

Converts a Pose described in a given ObjectSpace to WorldSpace.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = XSIMath.MapObjectPoseToWorldSpace( ObjectSpace, Pose );

Return Value

SITransformation (pose)


Parameter Type Description
ObjectSpace SITransformation ObjectSpace in which the pose is described.
Pose SITransformation Pose to convert.


1. JScript Example

        This example demonstrates how to map a cube's position relative to its parent 
        to global coordinates
NewScene (null, false)
var oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
var oCubeParent = oRoot.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface", "CubeParent")
oCubeParent.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posx").value = 2.0
oCubeParent.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posy").value = 4.0
var oCubeChild =  oCubeParent.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface", "CubeChild" )
oCubeChild.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posz").value = 3.0
oCubeChild.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("rotx").value = 45.0
var oTransParent = oCubeParent.Kinematics.Global.Transform
// This is the translation relative to the parent cube
var oTrans = oCubeChild.Kinematics.Local.Transform
var oVec3 = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
oTrans.GetTranslation (oVec3)
Application.LogMessage ("The translation of the cube relative to its parent: x " +
                                 oVec3.x + " y " + oVec3.y + " z " + oVec3.z)
// oTrans is relative to the parent cube, but can be mapped back to
// global space like this:
var oWorldTrans = XSIMath.MapObjectPoseToWorldSpace(oTransParent, oTrans)
oWorldTrans.GetTranslation (oVec3)
Application.LogMessage ("The translation of the cube relative to the origin of the universe: x "
                                + oVec3.x + " y " + oVec3.y + " z " + oVec3.z)
// Note: The global KinematicState already expresses this information
var oTransGlobal = oCubeChild.Kinematics.Global.Transform
oTransGlobal.GetTranslation (oVec3)
Application.LogMessage ("The translation of the cube relative to the origin of the universe: x " +
                                 oVec3.x + " y " + oVec3.y + " z " + oVec3.z)
// Expected output:
//INFO : The translation of the cube relative to its parent: x -2 y -4 z 3
//INFO : The translation of the cube relative to the origin of the universe: x 0 y 0 z 3
//INFO : The translation of the cube relative to the origin of the universe: x 0 y 0 z 3

2. VBScript Example

'       This example demonstrates how to map a cube's position relative to its parent 
'       to global coordinates
set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oCubeParent = oRoot.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface", "CubeParent")
oCubeParent.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posx").value = 2.0
oCubeParent.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posy").value = 4.0
set oCubeChild =  oCubeParent.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface", "CubeChild" )
oCubeChild.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posz").value = 3.0
oCubeChild.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("rotx").value = 45.0
set oTransParent = oCubeParent.Kinematics.Global.Transform
' This is the translation relative to the parent cube
set oTrans = oCubeChild.Kinematics.Local.Transform
set oVec3 = XSIMath.CreateVector3
oTrans.GetTranslation oVec3
Application.LogMessage "The translation of the cube relative to its parent: x " &_
                                 oVec3.x & " y " & oVec3.y & " z " & oVec3.z
' oTrans is relative to the parent cube, but can be mapped back to
' global space like this:
set oWorldTrans = XSIMath.MapObjectPoseToWorldSpace(oTransParent, oTrans)
oWorldTrans.GetTranslation oVec3
Application.LogMessage "The translation of the cube relative to the origin of the universe: x " &_
                                 oVec3.x & " y " & oVec3.y & " z " & oVec3.z
' Note: The global KinematicState already expresses this information
set oTransGlobal = oCubeChild.Kinematics.Global.Transform
oTransGlobal.GetTranslation oVec3
Application.LogMessage "The translation of the cube relative to the origin of the universe: x " &_
                                 oVec3.x & " y " & oVec3.y & " z " & oVec3.z
' Expected output:
'INFO : The translation of the cube relative to its parent: x -2 y -4 z 3
'INFO : The translation of the cube relative to the origin of the universe: x 0 y 0 z 3
'INFO : The translation of the cube relative to the origin of the universe: x 0 y 0 z 3