Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


setEditor([addToList=boolean], [addToSet=boolean], [allSets=boolean], [applyWeightCommand=string], [autoExpand=boolean], [autoScroll=boolean], [autoUpdate=boolean], [collapseFrames=boolean], [componentListLength=int], [createBookmark=string], [editPartitions=boolean], [editSets=boolean], [expandFrames=boolean], [groupComponents=boolean], [listBookmarks=boolean], [mode=string], [reload=boolean], [removeFromSet=boolean], [scrollFrames=boolean], [showBlendShapeSets=boolean], [showBoneLatticeSets=boolean], [showClusterSets=boolean], [showDeformerSets=boolean], [showJointLatticeSets=boolean], [showLatticeSets=boolean], [showNormalSets=boolean], [showRenderSets=boolean], [showSculptSets=boolean], [showWireSets=boolean], [useBookmark=string])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

setEditor is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates/edits a set editor. It is rarely invoked by the user directly; normally, it is called by the panel editor system.

Please note that the set editor is no longer a supported user interface element. Please see the relationship editor and the component editor.

Return value

stringThe name of the editor

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


addToList, addToSet, allSets, applyWeightCommand, autoExpand, autoScroll, autoUpdate, collapseFrames, componentListLength, createBookmark, editPartitions, editSets, expandFrames, groupComponents, listBookmarks, mode, reload, removeFromSet, scrollFrames, showBlendShapeSets, showBoneLatticeSets, showClusterSets, showDeformerSets, showJointLatticeSets, showLatticeSets, showNormalSets, showRenderSets, showSculptSets, showWireSets, useBookmark
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
addToSet(ats) boolean edit
Adds the current selection list to the set selected in the set editor.
removeFromSet(rfs) boolean edit
Removes the items selected in the set editor from the set they belong to.
mode(m) string queryedit
Specifies the operating mode for the set editor. Valid values are: editing | selectNoExpand | selectExpand | paint. Only has an effect when auto update is disabled.
autoUpdate(au) boolean queryedit
Specifies whether the set editor should use the current selection list to determine which sets it should display. The default is false.
reload(rl) boolean edit
Temporarily reloads the contents of the set editor based on the current selection list.
addToList(al) boolean edit
Adds the sets associated with the current selection list to the list of sets currently displayed in the editor
allSets(allSets) boolean edit
Specifies that the set editor should display all available sets.
createBookmark(cb) string edit
Creates a bookmark from the current contents of the set editor.
useBookmark(ub) string edit
Use an existing bookmark for the contents of the set editor.
listBookmarks(lb) boolean query
Lists the names of the existing set editor bookmarks.
applyWeightCommand(awc) string edit
The operation named in the string is performed on the weights which are selected in the set editor. For example, use the command to "setKeyframe" key weights, or "select" to select the attributes corresponding to the weights.
showNormalSets(sn) boolean
showRenderSets(sr) boolean
showDeformerSets(sd) boolean
showBoneLatticeSets(sbl) boolean
showBlendShapeSets(sbs) boolean
showClusterSets(sc) boolean
showJointLatticeSets(sjl) boolean
showLatticeSets(sl) boolean
showSculptSets(ss) boolean
showWireSets(sw) boolean queryedit
Specify whether sets of the given types should be shown or not. The default is true.
editSets(es) boolean queryedit
The set editor will edit sets.
editPartitions(ep) boolean queryedit
The set editor will edit partitions.
groupComponents(gc) boolean queryedit
If set to true components are grouped in a expand/collapse item according to their parent. If false, components are left ungrouped and appear as <object>.<comp>[n]... in the set. The default is true.
componentListLength(cll) int queryedit
Specifies the maximum size of a grouped component list The default is 8.
expandFrames(ef) boolean edit
Recursively expands all frames currently in the set editor
autoExpand(aue) boolean queryedit
Specifies whether the set editor should automatically expand frames. The default is false.
collapseFrames(cf) boolean edit
Recursively collapses all frames currently expanded in the set editor
scrollFrames(sf) boolean edit
Scrolls the expanded frames of the set editor to show selected items. Only has an effect when in list by object mode.
autoScroll(aus) boolean queryedit
Specifies whether the set editor should automatically scroll its expanded frames to show selected items whenever the current selection list changes. The default is false. Only has an effect when in list by object mode.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Make a set editor
win = cmds.window()
cmds.showWindow( win )