The mental ray physical sun sky shaders are designed to
enable physically plausible daylight simulations and very accurate
renderings of daylight scenarios.
New to the library in mental ray 3.6+ are tools for lighting analysis.
A new shader for the standard CIE sky model
(both clear and overcast) has been added.
This shader is grayscale (no color) and more
intended for analysis purposes than generating visually pleasing
images. See page ciesky for details.
The mia_physicalsky shader is also enhanced with analysis related parameters
from the Perez sky model, as well as explicit illuminance parameter
for the mia_physicalsun.
The mia_physicalsun and mia_physicalsky are intended to be used together,
with the mia_physicalsun shader applied to a directional light that
represents the sun light, and the mia_physicalsky shader used as the
scenes camera environment shader. The environment shader should
be used to illuminate the scene with the help of Final Gathering
(which must be enabled) and bounced light from the sun can be
handled either by final gather diffuse bounces, or via GI (photons).
For improving quality in indoor shots, the sky can be combined
with the mia_portal_light shader described on page
Sky Portals.
The sun and sky work in true photometric units, but the output
can be converted to something else with the rgb_unit_conversion parameter.
If it is set to 1 1 1, both the values returned by the
mental ray shader API functions mi_sample_light
(for the sunlight) and mi_compute_avg_radiance
(for the skylight), when sent through the mi_luminance
function, can be considered as photometric illuminance
values in lux.
Since the intensity of the sun outside the atmosphere is calibrated as
a 5900 degrees Kelvin blackbody radiator providing an illuminance of
127500 lux, this is very bright when seen compared to a more
"classical" rendering where light intensities generally range from 0 to 1.
The rgb_unit_conversion parameter is applied as a multiplier and
could be set to a value below 1.0 (e.g. 0.001 0.001 0.001) to
convert the raw lux value to something more "manageable".
For convenience, the special rgb_unit_conversion value of 0 0 0 is internally
set so that 80000 lux (approximately the amount of light on a sunny day)
equals the classical light level of 1.0.
An interesting alternative is to set rgb_unit_conversion to 0.318 0.318 0.318.
Then the final rendered pixels in the image (when rendered with
mia_material or shaders following that shading convention and when
sent through the mi_luminance function) are
true photometric luminance values in
candela per square meter1.
These true luminance values then fit perfectly as input to the
photographic tone mapper described on page Tone Mapper.
Analysis use
General overview
![]() Haze=8 | ![]() Haze=15 |
![]() Redness=-0.3 | ![]() Redness=+0.3 |
The mia_physicalsun is responsible for the color and intensity of the sunlight,
as well as emitting photons from the sun.
The shader should be applied as light shader and photon emission shader
on a directional light source
(it does not work on any other light type).
version 6
apply light
end declare
As mentioned above, the mia_physicalsun contains several of the common parameters that
are exposed in the mia_physicalsky as well (haze, redblueshift etc.).
The value of these parameters for the mia_physicalsun should match those in the mia_physicalsky.
The parameters specific to the mia_physicalsun are as follows:
When photon_bbox_min and photon_bbox_max are left set to 0,0,0 the photon bounding box will
be calculated automatically by the shader.
If these are set, they define a bounding box
in the coordinate system of the light within which photons are aimed.
This can be used to "focus" GI photons on a particular area-of-interest. For
example, if one has modelled a huge city as a backdrop, but is only rendering
the interior of a room, mental ray will by default shoot photons over
the entire city and maybe only a few will find their way into the room.
With the
photon_bbox_max and photon_bbox_min parameters
one can focus the photon emission of the mia_physicalsun
to only aim at the window in question, greatly speeding up and enhancing the
quality of the interior rendering.
automatic_photon_energy enables automatic photon energy calculation. When this is on,
the light source does not need to have a valid energy value that matches that
of the sun (it does, however, need a nonzero energy value or photon emission
is disabled by mental ray). The correct energy and color of the photons
will be automatically calculated. If this parameter is off, the photons
will have the energy defined by the lights energy value.
If illuminance_mode is zero, the default solar intensity used (calculated internally
based on the haze, solar angle, optical airmass, etc.) which is compatible with
previous versions of the library.
If illuminance_mode is 1, the sun light will have the direct normal illuminance (in lux)
set by the direct_normal_illuminance parameter. The color of the sunlight is still driven by the
haze as before, only the intensity is modified.
The mia_physicalsky shader is responsible for creating the color gradient
that represent the atmospheric skydome, which is then used to light
the scene with the help of Final Gathering and/or
sky portals (page Sky Portals).
