

Sets or returns the default installation folder (siInstallationPath) for the add-on (by default, siUserPath). Users can choose a different installation folder when they install the add-on.

Note: The default installation folder is automatically used when a user drags an add-on to Softimage.


VBScript Example

' This example shows how to set the path that appears by 
' default during installation of the add-on.
' Create a toolbar to use in the add-on package
CreateToolbar "MyToolbarAddonTest"
' Create the add-on package object
set oAddOn = Application.CreateAddon
' Set the default installation folder to the workgroup path
oAddOn.DefaultInstallationPath = siWorkgroupAddonPath
' Add the toolbar to the add-on package 
oAddOn.AddItem siToolbarAddonItemType, "MyToolbarAddonTest"
' You typically always specify a subdirectory
oAddon.SubDirectory = "MyToolbarAddon"
' Save the package in the Addons directory
oAddOn.Save XSIUtils.BuildPath( InstallationPath( siUserPath ), "Addons", "myAddOn.xsiaddon" )