





Creates and returns layers with the requested clips, and adds the provided ports to the layers.

If a source is provided, a clip is automatically created and connected.

Note: This command is the same as BlendClipsInTextureLayersWithPorts except that it also inspects the newly created shaders.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = BlendClipsInTextureLayersWithPortsInsp( ClipList, [InputObjs] );

Return Value

Returns the layers created as an XSICollection.


Parameter Type Description
ClipList String List of clips to connect
InputObjs String List of shader connections to add the layers to.

Default Value: Current selection


VBScript Example

NewScene , false
' Create a default cube, add a texture projection and apply a default Phong shader:
Dim oBox
Set oBox = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )
CreateProjection oBox, , siTxtDefaultPlanarXY, , "Texture_Projection"
ApplyShader , oBox
' Apply a second projection, offset it
CreateProjection oBox, , siTxtDefaultPlanarXY, , "Texture_Projection"
Translate "Texture_Support1", 3.32038834951456, -4.87670131554974E-17, 0.796452068099767, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
Translate "Texture_Support1", -0.529657563043749, -2.59749993985792, 0.259749993985792, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
' First, add an image source.
Dim oSourceObj, ImageFile
ImageFile = Application.InstallationPath( siFactoryPath ) & "/Data/XSI_SAMPLES/Pictures/xsilogo.jpg"
SIAddImageSource ImageFile, "XSIlogo", oSourceObj
' Now create an image clip from the image source.
Dim oClipObj 
set oClipObj = AddImageClip( oSourceObj, "XSIlogo_Clip" )
' Blend in the clip, inspect the result
Dim result, item
set result = BlendClipsInTextureLayersWithPortsInsp(oClipObj, oBox.material & ".Phong.diffuse")
for each item in result
        logmessage "Added layer " & item
' Blending in a source automatically creates a clip
set result = BlendClipsInTextureLayersWithPorts(oSourceObj, oBox.material & ".Phong.ambient")
for each item in result
        logmessage "Added layer " & item
' Change the blending mode of the newly added layer
SetValue result(0) & ".mode", 4
' Change the texture projection
Dim shader
set shader = SIGetShaderOnCnxPoint( result(0) & ".color" )
SetInstanceDataValue , shader & ".tspace_id", "Texture_Projection1"
' If you draw a region, you should see two Softimage logos shifted relative to each other.
' If you open up the texture layer editor or rendertree on the cube, you will see two layers,
' one bleneded into the ambient port and one into the diffuse port.
' Output from this script:
'INFO : "Added layer Sources.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.XSIlogo_Clip_Layer"
'INFO : "Added layer Sources.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.XSIlogo_Layer"

See Also

BlendClipsInTextureLayers BlendClipsInTextureLayersInsp BlendClipsInTextureLayersWithPorts BlendInTextureLayers BlendInTextureLayersInsp BlendInTextureLayersWithPorts