The mia_physicalsky, when used as an environment shader, also show the
sky to the camera and in reflections.
mia_physicalsky also creates a virtual ground plane that exists
"below" the model. This makes it unnecessary to actually
model geometry all the way to the horizon line - the
virtual ground plane provides both the visuals and the bounce-light
from such ground.
scalar "horizon_height" default 0.0,
scalar "horizon_blur" default 0.1,
color "ground_color" default 0.2 0.2 0.2,
color "night_color" default 0 0 0,
vector "sun_direction",
light "sun",
# The following parameters are only useful
# when the shader is used as environment
scalar "sun_disk_intensity" default 1.0,
scalar "sun_disk_scale" default 4.0,
scalar "sun_glow_intensity" default 1.0,
boolean "use_background",
shader "background",
# For the lens/volume shader mode
scalar "visibility_distance",
boolean "y_is_up",
integer "flags",
integer "sky_luminance_mode" default 0,
scalar "zenith_luminance" default 0.0,
scalar "diffuse_horizontal_illuminance" default 0.0,
# Perez model luminance distribution parameters
scalar "a",
scalar "b",
scalar "c",
scalar "d",
scalar "e"
version 5
apply environment, texture, lens, volume
end declare
This parameter allows tuning the position of the horizon.
Note that the horizon doesn't actually exist at any specific
"height" in 3D space - it is a shading effect for rays that go
below a certain angle. This parameter tweaks this angle.
The total range available range is somewhat extreme, reaching
from -10.0 (the horizon is "straight down") to 10.0 (the horizon is
at the zenith)! In practice, only much smaller values are actually useful,
like for example -0.2 to push the horizon down just below the edge of a
finite visible ground plane.
Note: The horizon_height affects not only the visual representation
of the horizon in the mia_physicalsky shader, but also the color of the
mia_physicalsun itself, i.e. the point where the sun "sets" will indeed
change for a nonzero horizon_height.
horizon_height=0.0, horizon_blur=0.0 horizon_height=-0.3, horizon_blur=0.2
Red ground Green groundSun Parameters
declare shader "mia_physicalsun" (
boolean "on" default on,
scalar "multiplier" default 1.0,
color "rgb_unit_conversion" default 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001,
scalar "haze" default 0.0,
scalar "redblueshift" default 0.0,
scalar "saturation" default 1.0,
scalar "horizon_height" default 0.0,
scalar "shadow_softness" default 1.0,
integer "samples" default 8,
vector "photon_bbox_min",
vector "photon_bbox_max",
boolean "automatic_photon_energy",
boolean "y_is_up",
integer "illuminance_mode" default 0,
scalar "direct_normal_illuminance" default 0.0
Sky Parameters
declare shader "mia_physicalsky" (
boolean "on" default on,
scalar "multiplier" default 1.0,
color "rgb_unit_conversion" default 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001,
scalar "haze" default 0.0,
scalar "redblueshift" default 0.0,
scalar "saturation" default 1.0,
Many sky models neglect the influence from bounce light from the ground, assuming only the sky is illuminating the scene. To compare the output if the mia_physicalsky with e.g. the IES sky model one must therefore set the ground_color to black.
To use this effect, the shader must be applied as either a lens or camera volume shader.
However, if sky_luminance_mode is nonzero, the luminance distribution across the sky dome will follow the Perez model, which is driven by five parameters named a, b, c, d and e. So to use this mode you must have a valid set of Perez coefficients. {The color distribution across the sky dome is still driven by the haze parameter!}
If sky_luminance_mode is 1, the luminance of the sky can either be defined by setting the zenith_luminance parameter (a candela per square meter measurement) or by setting a known diffuse_horizontal_illuminance value (in lux) - not both.
If sky_luminance_mode is 2, the zenith luminance is calculated from the CIE Clearsky model.
It is important to note that the mia_physicalsky shader treats rays differently. Direct rays from the camera, as well as reflection and refraction rays see the "entire" effect, including the "sun disk" described below. But since the lighting already has a direct light that represents the sun (using the mia_physicalsun shader) the sun disk is not visible to the finalgather rays 3.
These parameters do not affect the Final Gathering result, only the "visible" result, i.e. what the camera sees and what is seen in reflection and refraction:
![]() glow_intensity=5 | ![]() glow_intensity=0.1 |
![]() sun_scale=1 | ![]() sun_scale=4 |
The CIE sky model is a standard model utilized in lighting analysis. It is a colorless
(grayscale) model, and is hence not suitable for making "nice images", but it has
the advantage of following a standardized (known) luminance distribution.
# Luminance parameters
boolean "auto_luminance" default on,
scalar "zenith_luminance" default 0.0,
scalar "diffuse_horizontal_illuminance" default 0.0,
# CIE specific parameters. 0 = clear sky, 1 = overcast
scalar "overcast" default 0.0,
# Sun direction
vector "sun_direction",
light "sun",
# Y vector
boolean "y_is_up",
version 1
apply environment, texture
end declare
The shader shares many parameters with the mia_physicalsky and they work the same, this includes
parameters on, rgb_unit_conversion, sun_direction and y_is_up. See page
mi_shader__mia_physicalsky for details.
