




Sets or returns the fcurve's muted state as a Boolean (true if the fcurve is muted). When an fcurve is muted it will not be evaluated during playback and the corresponding parameter will not be updated. By default this property is false.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
Boolean rtn = FCurve.Mute;
// set accessor
FCurve.Mute = Boolean;


JScript Example

// This example illustrates how to create an fcurve and mute it. 
// That means that the FCurve will not evaluate when the time changes.
// Create a new scene
NewScene(null, false);
// Create a null
oNull = Application.GetPrim("Null");
// Get the posx parameter of the null
oPosX = oNull.posx
// Create array of time-value pairs
aKeys = new Array( 30.00, -5.00, 50.00, 5.00 );
// Create an empty FCurve
oFCurve = oPosX.AddFCurve2( null, siStandardFCurve );
// Set the fcurve keys
oFCurve.SetKeys( aKeys );
// Get the current Mute value
bMute = oFCurve.Mute
Application.LogMessage( 'oFCurve.Mute before = ' + bMute , siInfo )
// Set the fc Mute to true
oFCurve.Mute = true
bMute = oFCurve.Mute
Application.LogMessage( 'oFCurve.Mute after = ' + bMute, siInfo )
// Validate that the parameter value does not change when evaluated at different times
Application.LogMessage( 'X Position at frame 0 : ' + oPosX.Value(0.0) );
Application.LogMessage( 'X Position at frame 100 : ' + oPosX.Value(100.0) );
// Produces the following output: 
//INFO : oFCurve.Mute before = true
//INFO : oFCurve.Mute after = false
//INFO : X Position at frame 0 : 0
//INFO : X Position at frame 100 : 0
// Because the FCurve was muted, the parameter does not update