


Copies the animation under the specified parameter.

Scripting Syntax

CopyAnimation( InputObjs, [UseFCurves], [UseExpressions], [RemoveAnimation], [BaseAnimation], [LayerAnimation] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs markable parameter The parameter under which we can find the animations
UseFCurves Boolean boolean that says if we want to copy the fcurves under the object

Default Value: true

UseExpressions Boolean boolean that says if we want to copy the expressions under the object

Default Value: true

RemoveAnimation Boolean boolean that says if we want to disconnect the animations after copying them (not supported for now)

Default Value: false

BaseAnimation Boolean If True the command will copy animation on the base layer.

Default Value: True

LayerAnimation Boolean If True the command will copy animation on all layers except the base layer.

Default Value: True

See Also

PasteAnimation CopyAllAnimation PasteAllAnimation CopyAllAnimation2