The following parameters are unique to the mia_ciesky shader:
A classic problem in computer graphics is lighting a scene solely through
indirect light, like from a sky, or other "environment" light from
an acquired HDRI or similar.
This is accomplished in mental ray using Final Gathering (henceforth
abbreviated as FG), and is done by tracing a large number of
"FG rays" to see which hit the environment (or other lit surfaces).
Since this is a large number of rays, the results are cached
(for performance) at FG points and the result is interpolated,
"smoothing" the result.
This all works very well when there is a lot of fairly uniform light
that is "seen" by the FG rays. In general, FG gives the best result
when the light levels in a scene is fairly uniform; it works well
to illuminate an outdoors scene by the sky (most FG rays "see"
the sky), and it works well to bounce secondary light in a room in
which most surfaces are lit by direct lights (most FG rays "see"
some already-lit surface).
However, a scene of a dark room with no lights, and a single
window only exposed to the sky is more problematic:
In the image on the right, almost all FG rays will "see" blackness
and only a select few will be able to "escape" through the narrow
window to hit the sky. To resolve this accurately one need to shoot
very many FG rays, which has a negative impact on performance.
A further difference is that in the first two scenes (the outdoor scene
and the well-lit interior) there are already direct lights which cause
high-quality direct shadows, which resolves the details in the scene;
FG is only used for additional bounce- or sky-lighting, and doesn't provide
the bulk of the lighting. Therefore, any "over-smoothing" caused by the
interpolation of FG points is drowned out by other lights (or can
be resolved with AO in mia_material).
But the rightmost scene does not have that luxury, all light is
indirect skylight. Any over-smoothing due to interpolation will be clearly
visible, which means that one needs both a high FG ray count
and a high FG point density to create a pleasing render, which
gives longer render times.
A common technique used by many people doing interior renderings is to
put an area light in the window, to provide the sky-lighting rather
than rely on FG to "find" the sky. But this gives rise to the question
"how bright and what color should this light be?".
To solve all these issues the concept of a portal light is
introduced. The portal light is a (rectangular) area light
which is placed in the window, which obtains it's proper intensity
and color from the sky outside the window (i.e. an environment
shader, like mia_physicalsky or similar) and how much of that sky that is
Practically, this makes the portal light behave as a "FG concentrator"
so instead of having to send thousands of FG rays around the scene
to "find" the window, the portal light actually blocks FG rays,
and instead converts light from beyond the window to direct light,
with high-quality area shadows with no interpolation related issues
FG will now see a well lit room rather than a black
room, and can be performed at much lower FG ray counts. Furthermore,
since the light from the window is now direct, we gain
one extra light bounce "for free".
The mia_portal_light shader should be applied both as light- and photon
emitter shader on a rectangular area light. The mental ray
light instance must be set to be visible (this is a
technical requirement for the portal light to be able to "block"
final gather rays. If the light actually is visible or
not in the rendering is instead handled by the shader).
Furthermore, the mental ray light instance must be set up such
that the rectangular area light is extended in the X/Y plane
of the lights own coordinate space, and any transformation of
the light must be handled with the light instance's
The following parameters exist:
on enables or disables the light.
multiplier sets the intensity and tint_color modifies the light
color. When it is white, and the multiplier is 1.0, the light emitted
is equal in intensity (and color) to the environment light that FG would have
seen if allowed to send many thousands of FG rays6.
The light normally shines in the positive Z direction of the light
instance's coordinate space. If reverse is on, it shines
in the negative Z direction.
cutoff_threshold is a performance optimization option. Any light
below this level is ignored, and no shadow rays are traced (which is what
consumes the bulk of the render time of an area light). Of course, this
makes the scene slightly darker since light is ignored, but can save a lot
of excess render time.
shadows can turn shadows on and off.
If use_custom_environment is off, the shader looks in
the global camera environment for the color of the light.
If it is on, it calls the shader passed as
custom_environment to find the color.
Tip: While the shader is intended to be a portal to an environment, one
can also treat it as a "light card" shader by putting a shader returning
a solid color as the custom_environment, for example
using mib_blackbody creates a light card with a given color
If use_custom_environment is on but no custom_environment
is actually passed, the shader behaves as a white light card.
visible defines if the light emitting surface is visible or not.
When off, eye rays, reflection rays etc. go straight through so
the portal light itself remains unseen (and we still "see" out the
window). When on, the actual light emitting surface becomes
visible to eye rays, reflection rays etc (and one do not "see" out
the window any more, although one still "see" the environment shaders
result). The on mode is useful when using mia_portal_light as a light
card shader.
When lookup_using_fg_rays is off, the environment
shader is looked up with a normal call to mi_trace_environment().
