
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

// dagMessageCmd.cpp
// Description:
//     Sample plug-in that demonstrates how to register/de-register
//     a callback with the MDagMessage class.
//     This plug-in will register a new command in maya called
//     "dagMessage" which adds a callback for the all nodes on
//     the active selection list. A message is printed to stdout 
//     whenever a connection is made or broken for those nodes. If
//              nothing is selected, the callback will be for all nodes.
//         dagMessage -help will list the options.
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>
#include <maya/MIntArray.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MDagMessage.h>
#include <maya/MDGMessage.h>
#include <maya/MModelMessage.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MFnDagNode.h>
#include <maya/MCallbackIdArray.h>
#include <maya/MObjectArray.h>

#define kCmdName                                        "dagMessage"

#define kAllDagFlag                             "-ad"
#define kAllDagFlagLong                         "-allDag"
#define kParentAddedFlag                        "-pa"
#define kParentAddedFlagLong            "-parentAdded"
#define kParentRemovedFlag                      "-pr"
#define kParentRemovedFlagLong          "-parentRemoved"
#define kChildAddedFlag                         "-ca"
#define kChildAddedFlagLong                     "-childAdded"
#define kChildRemovedFlag                       "-cr"
#define kChildRemovedFlagLong           "-childRemoved"
#define kChildReorderedFlag                     "-cro"
#define kChildReorderedFlagLong         "-childReordered"

#define kHelpFlag                                       "-h"
#define kHelpFlagLong                           "-help"

#define CheckErrorContinue(stat, msg)   \
        if (MS::kSuccess != stat) {                     \
                displayError(msg);                              \
                continue;                                               \

#define CheckErrorReturn(stat, msg)             \
        if (MS::kSuccess != stat) {                     \
                displayError(msg);                              \
                return;                                                 \

// This table will keep track of the registered callbacks
// so they can be removed when the plug-ins is unloaded.
MCallbackIdArray callbackIds;

// Node added to model callback.
static void userNodeRemovedCB(MObject& node,void *clientData)
        if (! node.isNull()) {
                bool doDisplay = true;

                MStatus status;
                MFnDagNode dagNode(node,&status);
                if ( status.error() ) {
                        doDisplay = false;
                        MGlobal::displayInfo("Error: failed to get dag node.");

                if ( doDisplay ) {
                        MString s = dagNode.name();
                        MString info("DAG Model -  Node removed: ");
                        info+= s;


        // remove the callback
        MCallbackId id = MMessage::currentCallbackId();

// Node added to model callback.
static void userNodeAddedCB(MObject& node,void *clientData)
        MStatus status;

        if (! node.isNull()) {
                bool doDisplay = true;

                MDagPath path;
                status = MDagPath::getAPathTo(node,path);
                if ( status.error() ) {
                        doDisplay = false;
                        MGlobal::displayInfo("Error: failed to get dag path to node.");

                if ( doDisplay ) {
                        MString s = path.fullPathName();
                        MString info("DAG Model -  Node added: ");
                        info+= s;

                        if (MS::kInvalidParameter == status) {
                                info += "(WORLD)";


        // remove the callback
        MCallbackId id = MMessage::currentCallbackId();

        // listen for removal message
        /* MCallbackId id = */ MModelMessage::addNodeRemovedFromModelCallback( node, userNodeRemovedCB, 0, &status );
        if ( status.error() ) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Failed to install node removed from model callback.\n");

// Install a node added callback for the node specified
// by dagPath.
static void installNodeAddedCallback( MDagPath& dagPath )
        MStatus status;

        MObject dagNode = dagPath.node();
        if ( dagNode.isNull() )

        /* MCallbackId id = */ MModelMessage::addNodeAddedToModelCallback( dagNode, userNodeAddedCB, 0, &status );
        if ( status.error() ) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Failed to install node added to model callback.\n");

