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All data source items have Miscellaneous properties associated with them. For most data source items, these properties control attribute sources, line and polygon simplification and orientation, object identification, and what items will be exported.

Some data source items, like Block Buildings and POIs, have more properties than other data source items.

Miscellaneous properties for the overall project, differ from data source-related miscellaneous properties.


  Miscellaneous Properties

AttributeMergers — Generates data-dependent attributes.

You can map attribute values in a comma-separated-values (.csv) file using the Attribute Merger Collection Editor.

See To create an AttributeMerger CSV file.

FormatAddress — The address of the Point of Interest or landmark. (POIs only)

FormatObjectID — Defines a unique identifier for the feature. (Block Buildings only)

FormatSelected — Specifies whether the object is to be exported.

GeneralizationThreshold — Generalization of lines and polygons.

The value of this property specifies the degree of generalization used to automatically simplify lines, polygons, and ground plan polygons of buildings. Generalization also increases the performance of your Google Earth project.

Note: During data export, higher GeneralizationThreshold values result in a greater loss of detail than lower values.

InvertPolygonOrientation — Inverts the orientation of ground plan polygons. (Block Buildings only)

Set the value of this attribute to true or false.


  To create an AttributeMerger CSV file

Suppose you want to export polygon data that represents country borders from a 2D ESRI Shapefile (.dbf) to Google Earth. The .dbf file contains a table with a column called Color that lists values of either red or blue for every polygon.







To tell Google Earth to render the polygons with their corresponding colors, map the color to its hex code value in a .csv file.

1.In the LandXplorer Publisher Properties pane, click the AttributeMergers value field; then click the Browse ico_browse button.
2.In the AttributeMerger Collection Editor, click Add.
3.In the AttributeMerger Collection Editor Properties pane, specify the following attribute values:
SourceAttributeName:        Color
TargetAttributeName:        HexColor
TargetrDataUrl:        colormapping.csv
4.Generate the .csv file and click OK.

Finally, to specify the color of each polygon, assign the string value HexColor to the Appearance property, FormatFillColor.  LandXplorer Publisher finds the appropriate entry, even though the original .dbf file does not contain this column.