenderProcedure='mayaSoftwarePauseIprRender', changeIprRegionProcedure='mayaSoftwareChangeIprRegion', iprOptionsMenuLabel='IPR Tuning Options', iprOptionsSubMenuProcedure='mayaSoftwareIprUpdateOptionsSubMenu', iprRenderSubMenuProcedure='mayaSoftwareIprUpdateRenderSubMenu', renderProcedure='mayaSoftwareRender', renderOptionsProcedure='RenderOptions', renderDiagnosticsProcedure='RenderDiagnostics', commandRenderProcedure='render -batch', batchRenderProcedure='BatchRender', batchRenderOptionsProcedure='BatchRenderOptions', batchRenderOptionsStringProcedure="mayaSoftwareBatchRenderOptionsString", cancelBatchRenderProcedure='CancelBatchRender', showBatchRenderProcedure='ShowBatchRender', showRenderLogProcedure='', showBatchRenderLogProcedure='', renderRegionProcedure='mayaRenderRegion', textureBakingProcedure='performConvertSolidTx', polyPrelightProcedure='performPrelight', renderingEditorsSubMenuProcedure='', logoImageName='', logoCallbackProcedure='' )
# To add a render globals node the renderer uses:
cmds.renderer( 'anotherRenderer', edit=True, addGlobalsNode='defaultRenderGlobals' )
# To add the tabs associated with the specified renderer
# for the unified render globals window, use the syntax
#      renderer -edit
#               -addGlobalsTab globalsTabLabel
#                              globalsTabCreateProcName
#                              globalsTabUpdateProcName
#               renderer;
# where "globalsTabLabel" is the label of the tab,
# "globalsTabCreatedProcName" is the name of the mel procedure
# which is used to create the content in the tab.
# and "globalsTabCreatedProcName" is the name of the mel procedure
# which is used to update the content in the tab.
# Note that if you want to add a number of tabs, you need to repeat
# this renderer command for each tab you wish to add, as shown below.
cmds.renderer( 'anotherRenderer', edit=True, addGlobalsTab=('Maya Software', 'createMayaSoftwareGlobalsTab', 'updateMayaSoftwareGlobalsTab') )
# To get a list of unified render globals window tab labels associated
# with the specified renderer.
cmds.renderer( 'anotherRenderer', query=True, globalsTabLabels=True )
# To get a list of names of mel procedures which are used to
# create the unified render globals window tabs associated with
# the specified renderer.
cmds.renderer( 'anotherRenderer', query=True, globalsTabCreateProcNames=True )
# To get a list of names of mel procedures which are used to
# update the unified render globals window tabs associated with
# the specified renderer.
cmds.renderer( 'anotherRenderer', query=True, globalsTabUpdateProcNames=True )
# To view a list of registered renderers.
cmds.renderer( query=True, namesOfAvailableRenderers=True )
# To check if anotherRenderer exists.
cmds.renderer( 'anotherRenderer', exists=True )
# To view a list of render globals nodes used by the specified
# renderer:
cmds.renderer( 'anotherRenderer', query=True, globalsNodes=True )