Scene Messages

  • ALIGN_TO_FLOOR - Translates and rotates the given objects, positioning them as a group such that the three lowest ones are at the environment ground height. If no objects are specified, the currently selected objects are transformed. If the environment has no ground, position the objects at 0.


    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to transform.

  • ALIGN_TO_FLOOR_BYLABEL - Translates and rotates the given objects, positioning them as a group such that the three lowest ones are at the environment ground height. If no objects are specified, the currently selected objects are transformed. If the environment has no ground, position the objects at 0.


    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to transform.

  • BOOKMARK_ARRIVAL - Indicates that the application has arrived at a bookmark. Used to update the UI and Viewer.


    • bName - The name of bookmark.

  • BOOKMARK_DEPARTURE - Indicates that the application has left a bookmark. Used to update the UI and Viewer.

  • BOOKMARK_REQUEST_STATE - Requests the state for the named bookmark. Find the result with BOOKMARK_STATE message.


    • name - The bookmark name.

  • BOOKMARK_STATE - Indicates the name and the state of a given bookmark.


  • DELETE - Deletes specified nodes. If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes will be deleted. Each node and all of its children are marked as deleted.


    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to be deleted.

  • DELETED - Notifies listeners of nodes that have been deleted.


    • nodeId1, ..., nodeIdN - The IDs of nodes that have been deleted.

  • DELETE_BYLABEL - Deletes specified nodes. If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes will be deleted. Each node and all of its children are marked as deleted.


    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to be deleted.

  • DUPLICATE - Duplicates specified nodes at the file level (referencing the file rather than duplicating the geometry in the scene). If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes are duplicated. The node duplicates become selected.


    • nodeIdList - List of nodes to duplicate.

  • DUPLICATED - Indicates that something was duplicated.


    • importNodeIds - List of IDs of import nodes created by the duplication.

  • DUPLICATE_BYLABEL - Duplicates specified nodes at the file level (referencing the file rather than duplicating the geometry in the scene). If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes are duplicated. The node duplicates become selected.


    • nodeIdList - List of nodes to duplicate.

  • FIT_TO_VIEW - Moves the camera so that all the selected objects fit into the viewport. If nothing is selected then it fits the whole scene to the viewport.


    • createTransition - True to do the fit to view with the animated transition, False to fit to view instantly.

  • FIT_TO_VIEW_WITH_TARGETS - Moves the camera so that all the passed objects fit into the viewport. If nothing is passed, it fits the whole scene to the viewport.


    • targetIds - List of targets to which to do the fitting.

    • createTransition - True to do the fit to view with the animated transition, False to fit to view instantly.

  • GEOMETRY_ALL_DELETED - Indicates that all the nodes of the scene graph have been deleted. Sent after APPLICATION_CLOSE_SCENE initiated the deletion of the scene graph, once all the nodes are deleted.

  • GEOMETRY_COPY_TRANSFORM - Copies the transformation matrix of the first given target into a buffer. If targetIds is empty, copies the transformation matrix of the first selected target. This transformation matrix is the one that is applied by the GEOMETRY_PASTE_TRANSFORM message.

    The transformation matrix that is copied is the amount the target has moved from its original position (where the target was when it was first imported from file). The transform is in the object space of the target. You can preview the target's original position using the GEOMETRY_RESET_TRANSFORM message.


    • targetIds - The nodes whose transformation matrix will be copied.

  • GEOMETRY_COPY_TRANSFORM_BYLABEL - Copies the transformation matrix of the first given target into a buffer. If targetIds is empty, copies the transformation matrix of the first selected target. This transformation matrix is the one that is applied by the GEOMETRY_PASTE_TRANSFORM message.

    The transformation matrix that is copied is the amount the target has moved from its original position (where the target was when it was first imported from file). The transform is in the object space of the target. You can preview the target's original position using the GEOMETRY_RESET_TRANSFORM message.


    • targetIds - The nodes whose transformation matrix will be copied.

  • GEOMETRY_FLIP_NORMALS - Sets the draw normals state.


    • targetIds - The nodes whose normals will be reversed.

    • value - 'None' (regular), 'Reverse', 'Automatic' (brightest) or 'Toggle'. 'Toggle' switches between 'None' and 'Reverse'.

  • GEOMETRY_FLIP_NORMALS_BYLABEL - Sets the draw normals state.


