

Returns an Array of Integer values representing the offsets corresponding to the given elements of this cluster. These offsets could be used to access the properties connected to the cluster.


Parameter Type Description
elemArray Array of Integer values Array of elements. If the given array is empty, all the elements are considered


VBScript Example

'Create a cube
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
'Set the selection mode to "Point"
SetSelFilter "Point"
'Select 4 points on the cube
SelectGeometryComponents "Cube.pnt[2,3,6,7]"
'Create a cluster with these 4 points
'The current selection contains the newly created cluster
set mySelList = GetValue("SelectionList")
set myItem = mySelList(0)
set myCluster = myItem.obj
myIndicesArray = Array( 2, 7 )
myElemOffsets = myCluster.ElementsOffsets( myIndicesArray )
for i = LBound( myElemOffsets, 1 ) to UBound( myElemOffsets, 1 )
LogMessage "Cluster_V1 element : " & myIndicesArray(i) & " has the offset : " & myElemOffsets(i)

See Also

Cluster_V1.NbElements Cluster_V1.Elements Cluster_V1 ClusterProperty_V1