Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


cmdScrollFieldExecuter [-appendText string] [-clear] [-commandCompletion boolean] [-copySelection] [-currentLine uint] [-cutSelection] [-execute] [-executeAll] [-hasFocus] [-hasSelection] [-insertText string] [-load] [-loadContents string] [-objectPathCompletion boolean] [-pasteSelection] [-redo] [-removeStoredContents string] [-replaceAll string string] [-saveSelection string] [-saveSelectionToShelf] [-searchAndSelect] [-searchDown boolean] [-searchMatchCase boolean] [-searchString string] [-select uint uint] [-selectAll] [-selectedText] [-showLineNumbers boolean] [-showTooltipHelp boolean] [-source] [-sourceType string] [-spacesPerTab uint] [-storeContents string] [-tabsForIndent boolean] [-text string] [-textLength] [-undo]

cmdScrollFieldExecuter is undoable, queryable, and editable.

A script editor executer control used to issue script commands to Maya.

Return value

string The name of the executer control

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


appendText, clear, commandCompletion, copySelection, currentLine, cutSelection, execute, executeAll, hasFocus, hasSelection, insertText, load, loadContents, objectPathCompletion, pasteSelection, redo, removeStoredContents, replaceAll, saveSelection, saveSelectionToShelf, searchAndSelect, searchDown, searchMatchCase, searchString, select, selectAll, selectedText, showLineNumbers, showTooltipHelp, source, sourceType, spacesPerTab, storeContents, tabsForIndent, text, textLength, undo
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-load(-ld) createedit
Prompts the user for a script to load into this field.
-source(-src) createedit
Prompts the user for a script to source (execute without loading).
-saveSelection(-sv) string createedit
Prompts to save the current selection to a file. The default filename prompt will be prepended with the given string.
-saveSelectionToShelf(-svs) createedit
Prompts to save the current selection to an item in the shelf.
-selectAll(-sla) createedit
Selects all text.
-select(-sl) uint uint createedit
Selects text within a specified range.
-hasSelection(-hsl) query
Whether this control currently has a selection or not.
-selectedText(-slt) query
The text in the current selection range.
-clear(-clr) createedit
Clears the field.
-text(-t) string createqueryedit
Replaces the field text with the given string.
-textLength(-tl) query
The number of characters in this text field.
-cutSelection(-ct) createedit
Cuts the current selection from this field.
-copySelection(-cp) createedit
Copies the current selection from this field.
-pasteSelection(-pst) createedit
Pastes text into this field at the current caret position.
-hasFocus(-hf) query
Whether this control is currently in focus.
-undo(-ud) createedit
Undo the last operation (Currently supported on Windows/Mac Only)
-redo(-rd) createedit
Redo the last operation (Currently supported on Windows/Mac Only)
-execute(-exc) createedit
Executes the currentl selection.
-executeAll(-exa) createedit
Executes all text in the current executer control.
-storeContents(-stc) string createedit
If the provided string is a fully specified file path, then attempts to store the contents of this field to that path. Otherwise, uses the provided string as a filename only and uses an internally generated path and extension for the file, as used by the -loadContents and -removeStoredContents flags. In both cases, a new unique filename will be generated if the specified name exists. Returns the filename of the file saved upon completion, and an empty string otherwise.
-loadContents(-ldc) string createedit
Loads the contents of the specified filename into this field. The path and extension for this filename is provided internally. This command is only intended for loading the contents of this executer field from a previous instance of this executer field.
-removeStoredContents(-rsc) string createedit
Removes the stored contents of this field with the specified filename. The path and extension for the file is provided internally. This command is only intended for removing previously stored contens of this executer field.
-appendText(-at) string createedit
Appends text to the end of this field.
-insertText(-it) string createedit
Inserts the specified text into the position under the cursor, replacing any currently selected text. The selection and cursor position can be set using the select flag. Appends text to the end of this field.
-sourceType(-st) string createquery
Sets the source type for this command executer field. Valid values are "mel" (enabled by default), and "python".
-showLineNumbers(-sln) boolean createqueryedit
Shows/hides the line numbes column.
-commandCompletion(-cco) boolean createqueryedit
Enable/disable command completion
-objectPathCompletion(-opc) boolean createqueryedit
Enable/disable path completion
-showTooltipHelp(-sth) boolean createqueryedit
Enable/disable tooltips in the command execution window
-searchDown(-sd) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies whether to search from the cursor down, or up.
-searchMatchCase(-smc) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies whether the search is to be case sensitive or not.
-searchString(-ss) string createqueryedit
Specifies the string to search for.
-searchAndSelect(-sas) query
Searches for (and selects) the sepecified search string using the specified search options.
-replaceAll(-rpa) string string createedit
Replaces all instances of the first string in the field text with the second string.
-currentLine(-cl) uint createqueryedit
Sets/returns the current line which the cursor is on.
-spacesPerTab(-spt) uint createqueryedit
Specifies the number of spaces equivalent to one tab stop. (default 4)
-tabsForIndent(-tfi) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies whether tab characters should be inserted when indenting. (default on)

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// this will create a tiny window with a Mel command executer.
        cmdScrollFieldExecuter -width 200 -height 100;

// this will create a tiny window with a Python command executer.
        cmdScrollFieldExecuter -width 200 -height 100 -sourceType python;