



Exports the specified action to a file. The file formats accepted by this command are:

- External Softimage Native Binary Action (".eani") files.

- dotXSI Action (".xsi") files.

- Softimage Preset Action(".Preset") files.

Scripting Syntax

ExportAction( Action, [FileName] );


Parameter Type Description
Action String or ActionSource Action to export.
FileName String The full path to export to.

Default Value: User is prompted to select location and enter a file name


Python Example


#    This example demonstrates how to export and import an action. It also

#    shows how to create an action source from a static source and then

#    how to access the static source from the imported action.


from win32com.client import constants as c

Application.NewScene( "", 0 )

root = Application.ActiveSceneRoot

# Create a static action

obj = root.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )

targets = [ obj.rotx.FullName, obj.roty.FullName, obj.rotz.FullName ]

statics = [ 22.5, 90, 45 ]

actives = [ 0, 0, 0 ]

src = root.AddActionSource( "StoredAnimStaticAction", targets, statics, actives )

# Export the action

path = Application.InstallationPath( c.siProjectPath ) + "\\Actions"

filepath = path + "\\TestImportAction.eani"

Application.ExportAction( src, filepath )

# Import the action into a new scene but this time in a different model

Application.NewScene( "", 0 )

mdl = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel()

mdl.Name = "TestActionModel"

newsrc = Application.ImportAction( mdl, filepath, "ImportedAction4Test", -1 )

if ( newsrc.SourceItems.Count > 0 ) :

	Application.LogMessage( "Imported action contains these items: " );

	for itm in newsrc.SourceItems :

		datasrc = itm.Source

		Application.LogMessage( "\t" + datasrc.Name )

else :

	Application.LogMessage( "Imported action is a(n) " + Application.ClassName(newsrc) );

# Expected results:

#INFO : Imported action contains these items: 

#INFO : 	StaticSource

#INFO : 	StaticSource

#INFO : 	StaticSource

See Also
