Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


nurbsToPoly [-chordHeight linear] [-chordHeightRatio float] [-constructionHistory boolean] [-delta linear] [-edgeSwap boolean] [-format int] [-fractionalTolerance float] [-matchNormalDir boolean] [-minEdgeLength linear] [-name string] [-normalizeTrimmedUVRange boolean] [-object boolean] [-polygonCount int] [-polygonType int] [-uNumber int] [-uType int] [-useChordHeight boolean] [-useChordHeightRatio boolean] [-vNumber int] [-vType int] [surface]

nurbsToPoly is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command tesselates a NURBS surface and produces a polygonal surface. The name of the new polygonal surface is returned. If construction history is ON, then the name of the new dependency node is returned as well.

Return value

string[]The polygon and optionally the dependency node name

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


chordHeight, chordHeightRatio, constructionHistory, delta, edgeSwap, format, fractionalTolerance, matchNormalDir, minEdgeLength, name, normalizeTrimmedUVRange, object, polygonCount, polygonType, uNumber, uType, useChordHeight, useChordHeightRatio, vNumber, vType
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-format(-f) int queryedit
Format: 0 - Triangle Count, 1 - Standard Fit, 2 - General, 3 - CVs
Default: 1
-polygonType(-pt) int queryedit
Polygon type: 0 - Triangles, 1 - Quads
Default: 0
-polygonCount(-pc) int queryedit
The number of polygons to produce. Only used if Format is Triangle Count.
Default: 200
-chordHeightRatio(-chr) float queryedit
Chord height ratio is the ratio of the chord length of a surface span to the chord height. (This is a length to height ratio). 0 is a very loose fit. 1 is a very tight fit. (See also description of chord height.) Always used if Format is Standard Fit. Otherwise, only used if Format is General and useChordHeightRatio is true.
Default: 0.9
-fractionalTolerance(-ft) float queryedit
Fractional tolerance. Only used if Format is Standard Fit.
Default: 0.01
-minEdgeLength(-mel) linear queryedit
Minimal edge length. Only used if Format is Standard Fit.
Default: 0.001
-delta(-d) linear queryedit
3D delta. Only used if Format is Standard Fit.
Default: 0.1
-uType(-ut) int queryedit
Initial U type tessellation criteria (3 types). Type 0 - Per surface # of isoparms in 3D. This type places a specific number of iso-parametric subdivision lines across the surface, equally spaced in 3D space. Type 1 - Per surface # of isoparms. This type places a specific number of iso-parametric subdivision lines across the surface, equally spaced in parameter space. Type 2 - Per span # of isoparms. This type places a specific number of iso-parametric subdivision lines across each surface span, equally spaced in parameter space. (This is the closest option to the Alias Studio tessellation parameters.) This attribute is only used if Format is General.
Default: 3
-uNumber(-un) int queryedit
Initial number of isoparms in U. Used in conjunction with the uType attribute. Only used if Format is General.
Default: 3
-vType(-vt) int queryedit
Initial V type tessellation criteria (3 types). See description for the uType attribute. Only used if Format is General.
Default: 3
-vNumber(-vn) int queryedit
Initial number of isoparms in V. Used in conjunction with the vType attribute. Only used if Format is General.
Default: 3
-useChordHeight(-uch) boolean queryedit
True means use chord height. Only used if Format is General.
Default: false
-useChordHeightRatio(-ucr) boolean queryedit
True means use chord height ratio.
Default: true
-chordHeight(-cht) linear queryedit
Chord height is the absolute distance in OBJECT space which the center of a polygon edge can deviate from the actual center of the surface span. Only used if Format is General and if useChordHeight is true.
Default: 0.1
-edgeSwap(-es) boolean queryedit
Edge swap. This attribute enables an algorithm which determines the optimal method with which to tessellate a quadrilateral into triangles. Only used if Format is General.
Default: false
-matchNormalDir(-mnd) boolean queryedit
Only used when the format is CVs. Order the cvs so that the normal matches the direction of the original surface if set to true.
Default: false
-normalizeTrimmedUVRange(-ntr) boolean queryedit
This attribute is only applicable when a trimmed NURBS surface is used as the input surface. When true, the UV texture coordinates on the trimmed input surface are normalized and applied to the output surface as they are for the untrimmed version of the input surface. (The texture coordinates on the entire untrimmed surface are mapped to the entire output surface.) When false, the UV texture coordinates on the trimmed input surface are applied to the output surface as they are for the trimmed input surface. (Only the texture coordinates visible on the trimmed input surface are mapped to the output surface.)
Default: true
Common flags
-name(-n) string create
Name the resulting object
-constructionHistory(-ch) boolean create
Turn the construction history on or off
-object(-o) boolean create
Create the result, or just the dependency node

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// To create a new polygonal surface from a NURBS surface:
nurbsToPoly nurbsSphere1;

// To create a new polygonal surface from a NURBS surface with
// history so that the tesselation can be edited afterwards:
nurbsToPoly -ch on nurbsSphere1;