Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


detachSurface [-caching boolean] [-constructionHistory boolean] [-direction int] [-keep boolean] [-name string] [-nodeState int] [-object boolean] [-parameter float] [-replaceOriginal boolean] surface

detachSurface is undoable, queryable, and editable.

The detachSurface command detaches a surface into pieces, given a list of parameter values and a direction. You can also specify which pieces to keep and which to discard using the "-k" flag. The names of the newly detached surface(s) are returned. If history is on, the name of the resulting dependency node is also returned.

You can only detach in either U or V (not both) with a single detachSurface operation.

You can use this command to open a closed surface at a particular parameter value. You would use this command with only one "-p" flag.

If you are specifying "-k" flags, then you must specify one, none or all "-k" flags. If you are specifying all "-k" flags, there must be one more "-k" flag than "-p" flags.

Return value

string[]Object name and node name

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


caching, constructionHistory, direction, keep, name, nodeState, object, parameter, replaceOriginal
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-direction(-d) int createqueryedit
Direction in which to detach: 0 - V direction, 1 - U direction
Default: 1
-parameter(-p) float createqueryeditmultiuse
Parameter at which to detach.
Default: 0.0
-keep(-k) boolean createqueryeditmultiuse
Keep the detached pieces.
Default: true
Advanced flags
-caching(-cch) boolean createqueryedit
Modifies the node caching mode. See the node documentation for more information.
Note: For advanced users only.
-nodeState(-nds) int createqueryedit
Modifies the node state. See the node documentation for more information.
Note: For advanced users only.
Common flags
-name(-n) string create
Name the resulting object
-constructionHistory(-ch) boolean create
Turn the construction history on or off
-object(-o) boolean create
Create the result, or just the dependency node
-replaceOriginal(-rpo) boolean create
Create "in place" (i.e., replace)

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

detachSurface -ch on -d 1 -p 0.3 -rpo off surface1;
detachSurface -ch on surface1.u[0.3];
// Detaches surface1 into two pieces at u = 0.3.
// The results are two surface pieces, and a detachSurface dependency node.
// Since no "-keep" flag is used, all pieces are kept.

detachSurface -ch on -k on -k off -rpo off -p 0.34 -d 0 surface1;
detachSurface -ch on -k on -k off -rpo off surface1.v[0.34];
// Detaches surface1 at v = 0.34.  Because of the "-k" flags, two
// surfaces are created but the second surface is empty.  A
// detachSurface dependency node is also returned.

detachSurface -ch on -rpo on -p 0.2 -p 0.5 -d 1 surface1;
detachSurface -ch on -rpo on surface1.u[0.2] surface1.u[0.5];
// Detaches surface1 into three pieces.  Because of the "-rpo" flag,
// the first surface piece is used to replace the original surface1.
// The results are the three surfaces (including the original surface).
// Even though the "-ch" flag is on, a dependency node is not created
// if surface1 is not a result of construction history.  If surface1
// is the result of construction history, then a dependency node is
// created and its name is returned.

detachSurface -ch on -d 0 -p 0.3 -rpo off cylinder1;
// Detaches cylinder1, which is periodic in V, where the V parameter
// ranges between 0.0 and 8.0.  The parameter, 0.3, is used to move
// the start point of the cylinder, also known as the "seam".
// The resulting surface's V parameter range is 0.0 to 0.3.

detachSurface -ch on -d 0 -p 0.3 -p 0.7 -rpo off cylinder1;
// Detaches cylinder1, which is periodic in V, where the V parameter
// ranges between 0.0 and 8.0.  The 1st parameter, 0.3, is used to move
// the start point of the cylinder, also known as the "seam".
// The second parameter, 0.7, is used to detach the cylinder again.
// The result is only TWO surfaces; the first surface's V parameter ranges
// from 0.0 to 0.3. The second surface's V parameter ranges from 0.3 to 0.7.