    • targetIds - The nodes whose normals will be reversed.

    • value - 'None' (regular), 'Reverse', 'Automatic' (brightest) or 'Toggle'. 'Toggle' switches between 'None' and 'Reverse'.

  • GEOMETRY_NORMALS_SHOWN - Indicates that the display of the normals has been enabled or disabled.


    • normalsShown - True or False.

  • GEOMETRY_OCCLUSION_SHOWN - Indicates that the display of the occlusion has been enabled or disabled.


    • occlusionShown - True or False.

  • GEOMETRY_PASTE_TRANSFORM - Applies the transformation matrix from the last GEOMETRY_COPY_TRANSFORM message onto the given targets.

    The amount that each target has moved from its original position (where the target was when it was first imported from file), will be replaced by the pasted transformation matrix.


    • targetIds - The nodes whose transformation matrix will be affected.

  • GEOMETRY_PASTE_TRANSFORM_BYLABEL - Applies the transformation matrix from the last GEOMETRY_COPY_TRANSFORM message onto the given targets.

    The amount that each target has moved from its original position (where the target was when it was first imported from file), will be replaced by the pasted transformation matrix.


    • targetIds - The nodes whose transformation matrix will be affected.

  • GEOMETRY_PIVOT_CHANGED - Indicates that the pivot of a set of nodes has changed, usually as a result of the nodes moving. This pivot is used for rotation. The values given are the new pivot location in world space.


    • targetIds - The IDs of nodes that this pivot applies to.

    • x - The pivot's x position in world space.

    • y - The pivot's y position in world space.

    • z - The pivot's z position in world space.

  • GEOMETRY_PRELOAD_MODE_CHANGED - Indicates that the option to preload all geometry when the scene is opened has changed.


    • preloadRequested - True to preload, False otherwise.

  • GEOMETRY_RESET_TRANSFORM - Resets the transform of the given nodes to their original values (the transform on the node when it was first imported from file).


    • targetIds - The nodes whose transform will be reset.

  • GEOMETRY_SCALE - This message is obsolete. Please use MODEL_SCALE instead.


    • targetIds - The IDs of the objects to scale.

    • factor - The scaling multiplier. Note: Scaling by 0.0 is considered bad input, and ignored.

  • GEOMETRY_SCALED - This message is obsolete. Please use MODEL_SCALED instead. Indicates that the GEOMETRY_SCALE operation is complete.


    • targetIds - The IDs of objects that were affected.

  • GEOMETRY_SCALE_BYLABEL - This message is obsolete. Please use MODEL_SCALE instead.


    • targetIds - The IDs of the objects to scale.

    • factor - The scaling multiplier. Note: Scaling by 0.0 is considered bad input, and ignored.

  • GEOMETRY_SET_PRELOAD_MODE - Sets the option to preload all geometry when the scene is opened.


    • requestPreload - True to load all the geometry when the scene is opened, False to load the geometry into the scene as needed.

  • GEOMETRY_SET_TRANSFORM - Applies the given transform to the nodes specified by targetIds.


    • targetIds - The nodes to be affected.

    • transform - The 12 float values of an affine transformation matrix. The first three values are the first row of the affine matrix. The next three values are the second row of the matrix, and so on. A typical transformation matrix has 4x4 values, where the first three rows of the matrix represent any rotation and scaling, and the last row represents any translation. An affine matrix represents the same with 4x3 values, and the 4th column is assumed to be (0,0,0,1).

  • GEOMETRY_SET_TRANSFORM_BYLABEL - Applies the given transform to the nodes specified by targetIds.


    • targetIds - The nodes to be affected.

    • transform - The 12 float values of an affine transformation matrix. The first three values are the first row of the affine matrix. The next three values are the second row of the matrix, and so on. A typical transformation matrix has 4x4 values, where the first three rows of the matrix represent any rotation and scaling, and the last row represents any translation. An affine matrix represents the same with 4x3 values, and the 4th column is assumed to be (0,0,0,1).

  • GEOMETRY_SHOW_NORMALS - Shows the direction of the normals for all of the objects in the scene.


    • showNormals - True to show the direction of the normals, False otherwise.

  • GEOMETRY_SHOW_OCCLUSION - Shows the occlusion effect for all of the objects in the scene.


    • showOcclusion - True to show the occlusion effect, False otherwise.