// Decide if the dag is in the model. Dag paths and names
// may not be setup if the dag has not been added to
// the model.
static bool dagNotInModel( MDagPath& dagPath )
        MStatus status;
        MFnDagNode dagFn( dagPath, &status );
        if ( status.error() )
                return false;
        bool inModel = dagFn.inModel( &status );
        if ( status.error() )
                return false;
        return ( inModel == false );

void userDAGGenericCB(MDagMessage::DagMessage msg, MDagPath &child,
                                          MDagPath &parent, void *)
        MString dagStr("DAG Changed - ");
        switch (msg) {
                case MDagMessage::kParentAdded:
                        dagStr += "Parent Added: ";
                case MDagMessage::kParentRemoved:
                        dagStr += "Parent Removed: ";
                case MDagMessage::kChildAdded:
                        dagStr += "Child Added: ";
                case MDagMessage::kChildRemoved:
                        dagStr += "Child Removed: ";
                case MDagMessage::kChildReordered:
                        dagStr += "Child Reordered: ";
                        dagStr += "Unknown Type: ";

        dagStr += "child = ";
        dagStr += child.fullPathName();
        dagStr += ", parent = ";
        dagStr += parent.fullPathName();

        // Check to see if the parent is the world object.
        MStatus pStat;
        if (MS::kInvalidParameter == pStat) {
                dagStr += "(WORLD)";

        // Install callbacks if node is not in the model.
        // Callback is for node added to model.
        bool incomplete = false;
        if ( dagNotInModel( child ) ) {
                installNodeAddedCallback( child );
                incomplete = true;
        if ( dagNotInModel( parent ) ) {
                installNodeAddedCallback( parent);
                incomplete = true;

        // Warn user that dag path info may be
        // incomplete
        if (incomplete)
                dagStr += "\t// May be incomplete!";    


// Command class declaration

class dagMessageCmd : public MPxCommand
                                        dagMessageCmd() {};
        virtual                 ~dagMessageCmd(); 
        MStatus                 doIt( const MArgList& args );

        static MSyntax  newSyntax();
        static void*    creator();


        MStatus                 addGenericCallback(MDagPath *dagPath, 
                                                                           MDagMessage::DagMessage msg, 
                                                                           MString cbName);     

// Command class implementation

dagMessageCmd::~dagMessageCmd() {}

void* dagMessageCmd::creator()
        return new dagMessageCmd();

MSyntax dagMessageCmd::newSyntax()
        MSyntax syntax;


        syntax.addFlag(kAllDagFlag, kAllDagFlagLong);
        syntax.addFlag(kParentAddedFlag, kParentAddedFlagLong);
        syntax.addFlag(kParentRemovedFlag, kParentRemovedFlagLong);
        syntax.addFlag(kChildAddedFlag, kChildAddedFlagLong);
        syntax.addFlag(kChildRemovedFlag, kChildRemovedFlagLong);
        syntax.addFlag(kChildReorderedFlag, kChildReorderedFlagLong);
        syntax.addFlag(kHelpFlag, kHelpFlagLong);
        return syntax;

MStatus dagMessageCmd::addGenericCallback(MDagPath *dagPath, 
                                                                                  MDagMessage::DagMessage msg, 
                                                                                  MString cbName)
        MStatus status = MS::kFailure;

        if (NULL == dagPath) {
                MCallbackId id = MDagMessage::addDagCallback(   msg,
                if (MS::kSuccess == status) {
                        MString info("Adding a callback for");
                        info += cbName;
                        info += "on all nodes";
                        callbackIds.append( id );
                } else {
                        MString err("Could not add callback to");
                        err += dagPath->fullPathName();
        } else {
                MCallbackId id = MDagMessage::addDagCallback(*dagPath,
                if (MS::kSuccess == status) {
                        MString info("Adding a callback for");
                        info += cbName;
                        info += "on ";
                        info += dagPath->fullPathName();
                        callbackIds.append( id );
                } else {
                        MString err("Could not add callback to");
                        err += dagPath->fullPathName();

        return status;

MStatus dagMessageCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args)
// Takes the  nodes that are on the active selection list and adds an
// attriubte changed callback to each one.
        MStatus                 status;
        MSelectionList  list;
    MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args);

        status = argData.getObjects(list);
        if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Error getting objects");
                return status;

