MPxUITableControl Member List

This is the complete list of members for MPxUITableControl, including all inherited members.
addToSelection(unsigned int row, unsigned int col) MPxUITableControl
allowEdit() const MPxUITableControl [protected, virtual]
allowSelection(int top, int left, int bottom, int right) MPxUITableControl [protected, virtual]
cellString(unsigned int r, unsigned int c, bool &ValidCell) MPxUITableControl [protected, virtual]
clearSelection() MPxUITableControl
collapseOrExpandRow(unsigned int row) MPxUITableControl [virtual]
getCell(unsigned int r, unsigned int c, MString &value) MPxUITableControl [protected, virtual]
getLabel(MLabelType labelType, unsigned int n, MString &value) MPxUITableControl [protected, virtual]
isSelected(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, MStatus *status=NULL) MPxUITableControl
kAllLabels enum value MPxUITableControl
kColumnLabel enum value MPxUITableControl
kNoLabel enum value MPxUITableControl
kRowLabel enum value MPxUITableControl
labelString(MLabelType labelType, unsigned int n) MPxUITableControl [protected, virtual]
MLabelType enum name MPxUITableControl
MPxUITableControl(MPxControlCommand &) MPxUITableControl
numberOfColumns(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const MPxUITableControl
numberOfRows(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) MPxUITableControl
redrawCells() MPxUITableControl
redrawLabels(MLabelType lt=kAllLabels) MPxUITableControl
removeFromSelection(unsigned int row, unsigned int column) MPxUITableControl
setNumberOfColumns(unsigned int count) MPxUITableControl
setNumberOfRows(unsigned int count) MPxUITableControl
setSelection(unsigned int row, unsigned int column) MPxUITableControl
setSelection(unsigned int firstRow, unsigned int lastRow, unsigned int firstCol, unsigned int lastCol) MPxUITableControl
suspendUpdates(bool update, MStatus *ReturnStatue=NULL) MPxUITableControl
~MPxUIControl() MPxUIControl [virtual]
~MPxUITableControl() MPxUITableControl [virtual]

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