  • GEOMETRY_TRANSFORM_CHANGED - Indicates that node transforms have changed.


    • targetIds - The IDs of nodes whose transforms have changed.

  • GEOMETRY_TRANSFORM_COPIED - Indicates that a transformation matrix has been copied from a target into a buffer.


    • targetId - The ID of the single node whose transformation matrix was copied.

  • GEOMETRY_UP_AXIS_SWITCH - Changes the orientation of the specified models from Z-up to Y-up, or vice-versa. Note: Only works for import nodes.


    • targetIds - Models whose axes switch.

  • GEOMETRY_UP_AXIS_SWITCHED - Indicates that the axis has been switched on an import node.


    • targetIds - The IDs of objects that were affected.

  • GEOMETRY_UP_AXIS_SWITCH_BYLABEL - Changes the orientation of the specified models from Z-up to Y-up, or vice-versa. Note: Only works for import nodes.


    • targetIds - Models whose axes switch.

  • GEOMETRY_VISIBILITY_CHANGED - Indicates that the visibility of some geometry in the scene was modified.

  • GROUP_COLLAPSE - Collapses groups.


    • parentIds - The IDs of the parent nodes.

  • GROUP_COLLAPSED - Indicates that groups were collapsed.


    • parentIds - The IDs of the parent nodes.

  • GROUP_COLLAPSE_BYLABEL - Collapses groups.


    • parentIds - The IDs of the parent nodes.

  • GROUP_CREATE - Creates a group node and puts it under the specified parent.


    • nodeId - The ID of the node to create (if possible).

    • parent - The ID of the new parent.

    • index - The position at which to place the newly created node. If < 0, the node is inserted as the last child of the parent. Otherwise, we try to insert it as the specified child.

  • GROUP_CREATE_BYLABEL - Creates a group node and puts it under the specified parent.


    • nodeId - The ID of the node to create (if possible).

    • parent - The ID of the new parent.

    • index - The position at which to place the newly created node. If < 0, the node is inserted as the last child of the parent. Otherwise, we try to insert it as the specified child.

  • GROUP_EXPAND - Expands groups.


    • parentIds - The IDs of the parent nodes.

  • GROUP_EXPANDED - Indicates that groups were expanded.


    • parentIds - The IDs of the parent nodes.

  • GROUP_EXPAND_BYLABEL - Expands groups.


    • parentIds - The IDs of the parent nodes.

  • GROUP_NODES - Creates a group under the lowest common ancestor of the specified nodes, then moves them all under that new node.


    • nodeIds - The IDs of the node to group.

  • GROUP_NODES_BYLABEL - Creates a group under the lowest common ancestor of the specified nodes, then moves them all under that new node.


    • nodeIds - The IDs of the node to group.

  • HIDE - Hides the specified nodes. If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes are operated on. Each node and all of its children are marked as hidden.


    • objects - Explicit list of nodes, or the selected objects if empty.

    • removeFromSelection - True to remove the objects to hide from the selection list (if present).

  • HIDE_BYLABEL - Hides the specified nodes. If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes are operated on. Each node and all of its children are marked as hidden.


    • objects - Explicit list of nodes, or the selected objects if empty.

    • removeFromSelection - True to remove the objects to hide from the selection list (if present).

  • HIDE_UNSELECTED - Hides all but the specified nodes. If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes are operated on.


    • objects - Explicit list of nodes, or the selected objects if empty.

  • HIDE_UNSELECTED_BYLABEL - Hides all but the specified nodes. If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes are operated on.


    • objects - Explicit list of nodes, or the selected objects if empty.

  • LIGHT_ADD_NODES - Internal message. Associates the specified target nodes with the specified light node. If no target nodes have been specified, then the selected nodes will be added to the specified light node. A light node cannot be associated with another light node.


    • light - The name of the light.

    • target1, ..., targetN - All objects that should be lit by this light.

  • LIGHT_GRIPS_SHOWN - Indicates that the display of the light grips has been enabled or disabled.


    • gripsShown - True to display light grips, False to hide them.

  • LIGHT_INTERACTIVE_POSITION_END - Indicates the end of interactive environment light positioning.

  • LIGHT_INTERACTIVE_POSITION_START - Indicates the beginning of interactive environment light positioning.

  • LIGHT_REMOVED - Indicates that a light has been removed.


    • lightId - The name of the light that was changed.

