Go to: Synopsis. Return value. MEL examples.


setState( string $type, int $state )

Sets the nodeState attr for all nodes in the scene that match the type passed in.

Note that setting the state for certain types of nodes can have unpredictable results (things will stop building, evaluating, etc, and it can be difficult to determine what is happening in the scene in certain complex cases). Use this mainly for things like expressions, etc.

Return value



Variable Name Variable Type Description
$typestring: type of node to operate on. valid choices are: iksolver, constraint, expression, particle, rigidbody, snapshot or "all", which will do all of the above.
$stateint: state to set for the node. "off" will turn the node off ("blocking" mode), and "on" will turn the node on ("normal" mode).

MEL examples

  setState "expression" on;