Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


manipRotateContext( [object] , [activeHandle=int], [editPivotMode=boolean], [editPivotPosition=boolean], [mode=int], [position=boolean], [postDragCommand=[script, string]], [preDragCommand=[script, string]], [preserveChildPosition=boolean], [reflection=boolean], [reflectionAbout=int], [reflectionAxis=int], [reflectionTolerance=float])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

manipRotateContext is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command can be used to create, edit, or query a rotate manip context.

Return value

string(name of the new context)

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


activeHandle, editPivotMode, editPivotPosition, mode, position, postDragCommand, preDragCommand, preserveChildPosition, reflection, reflectionAbout, reflectionAxis, reflectionTolerance
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
mode(m) int queryedit
Arcball mode (0 - Object Space (default), 1 - World Space)
activeHandle(ah) int queryedit
Values can be: 0 - X axis handle is active 1 - Y axis handle is active 2 - Z axis handle is active 3 - View rotation handle (outer ring) is active (default)
position(p) boolean query
Returns the current position of the manipulator
editPivotPosition(epp) boolean query
Returns the current position of the edit pivot manipulator.
reflection(rfl) boolean
This flag is obsolete. Reflection is now managed as part of selection itself using the symmetricModeling command.
reflectionAbout(rab) int
This flag is obsolete. Reflection is now managed as part of selection itself using the symmetricModeling command.
reflectionAxis(rfa) int
This flag is obsolete. Reflection is now managed as part of selection itself using the symmetricModeling command.
reflectionTolerance(rft) float
This flag is obsolete. Reflection is now managed as part of selection itself using the symmetricModeling command.
preDragCommand(prd) [script, string] createedit
Specifies a command and a node type. The command will be executed at the start of a drag when a node of the specified type is in the selection.
postDragCommand(pod) [script, string] createedit
Specifies a command and a node type. The command will be executed at the end of a drag when a node of the specified type is in the selection.
editPivotMode(epm) boolean query
Returns true manipulator is in edit pivot mode
preserveChildPosition(pcp) boolean queryedit
When false, the children objects move when their parent is rotated. When true, the worldspace position of the children will be maintained as the parent is moved. Default is false.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# To create a new rotate context:

# To query the mode of an existing context:
cmds.manipRotateContext( 'manipRotateContext1', q=True, mode=True )

# To edit an existing context to come up with the X axis
# handle active by default:
cmds.manipRotateContext( 'manipRotateContext1', e=True, ah=0 )