  • LIGHT_REMOVE_NODES - Internal message. Removes the association between the specified target nodes and the specified light node. If no target nodes have been specified, then the selected nodes will be removed from the specified light node.


    • light - The name of the light.

    • target1, ..., targetN - All objects that should be removed from this light.

  • LIGHT_SHOW_GRIPS - Shows the light grips.


    • showGrips - True to display light grips, False to hide them.

  • LOCATOR_HIGHLIGHT - Highlights the named targets and the corresponding model nodes.


    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of target objects to highlight. Specifying no IDs will unhighlight any highlighted objects.

  • LOCATOR_SELECT - Select a given locators.


    • nodeIds - Ids of locators to select

    • mode - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract' or 'All'.

    • siblings - If true, the sibling nodes are selected as well.

  • LOCATOR_SELECTION_CHANGED - Indicates that some locators changed their selection state.

  • LOCATOR_SET_ROOT - Sets a new locator root node. All locator nodes are attached to this root.


    • nodeId -

  • LOCATOR_SET_TRANSFORM - Applies the given transform to the decal locator nodes specified by targetIds.


    • targetIds - The nodes to be affected.

    • oldTransform - Current affine transform matrix.

    • newTransform - New affine transform matrix.

  • LOCATOR_SHOW_DECAL_GRIPS - Shows the decal grips.


    • showGrips - True to display decal grips, False to hide them.

  • LOCATOR_VISIBILITY_CHANGED - Indicates that some locators changed their visibility state.

  • MANIPULATOR_FIT_TO_VIEW - Moves the camera so that all the selected objects and the manipulator fit into the viewport. If nothing is selected then it fits the whole scene to the viewport.


    • createTransition - True to do the fit to view with the animated transition, False to fit to view instantly.

  • MANIPULATOR_SNAP_CHANGED - Indicates that the snap mode of the named manipulator has changed.


    • manipulatorName - The name of the manipulator whose position has changed.

    • snapping - True if snapping is enabled.

  • MIRROR_DUPLICATE - Mirrors specified nodes. If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes are mirrored. The nodes mirrored become selected.


    • axis - Axis over which the mirror operation is performed: X, Y, Z.

    • nodeIdList - List of nodes to mirror.

  • MIRROR_DUPLICATE_BYLABEL - Mirrors specified nodes. If no nodes are specified, then the selected nodes are mirrored. The nodes mirrored become selected.


    • axis - Axis over which the mirror operation is performed: X, Y, Z.

    • nodeIdList - List of nodes to mirror.

  • MODEL_DELETE - Deletes deletable models from the scene. The model is consider deletable if none of its nodes has children (direct or indirect through user created groups) that belong to other models.


    • modelImportIds - The list of model IDs.

  • MODEL_DELETED - Notification that models have been deleted from the scene.


    • modelImportIds - The list of model ids.

  • MODEL_DELETE_BYLABEL - Deletes deletable models from the scene. The model is consider deletable if none of its nodes has children (direct or indirect through user created groups) that belong to other models.


    • modelImportIds - The list of model IDs.

  • MODEL_HIGHLIGHT - Highlights the named targets.


    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of target objects to highlight. Specifying no IDs will unhighlight any highlighted objects.

  • MODEL_HIGHLIGHT_BYLABEL - Highlights the named targets.


    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of target objects to highlight. Specifying no IDs will unhighlight any highlighted objects.

  • MODEL_IMPORT - Imports the specified file.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the geometry to be imported. If this is an empty string, a new model import ID will be created.

    • filename - The name of the file to import.

    • onDemand - True to load on demand, False to load immediately.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_ALLDONE - Indicates that all pending file imports have finished or failed.


    • finishedModelIDs - A list of the unique identifiers of the model imports associated with the successful file imports.

    • failedModelIDs - A list of the unique identifiers of the model imports associated with the failed file imports.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_BILLBOARD - Imports the specified file as a billboard.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the geometry to be imported. If this is an empty string, a new model import ID will be created.

    • filename - The name of the file to import.

    • onDemand - True to load on demand, False to load immediately.

    • position - Place the model at this position.

    • scale - Scale the model by this x,y,z.

    • materialNameList - List of material names.

    • singleSided - True if object should be made single sided.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_BYLABEL - Imports the specified file.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the geometry to be imported. If this is an empty string, a new model import ID will be created.

