
PPGLayout.AddFCurve operator




F カーブエディタをレイアウトに追加します。F カーブパラメータに関連付けられている必要があります(CustomProperty.AddFCurveParameter を参照)。このコントロールは完全なF カーブエディタです。Animation Divot と混同しないようにしてください。

その他のパラメータと同様に、レイアウトにカスタムロジックコードを追加して、F カーブが変更されるたびに呼び出されるようにできます。これについては、例の中で説明します


PPGItem PPGLayout.AddFCurve( String in_ScriptName, Int32 in_opt_Height );


oReturn = PPGLayout.AddFCurve( ScriptName, [Height] );




パラメータ タイプ 説明
ScriptName String Parameter のスクリプト名。FCurve タイプである必要があります。この名前のパラメータが存在しない場合でも呼び出しはエラーになりません。ただし、この場合は、コントロールはレイアウトの一部として表示されません
Height Long コントロールの高さ。注:コントロールはプロパティページのサイズに応じて自動的にリサイズされるため、幅は設定する必要はありません。


1. JScript の例


	This example shows how an FCurve can be stored on a Custom Property and UI tools can be added 

	via the PPGLayout object



function BuildScene()


	NewScene( null, false ) ;

	var oCustomProperty = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "DataTemplate" ) ;

	oCustomProperty.AddFCurveParameter( "Curve" ) ;

	// Create read-only parameters that will be updated by the logic

	oCustomProperty.AddParameter3( "KeyCount", siInt4,null,null,null,false,true ) ;

	oCustomProperty.AddParameter3( "MaxY", siInt4,null,null,null,false,true ) ;

	// Build the Layout

	var oLayout = oCustomProperty.PPGLayout		

	var oLayoutItem = oLayout.AddFCurve( "Curve", 150 );

	oLayout.AddGroup( "Info" ) ;	

	oLayout.AddRow() ;

	oLayout.AddItem( "KeyCount" ) ;

	oLayout.AddItem( "MaxY" ) ;	

	oLayout.EndRow() ;

	oLayout.EndGroup() ;

	oLayout.AddRow() ;

	oLayout.AddButton( "Randomize" ) ;

	oLayout.AddButton( "Reframe" ) ;

	oLayout.EndRow() ;

	oLayout.Language = "JScript" ;

	oLayout.Logic = OnInit.toString() +

		Randomize_OnClicked.toString() +

		Reframe_OnClicked.toString() +

		ReCalcInfo.toString() +

		Curve_OnChanged.toString() ;

	InspectObj( oCustomProperty ) ;



// The following code is Logic code for the Property Page


function Randomize_OnClicked()


	// Get access to the curve

	var oFCurve = PPG.Curve.Value;



	var maxKeys = 10.0 ;

	var maxX = 100.0 ;

	var maxY = 100.0 ;

	var keys = Math.round( maxKeys * Math.random() ) ;

	for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys ; i++ ) {

		var keyFrame = Math.round( maxX * Math.random() )

		oFCurve.AddKey( keyFrame,

							maxY * Math.random() ) ;


	// Always end back at zero

	oFCurve.AddKey( 0, 0 ) ;

	oFCurve.AddKey( maxX, 0 ) ;

	oFCurve.EndEdit() ;	

	ReCalcInfo() ;


function Reframe_OnClicked()


	//Redraw, which will reframe the new pset

	PPG.Refresh() ;


function ReCalcInfo()


	// Show the number of keys and maximum

	// Y value for the curves

	var oFCurve = PPG.Curve.Value;

	PPG.KeyCount.Value = oFCurve.Keys.Count

	var maxYFound = 0 ;

	for ( var i = 0 ; i < oFCurve.Keys.Count ; i++ ) {

		var y = oFCurve.GetKeyValue(i) ;	

		if ( y > maxYFound )  {

			maxYFound = y ;



	PPG.MaxY.Value = maxYFound ;


function Curve_OnChanged()


	// Called when every the user changes the FCurve from the user interface.



function OnInit()


	// Called when PPG is first draw, use the opportunity to calculate the initial

	// FCurve values

	ReCalcInfo() ;


2. VBScript の例


' This example shows how the FCurve control can be customized via SetUIAttribute

' All editors show the same curve but the presentation differs

option explicit

dim oCustomProperty, oLayout, oLayoutItem

set oCustomProperty = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty",false,"FCurves" )

oCustomProperty.AddFCurveParameter "curve1" 

oCustomProperty.AddFCurveParameter "curve2" 

oCustomProperty.AddFCurveParameter "curve3" 

oCustomProperty.AddFCurveParameter "curve4" 

set oLayout = oCustomProperty.PPGLayout


oLayout.AddFCurve "curve1", 150

oLayout.AddFCurve "curve2"



oLayout.AddFCurve "curve3", 150

oLayout.AddFCurve "curve4", 150


'Now set attributes

set oLayoutItem = oLayout.Item("curve2")

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "NoGrid", true

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "NoRulerX", true

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "NoRulerY", true

'In order to line up nicely with the 

'other curve in the row set a smaller size (because

'the ruler is not showing

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "CY", 125

set oLayoutItem = oLayout.Item("curve3")

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "ViewMinX", -100

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "ViewMaxX", 100

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "ViewMinY", 0

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "ViewMaxY", 150

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "LabelX", "My X-Axis Label"

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "LabelY", "My Y-Axis Label"

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "ColorNonBijective", true

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "Ghosting", true

'Grid spacing is mostly only a hint to the editor.

'It will ignore values that are too small

set oLayoutItem = oLayout.Item("curve4")

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "GridSpaceX", 25

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "GridSpaceY", 25

'Snap Grid is independent of the visible grid

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "SnapX", 10

oLayoutItem.SetAttribute "SnapY", 10

InspectObj oCustomProperty


CustomProperty.AddFCurveParameter FCurve PPGLayout.Logic