However, some shaders behave differently if they are called by an FG ray
or by another ray (the mia_physicalsky shader, for example, does not show the
"image" of the visible sun to FG rays). Since the idea of mia_portal_light is
to act as an "FG concentrator" it should therefore follow that
behavior. So when lookup_using_fg_rays is on, it
calls the environment with the ray type set to miRAY_FINALGATHER,
so that shaders that switch behavior based on this can return the
color appropriate for a FG ray.
If shadow_ray_extension is zero, the shader begins tracing
shadow rays "at" the light. When positive, the shadow rays actually
start that distance "outdoors". So if there is a large object just
outside the window, it's shadow will be taken into account.
Conversely, a negative value allows the shadow rays to begin that
distance inside the window, which can allow them to "skip"
over troublesome geometry near the window (flowers, curtains) that
would otherwise just introduce noise into the shadows.
If emit_direct_photons is on, the light only shoots
direct photons, and does not actually emit any direct light
at all.
The transparency parameters has two functions.
Changing the parameter away from white allows one
to artificially change the balance between the visible
result (which is changed by changing this parameter) and
the intensity of the emitted light (which is not
affected by this parameter). This can be useful to avoid
This allows the mia_portal_light shader to double as a "gel" on the
window, to subdue the intensity of what is seen outdoors, which
otherwise tends to appear overexposed and blown out. The actual
emitted light intensity is not affected by this, nor does this
affect the intensity of other light rays travelling through the
window, it only affects what is visible to the eye, in refractions
or reflections.
In this section we will examine the benefits of using the portal lights
compared to what has been possible in previous versions of mental ray.
We are using the following scene7:
Our scene, using the portal lights, GI and FG.
The scene is only lit by the sun and sky, there are no light sources inside the
room of any kind.
CIE Sky model
declare shader "mia_ciesky" (
boolean "on" default on,
color "rgb_unit_conversion" default 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001,
Sky- and Environment Portals
The Problem
The Solution
declare shader "mia_portal_light" (
boolean "on" default on,
scalar "multiplier" default 1.0,
color "tint_color" default 1 1 1,
boolean "reverse" default off,
scalar "cutoff_threshold" default 0.005,
boolean "shadows" default true,
boolean "use_custom_environment" default off,
shader "custom_environment",
boolean "visible" default off,
boolean "lookup_using_fg_rays" default on,
scalar "shadow_ray_extension" default 0.0,
boolean "emit_direct_photons" default off,
color "transparency" default 1 1 1
version 9
apply light, emitter
end declare
![]() FG with 250 rays and density 0.8 | ![]() FG with 500 rays and density 1.5 |
Yes, increasing the number of rays and the density helps but it hurts our render time a lot. Even at the high setting we are still not near the optimal result. We would have to go even higher to resolve all the detail!
Lets back down from the high FG settings for a moment and concentrate on light transport. The scene is still very dark, because we are only getting a single FG bounce, and since the lighting from the sky is indirect we get no bounce of that light! Meaning: In this scene, the sunlight is bouncing once, but the skylight is not bouncing at all!
Lets turn up the number of bounces to 3:
FG with 3 bounces
This gave us more light. Due to the fact we stepped back from our "high" FG settings, the lighting isn't smooth and lacks any detail.
Using FG multi-bounce is just one of the ways mental ray can transport light in a scene. The alternative is to use Photons (GI). But keep in mind that when Photons are enabled, FG goes back to a single bounce, letting photons handle all the remaining bounces:
FG with GI (Photons)
Now something odd happened; the color shifted towards yellow. Why is that? This is because the sky does not generate any photons. So we now have multiple good-quality bounces of the sun, but we are back to zero bounces of the sky!
![]() Without portal lights | ![]() With portal lights |
The left is the super-high contrast result FG would "see" without portals, but the right is a fairly well balanced scene. And not only is it already filled with subtle direct light - the sky itself is actually invisible to FG, so it never has to carry the burden of hitting a high contrast area8 and the problem with the final gather filter pretty much disappears.
The second feature of the portal lights being direct is that if we turn FG back on, we now get once bounce of light "for free":
One free bounce of sky lighting, courtesy of the portal lights
Notice how the wall inside the window now has some bounce light on it from the sky light, even though we are using FG with a single bounce!
![]() Using portal lights and 3 diffuse bounces | ![]() Using GI (Photons) |
Turning on multiple diffuse bounces (on the left) makes the image come alive. Turning on GI (Photons) now yields a much more balanced image because the portal lights actually shoot photons! No longer is there the big skewing in favor of bounced sun light, the sky light will bounce equally well in the form of photons.
Finally, turning on one of the indoor lights, and utilizing the portal lights transparency parameter to combat the overexposure of the outdoor view, we get a final image:
A final image
In conclusion: The portal lights help...
The subtle interplay of skylight, courtesy of the portal lights