    • filename - The name of the file to import.

    • onDemand - True to load on demand, False to load immediately.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_CANCELLED - Indicates that a file import was cancelled.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the file.

    • filename - The name of the file that was to be imported.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_CANT_START - Indicates that a MODEL_IMPORT operation couldn't start because of a problem with the message data or some other precondition.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the geometry to be imported. It can be empty.

    • filename - The name of the file to import.

    • onDemand - True to load on demand, False to load immediately.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_CHANGE_ORIGINAL - Changes the original filename for the specified model import.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import to be affected.

    • filename - The new original filename.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_CHANGE_ORIGINAL_BYLABEL - Changes the original filename for the specified model import.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import to be affected.

    • filename - The new original filename.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_DISPLAYED_ALL - Indicates that all pending file conversions and file imports have finished and compiled so they are displayed on the screen.


    • nodeIds - A list of the node identifiers that are now compiled and displayed on the screen.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_FAILED - Indicates that a file import failed.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the file.

    • filename - The name of the file that was to be imported.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_IMAGE - Imports the specified image file.


    • filename - The name of the image file to import.

    • orientationConstraint - 0 - no constraints; 1 - the image will always face the camera; 2 - the image will vertically face the camera (rotating about Z); 3 - the image will face the camera rotating about X; 4 - the image will face the camera rotating about Y.

    • fixedPixelSize - True to the image is to fix the pixel size on the screen, False otherwise. Only relevant for the orientationConstraint set to 1.

    • width - Specify image width. If negative, take the actual image width.

    • height - Specify image height. If negative, take the actual image height.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_LOADED - Indicates that the import state for a particular file changed to "Loaded".


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the file.

    • filename - The name of the file that was imported.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_ORIGINAL_CHANGED - Indicates that the original filename for the specified Import node has changed.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import that was affected.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_POSITION - Imports the specified file at the specified position.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the geometry to be imported. If this is an empty string, a new model import ID will be created.

    • filename - The name of the file to import.

    • onDemand - True to load on demand, False to load immediately.

    • position - Place the model at this position.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_REPLACE - Replaces the specified file. This message behaves almost identically to MODEL_IMPORT, except that it first removes any existing conversion jobs for the given model import.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the geometry to be imported.

    • filename - The name of the file to import.

    • onDemand - True to load on demand, False to load immediately.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_REPLACE_BYLABEL - Replaces the specified file. This message behaves almost identically to MODEL_IMPORT, except that it first removes any existing conversion jobs for the given model import.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the geometry to be imported.

    • filename - The name of the file to import.

    • onDemand - True to load on demand, False to load immediately.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_REQUESTED - Indicates that a file import has been requested.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the file.

    • filename - The name of the file to be imported.

  • MODEL_IMPORT_STATE_CHANGED - Indicates that the import state of a particular file changed.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the file.

    • state - The current state.

  • MODEL_PREPAREANDIMPORT_ALLDONE - Indicates that all pending file conversions and file imports have finished or failed.


    • finishedModelIDs - A list of the unique identifiers of the model imports associated with the successful file conversions and file imports.

    • failedModelIDs - A list of the unique identifiers of the model imports associated with the failed file conversions and file imports.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_ALLDONE - Indicates that all pending file conversions have finished or failed.


    • finishedModelIDs - A list of the unique identifiers of the model imports associated with the successful file conversions.

    • failedModelIDs - A list of the unique identifiers of the model imports associated with the failed file conversions.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_CANT_START - Indicates that a MODEL_PREPARE operation couldn't start because of a problem with the message data.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import whose model could not be prepared.

    • inputFileName - The name of the model file to be prepared.

    • journalFileName - The name of the journal file containing tessellation settings.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_FAILED - Indicates that a translation job has failed.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the translated file.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_FINISHED - Indicates that a translation job has finished successfully.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the translated file.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_START - Starts a translation job. This job was previously added using MODEL_PREPARE.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the translated file.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_STARTED - Indicates that a translation job has started.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the translated file.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_START_BYLABEL - Starts a translation job. This job was previously added using MODEL_PREPARE.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the translated file.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_STATUS_CHANGED - Indicates that the conversion status of a translation job has changed.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the translated file.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_STOP - Stops an active translation job. This job was previously added using MODEL_PREPARE.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the translated file.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_STOPPED - Indicates that a translation job was stopped.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the translated file.

