





Freezes the input clips by plotting them into a new source action.

Scripting Syntax

oString = FreezeClips( [InputObj], [Name], [IgnoreInactiveChannels], [StepFrame], [FCurve Kind], [DefaultSegKind], [Fit FCurve], [Fit Tolerance], [ProcessContRots] );

Return Value

Returns the fullname of the action as a String.


Parameter Type Description
InputObj String List of clips

Default Value: Current selection

Name String Name of the frozen action.

Default Value: "FrozenAction"

IgnoreInactiveChannels Boolean Ignore inactive channels when freezing. If set to True, inactive items will not be added in the frozen action.

Default Value: True

StepFrame Double Step between frames

Default Value: 1

FCurve Kind Integer What kind of fcurve do we want to plot to?

Default Value: 30

Possible Values:


10 BOOLEAN (value true or false)
15 INTEGER (staircase-like fcurve with integer values)
20 STANDARD (fcurve with spline/linear/constant interpolation)
30 RAWDATA (linear fcurve: less storage than a standard fcurve but with linear interpolation only)
DefaultSegKind Integer What kind of interpolation do we want for the resulting fcurves?

Note: Only relevant when FCurveKind is 20 (Standard).

Default Value: 3

Possible Values:


Fit FCurve Boolean Do we want to fit an fcurve through the plotted values?

Default Value: False

Fit Tolerance Double What tolerance do we want for the fit?

Default Value: 0.01

ProcessContRots Boolean Do we want to process rotation curves to ensure their continuity?

Default Value: True


VBScript Example

' This example sets up two action clips for a sphere (one on the
' X-position and one on the Y-position), stores the actions, and
' then freezes the clips, creating a new (uninstantiated) source Action.
' Set up the scene 
Set oRoot = ActiveSceneRoot
Set oSphere = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface", "MySphere" )
' Setting key frames on XPos and YPos at various frames
SaveKey oSphere.posx, 1, -9.0
SaveKey oSphere.posx, 10, 3.0
SaveKey oSphere.posx, 30,-3.0
SaveKey oSphere.posx, 40, 9.0
SaveKey oSphere.posy, 1, -2.0
SaveKey oSphere.posy, 30, 2.0
' Store fcurve into source Actions
Set oAct1 = StoreAction( oSphere, oSphere.posX, 2, "PlotXPosAction" , _
                        True, 1, 40, True, False )
Set oAct2 = StoreAction( oSphere, oSphere.posy, 2, "PlotYPosAction" , _
                        True, 1, 30, True, False )
' Add 2 tracks into the animation mixer, and add action clip with 
' the 2 sources action in tracks
Set oClip1 = AddClip( oRoot, oAct1, , , 1 )
Set oClip2 = AddClip( oRoot, oAct2, , , 1 )
' Create an XSICollection containing the 2 action clips 
Set oInputClips = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection" )
oInputClips.Add oClip1
oInputClips.Add oClip2
' Freeze action clips to create a new source Action.
' If you want to instantiate it at the same time and replace
' the existing clips, use FreezeAndReplaceClips.
oFrozen = FreezeClips( oInputClips, "FreezeXYPosAction", True, 1, _
                        30, 3, False, 0.01, True )
LogMessage "Froze source: " & oFrozen

See Also

FreezeAndReplaceClips StoreAction PlotToActions