

Returns or sets a Boolean indicating whether the command is enabled (true) or not (false) This flag only affects the user interface; it does not block the command from being executed from a script. This property is often used in conjunction with the Menu API. You must call Command.Update to make sure the command state is updated.


JScript Example

        Example showing how custom commands
        can be defined and added to custom menus inside a
        self installed plug-in.
        Adds two entries to the "Window" menu 
        The first item is greyed out
        The second item allows you to enable or disable the first item. 
function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
        // Called on startup of Softimage to defined
        // what is contained in the script.  (We could potentially
        // implement many PluginItems in the same script)
        in_reg.Author = "Softimage SDK Team" ;
        in_reg.Name = "SDK Example - Enabled Command" ;
        in_reg.Major = 1 ;
        in_reg.Minor = 1 ;
        in_reg.RegisterMenu( siMenuMainWindowID, "DemoMenu", false ) ;
        in_reg.RegisterCommand( "DemoDisabled", "DemoDisabled" );
        in_reg.RegisterCommand( "EnableDemoDisabled", "EnableDemoDisabled" );
        return true ;
function DemoMenu_Init( in_oCtxt )
        var menu = in_oCtxt.Source
        menu.Name = "&Custom Deform" ;
        menu.AddCommandItem( "&Demo Disabled", "DemoDisabled" ) ;
        menu.AddCommandItem( "&Toggle Demo Disabled", "EnableDemoDisabled" ) ;
function DemoDisabled_Init(in_oCtxt)
        var cmd = in_oCtxt.Source ;
        cmd.Enabled = false ;
        cmd.ReturnValue = false ;
function DemoDisabled_Execute()
        LogMessage( "Thanks for enabling me finally" ) ;
function EnableDemoDisabled_Init(in_oCtxt)
        var cmd = in_oCtxt.Source ;
        cmd.Enabled = true ;
        cmd.ReturnValue = false ;
function EnableDemoDisabled_Execute()
        var cmd = Application.Commands( "DemoDisabled" ) ;
        // Toggle the enabled bit
        if ( cmd.Enabled )
                cmd.Enabled = false ;
                cmd.Enabled = true ;
        // Update the definition
        cmd.Update() ;