Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Flags. MEL examples.


renderPassRegistry [-channels int] [-isPassSupported] [-passID string] [-passName] [-renderer string] [-supportedChannelCounts] [-supportedDataTypes] [-supportedPassSemantics] [-supportedRenderPassNames] [-supportedRenderPasses]

renderPassRegistry is NOT undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.

query information related with render passes.

Return value



render, pass


channels, isPassSupported, passID, passName, renderer, supportedChannelCounts, supportedDataTypes, supportedPassSemantics, supportedRenderPassNames, supportedRenderPasses
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-renderer(-r) string create
Specifiy a renderer when using this command. By default the current renderer is specified.
-passID(-pi) string create
Specify the render pass ID for query.
-channels(-ch) int create
Specify the number of channels for query.
-supportedRenderPasses(-srp) create
List render passes supported by the renderer(specified by the flag -renderer).
-supportedRenderPassNames(-spn) create
List render pass names supported by the renderer(specified by the flag -renderer).
-supportedChannelCounts(-scc) create
List channel counts supported by the renderer(specified by the flag -renderer) and the specified pass ID. This flag must be specified by the flag -passID firstly.
-supportedDataTypes(-sdt) create
List frame buffer types supported by the renderer(specified by the flag -renderer), the specified passID and channels. This flag must be specified by the flag -passID and -channels firstly.
-passName(-pn) create
Get the pass name for the passID. This flag must be specified by the flag -passID firstly.
-supportedPassSemantics(-ps) create
List pass semantics supported by the specified passID. This flag must be specified by the flag -passId firstly.
-isPassSupported(-ips) create
Return whether the pass is supported by the renderer This flag must be specified by the flag -passID firstly. The renderer whose default value is the current renderer is specified by the flag renderer.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Get supported channel counts supported by renderer mentalRay and the passID "DIFF".
renderPassRegistry -passID "DIFF" -renderer mentalRay -supportedChannelCounts;
// Get supported data types supported by renderer mentalRay, the passID "diffuse" and the channels "3".
renderPassRegistry -passID  "DIFF"  -renderer mentalRay -channels 3 -supportedDataTypes;