

Converts an orientation described in an ObjectSpace to an orientation in a different ObjectSpace.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = XSIMath.MapObjectOrientationToObjectSpace( ObjectSpace, Space, Orientation );

Return Value

SIVector3 (orientation)


Parameter Type Description
ObjectSpace SITransformation ObjectSpace in which the orientation is described.
Space SITransformation Space in which we want to convert the orientation.
Orientation SIVector3 Orientation to convert.


1. JScript Example

var oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root;
var oCube = oRoot.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface");
oCube.Kinematics.local.Parameters("posy").value = 4.0;
oCube.Kinematics.local.Parameters("posx").value = 2.0;
var oCube2 = oCube.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface");
oCube2.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posz").value = 3.0;
oCube2.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("rotx").value = 45.0;
var oCone = oRoot.AddGeometry("Cone", "MeshSurface");
oCone.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posy").value =  -2.0;
oCone.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posz").value = 90.0;
var oTrans = oCube.Kinematics.global.Transform;
var oOri = XSIMath.CreateVector3();
aNormal = new VBArray( oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Facets.NormalArray );
oOri.x = aNormal.getItem(0,1);
oOri.y = aNormal.getItem(1,1);
oOri.z = aNormal.getItem(2,1);
var oDestinationTrans = oCone.Kinematics.Global.Transform;
var oObjectOri = XSIMath.MapObjectOrientationToObjectSpace(oTrans, oDestinationTrans, oOri);
Application.LogMessage  ("The second face of the cube normal vector represented in the cone referential " 
                                + XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(oObjectOri.X) + "," + XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(oObjectOri.Y) 
                                + "," + XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(oObjectOri.Z) + " in the cube object space");
// Expected results:
//INFO : The second face of the cube normal vector represented in the cone referential 
//                      0,-57.29577951308232,0 in the cube object space

2. VBScript Example

set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oCube = oRoot.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface")
oCube.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posy").value = 4.0
oCube.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posx").value = 2.0
set oCube2 = oCube.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface")
oCube2.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posz").value = 3.0
oCube2.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("rotx").value = 45.0
set oCone = oRoot.AddGeometry("Cone", "MeshSurface")
oCone.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posy").value = -2.0
oCone.Kinematics.Global.Parameters("posz").value = 90.0
set oTrans = oCube.Kinematics.Local.Transform
set oOri = XSIMath.CreateVector3
aNormal = oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Facets.NormalArray
oOri.x = aNormal(0,1)
oOri.y = aNormal(1,1)
oOri.z = aNormal(2,1)
set oDestinationTrans = oCone.Kinematics.Global.Transform
set oObjectOri = XSIMath.MapObjectOrientationToObjectSpace(oTrans, oDestinationTrans, oOri)
Application.LogMessage  "The second face of the cube normal vector represented in the cone referential(" & _
                                XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(oObjectOri.X) & "," & _
                                XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(oObjectOri.Y) & "," & _
                                XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(oObjectOri.Z) & ") in the cube object space"