Color Profiles

Data type: miColor_profile[ ]
Sizes: -
Defaults: all nulls
typedef struct miColor_profile {
        miUint1         space;          /* color space */
        miCBoolean      white_adapt;    /* perform white space adaption */
        miScalar        gamma;          /* gamma correction (XYZ->space)   */
        miColor         white;          /* CIE XYZ white point */
        miScalar        trafo[9];       /* CIE XYZ to color space trafo */      
        miScalar        inv_trafo[9];   /* color space to CIE XYZ trafo */
} miColor_profile;
A translator must provide: space
A translator may provide: all fields
Provided by mi_scene_create:

Color profiles allow distinguishing between the color space used for rendering and the color space used for output. If no color spaces are provided, then mental ray will perform all rendering and output in a device dependent color space. The ability to select a rendering color space different from the output color space allows mental ray to adapt to more stringent user requirements.

space identifies the color space to be associated with this color profile. There is a list of predefined color spaces, but it is also possible to specify a custom color space, provided the transform to this space from the CIE XYZ color space may be described by a three by three matrix.

white_adapt flags if transformations from or to this color space should include a white point adaption.

gamma gives the gamma correction exponent needed to transform a CIE XYZ color triple to the color space described in the color profile. mental rays color profiles consider gamma corrections independent of the color space, even though the standards for sRGB or HDTV include gamma correction values. However, gamma correction is aimed at the viewing device, while mental rays results should be considered device independent. However, sometimes it is of advantage to perform the gamma correction before the result is written out. Therefore optional gamma correction has been included with color profiles.

white contains the CIE XYZ values of the white point for this color profile.

trafo[9] If the color space is selected as custom, then the three by three transformation matrix for mapping color values in CIE XYZ space to the custom color space may be stored in this array.

inv_trafo[9] If the color space is selected as custom, then the three by three transformation matrix for mapping color values from the custom color space to CIE XYZ may be stored in this array.

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