Polygon Lists

Element type: miSCENE_POLYGON
Data type: miPolygon[ ]
Sizes: int no_polys
Defaults: all nulls
typedef struct miPolygon {
        miGeoIndex      no_loops;       /* 1 + (number of holes) */
        miGeoIndex      no_vertices;    /* total number of vertices + headers*/
        miGeoIndex      vertex_idx;     /* into indices list, for sharing */
        miTag           material;       /* surface properties */
        miCBoolean      convex;         /* is polygon convex ? */
        miCBoolean      spare[3];       /* not used */
} miPolygon;

A translator must provide: all fields except spare.

no_loops is the number of loops of the polygon. Every polygon has exactly one outer boundary loop, plus any number of optional hole loops. Every loop is stored as a pseudo-index called a "header" that doesn't actually refer to the vector list but gives the number of indices to follow, followed by that many indices.

no_vertices is the total number of headers (the number of holes plus 1) plus the total number of vertices for this polygon.

vertex_idx is an index to the first header of the polygon in the index list. no_vertices indices beginning at vertex_idex define the polygon.

material is the tag of the material of the polygon. It must refer to a database element of type miSCENE_MATERIAL.

convex is a flag telling the tessellator that the polygon has no holes and is guaranteed to be convex. This saves time because GAP can use a very simple tessellation algorithm.

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