  • MODEL_PREPARE_STOP_BYLABEL - Stops an active translation job. This job was previously added using MODEL_PREPARE.


    • modelImportId - The unique identifier of the model import associated with the translated file.

  • MODEL_RENAME - Renames specified models.


    • modelImportIds - List of model IDs to rename.

    • name - New name for the models.

  • MODEL_RENAMED - Indicates that models were renamed.


    • modelImportIds - IDs of models that were renamed.

    • name - New name.

  • MODEL_RENAME_BYLABEL - Renames specified models.


    • modelImportIds - List of model IDs to rename.

    • name - New name for the models.

  • MODEL_SCALE - Scales the specified models by the given multiplier. Note: Scaling by 0.0 is considered bad input, and ignored.


    • modelIds - The IDs of models to scale.

    • factor - Scaling multiplier.

  • MODEL_SCALED - Indicates that the MODEL_SCALE operation completed.


    • modelImportIds - The IDs of models that were affected.

  • MODEL_SCALE_BYLABEL - Scales the specified models by the given multiplier. Note: Scaling by 0.0 is considered bad input, and ignored.


    • modelIds - The IDs of models to scale.

    • factor - Scaling multiplier.

  • MODEL_SELECT - Selects all the leaf nodes that belong to specified models.


    • modelImportId1, ..., modelImportIdN - The IDs of model imports to be selected.

    • mode - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract' or 'All'.

  • MODEL_SELECTED - Response message for MODEL_SELECT. Returns IDs of models that have been selected.


    • modelImportId1, ..., modelImportIdN - The IDs of selected models.

  • MODEL_SELECT_BYLABEL - Selects all the leaf nodes that belong to specified models.


    • modelImportId1, ..., modelImportIdN - The IDs of model imports to be selected.

    • mode - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract' or 'All'.

  • MODEL_SET_UNITS - Set the model units.


    • modelImportIds - The IDs of models whose units will be switched.

    • unit - The name of the unit to set.

  • MODEL_SWITCH_UP_AXIS - Changes the orientation of the specified models from Z-up to Y-up, or vice-versa.


    • modelImportIds - The IDs of models whose axes will be switched.

  • MODEL_SWITCH_UP_AXIS_BYLABEL - Changes the orientation of the specified models from Z-up to Y-up, or vice-versa.


    • modelImportIds - The IDs of models whose axes will be switched.

  • MODEL_UNITS_CHANGED - Information message which indicate that model units have changed.


    • modelImportIds - The IDs of models whose units will be switched.

    • unit - The name of unit that was set.

  • MODEL_UP_AXIS_SWITCHED - Indicates that the axis has been switched on specified models.


    • modelImportIds - The IDs of objects that were affected.

  • NODE_CREATED - Indicates that a node with the given ID was just created.


    • nodeId - The ID of the node that was created.

    • parentId - The ID of the parent.

    • index - The index of the node as the child of its parent.

  • NODE_PARENT - Puts the specified node under the specified parent.


    • args - Tuples of parenting operations. Each parenting operation is specified by: nodeId - The ID of the node to get a new parent. parentId - The ID of the new parent. maintain3dLocation - If True, the object will not move on the screen, but its local transformation may change. If False, it may move, but its local transformation remains the same. index - If < 0, the node is inserted as the last child of the parent. Otherwise, we try to insert it as the specified child.

  • NODE_PARENTED - Indicates that the specified node has been put under the specified parent.


    • node - The ID of the node that was re-parented.

    • parent - The ID of the node that became the new parent.

    • prevParent - The ID of the node that was the parent.

    • index - The index of the node as the new child.

  • NODE_PRIORITY_CHANGED - Indicates that a priority of a given LodGroup has been changed.


    • nodeId - The ID of the node to assign a new priority.

    • priority - New priority.

  • NODE_PROPERTY_CHANGED - Indicates that node properties were changed. This message is only sent when node properties are changed using the NODE_SET_PROPERTY message; the properties may also be changed directly, in which case this informational message will not be sent.


    • nodeIds - A tuple of node ids that were changed.

    • property - The property that was changed.

    • state - The new state of the property.

  • NODE_RENAME - Renames the specified target nodes.


    • targetIds - Nodes to rename

    • name - New name.

  • NODE_RENAMED - Indicates that nodes were renamed.