        //      Get the flags
        bool allDagUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kAllDagFlag);
        bool parentAddedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kParentAddedFlag);
        bool parentRemovedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kParentRemovedFlag);
        bool childAddedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kChildAddedFlag);
        bool childRemovedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kChildRemovedFlag);
        bool childReorderedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kChildReorderedFlag);
        bool helpUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kHelpFlag);

        bool nothingSet = (     !allDagUsed && !parentAddedUsed && 
                                                !parentRemovedUsed && !childAddedUsed && 
                                                !childRemovedUsed && !childReorderedUsed && 

        if (nothingSet) {
                MGlobal::displayError("A flag must be used. dagMessage -help for availible flags.");
                return MS::kFailure;

        if (argData.isFlagSet(kHelpFlag)) {
                MGlobal::displayInfo("dagMessage -help");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\tdagMessage adds a callback to the selected nodes,");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\tor if no nodes are selected, to all nodes. The callback");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\tprints a message when called. When the plug-in is unloaded");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\tthe callbacks are removed.");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-h -help : This message is printed");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-ad -allDag : parent changes and child reorders");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-pa -parentAdded : A parent is added");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-pr -parentRemoved : A parent is removed");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-ca -childAdded : A child is added (only for individual nodes)");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-cr -childRemoved : A child is removed (only for individual nodes)");
                MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-cro -childReordered : A child is reordered");

        unsigned nObjs = list.length();
        if (nObjs == 0) {
                //      Add the callback for all changes of the specified type.
                if (allDagUsed) {
                        MCallbackId id = MDagMessage::addAllDagChangesCallback(userDAGGenericCB, NULL, &status);
                        if (status) {
                                callbackIds.append( id );
                                MGlobal::displayInfo("Added a callback for all Dag changes on all nodes.\n");
                        } else {
                                MGlobal::displayError("Could not add a -allDag callback");
                                return status;

                if (parentAddedUsed) {
                        status = addGenericCallback(NULL, 
                                                                                MString(" parent added "));
                        if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
                                return status;

                if (parentRemovedUsed) {
                        status = addGenericCallback(NULL, 
                                                                                MString(" parent removed "));
                        if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
                                return status;

                if (childAddedUsed) {
                        MGlobal::displayError("-childAdded can only be used when a node is selected");
                        status = MS::kFailure;
                        return status;

                if (childRemovedUsed) {
                        MGlobal::displayError("-childRemoved can only be used when a node is selected");
                        status = MS::kFailure;
                        return status;

                if (childReorderedUsed) {
                        status = addGenericCallback(NULL, 
                                                                                MString(" child reordered "));
                        if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
                                return status;
        } else {
                for (unsigned int i=0; i< nObjs; i++) {
                        MDagPath dagPath;
                        list.getDagPath(i, dagPath);

                        if (!dagPath.isValid()) {

                        //      Add the callback for all changes of the specified type.
                        if (allDagUsed) {
                                MCallbackId id = MDagMessage::addAllDagChangesCallback(dagPath, userDAGGenericCB, NULL, &status);
                                if (status) {
                                        callbackIds.append( id );
                                        MString infoStr("Added a callback for all Dag changes on ");
                                        infoStr += dagPath.fullPathName();
                                } else {
                                        MGlobal::displayError("Could not add a -allDag callback");
                                        return status;

                        if (parentAddedUsed) {
                                status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, 
                                                                                        MString(" parent added "));
                                if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
                                        return status;

                        if (parentRemovedUsed) {
                                status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, 
                                                                                        MString(" parent removed "));
                                if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
                                        return status;

                        if (childAddedUsed) {
                                status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, 
                                                                                        MString(" child added "));
                                if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
                                        return status;

                        if (childRemovedUsed) {
                                status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, 
                                                                                        MString(" child removed "));
                                if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
                                        return status;

                        if (childReorderedUsed) {
                                status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, 
                                                                                        MString(" child reordered "));
                                if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
                                        return status;
        return status;

// Plugin registration

MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
        MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
        return plugin.registerCommand( kCmdName,

MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
        // Remove callbacks
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<callbackIds.length(); i++ ) {
                MMessage::removeCallback( callbackIds[i] );

        MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
        return plugin.deregisterCommand( kCmdName );

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