    • targetIds - Nodes renamed

    • name - New name.

  • NODE_RENAME_BYLABEL - Renames the specified target nodes.


    • targetIds - Nodes to rename

    • name - New name.

  • NODE_SET_PRIORITY - Assign a given priority to a LodGroup.


    • nodeId - The ID of the node to assign a new priority.

    • priority - New priority.

  • NODE_SET_PROPERTY - Set node properties.


    • nodeIds - A tuple of node ids to change. Use selected nodes if the tuple is empty.

    • property - The property to change.

    • state - The new state of the property.

    • applyToLeaves - If True, apply this change to the leaf nodes.

  • PATCH_CURRENT_OBJECT - Tells the object patches interpreter which object to operate on. Used to differentiate between patch operation selections and change of object selections.


    • objectId - The ID of the object to operate on. This must be a leaf level, level of detail object.

  • PATCH_CURRENT_OBJECT_BYLABEL - Tells the object patches interpreter which object to operate on. Used to differentiate between patch operation selections and change of object selections.


    • objectId - The ID of the object to operate on. This must be a leaf level, level of detail object.

  • PATCH_EXTRACT - Extracts specified patches form a given lod node into a new lod node.


    • nodeId - Lod node id from which patches are being extracted.

    • patchIndices - Indices of patches to extract

  • PATCH_EXTRACTED - Notifies that the PATCH_EXTRACT completed.


    • sourceNodeId - Node id from which patches have been extracted.

    • targetNodeId - New node id created from extracted patches.

    • patchIndices - Indices of extracted patches.

  • PATCH_KEYMAPPING - Enables or disables the patch keymapping.


    • enable - True to enable, False to disable.

  • PATCH_MODE - Sets the object patches interpreter mode.


    • operation - The interpreter mode: 'Delete', 'Reverse', or 'Nop' (do nothing).

  • PATCH_MODE_CHANGED - Notifies that the object patches mode has changed.


    • operation - The interpreter mode: 'Delete', 'Reverse', or 'Nop' (do nothing).

  • PATCH_OPERATION - Performs a patch delete or normal reverse on an object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object to operate on. This must be a leaf level, level of detail object.

    • index - The patch index. Must be 0.

    • operation - Delete or Reverse.

    • value - Toggle, False or True.

  • PATCH_OPERATION_BYLABEL - Performs a patch delete or normal reverse on an object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object to operate on. This must be a leaf level, level of detail object.

    • index - The patch index. Must be 0.

    • operation - Delete or Reverse.

    • value - Toggle, False or True.

  • PATCH_OPERATION_DONE - Indicates that a patch delete or normal reverse has been performed on an object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object operated on.

    • index - The patch index (valid if 0, considered unspecified if < 0).

  • PATCH_OPERATION_EXPLICIT - Sets patch delete or patch reverse flags on the object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object to operate on. This must be a leaf level, level of detail object.

    • operation - Delete or Reverse.

    • value - A space separated list of indices on which the delete or reverse flag should be set. All other indices will have that value unset. Passing an empty string will reset all values.

  • PATCH_OPERATION_EXPLICIT_BYLABEL - Sets patch delete or patch reverse flags on the object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object to operate on. This must be a leaf level, level of detail object.

    • operation - Delete or Reverse.

    • value - A space separated list of indices on which the delete or reverse flag should be set. All other indices will have that value unset. Passing an empty string will reset all values.

  • PATCH_OPERATION_MULTI - Performs a patch delete or normal reverse on an object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object to operate on. This must be a leaf level, level of detail object.

    • indices - The list of patch indices. Each must be 0.

    • operation - Delete or Reverse.

    • value - Toggle, False or True.

  • PATCH_REQUEST_STATE - Requests the patch reverse/delete settings for a particular object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object.

  • PATCH_REQUEST_STATE_BYLABEL - Requests the patch reverse/delete settings for a particular object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object.

  • PATCH_SELECTED_SHOWN - This message is a response to the PATCH_SHOW_SELECTED message.


    • visible - True means showing the patches, and False means not.

  • PATCH_SHOW_SELECTED - Notifies whether the patches is showing.


    • visible - True means showing the patches, and False means not.

  • PATCH_STATE - Provides the patch reverse/delete settings for a particular object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object.

    • patchesReversed - A space separated list of indices that indicate reversed patches.

    • patchesDeleted - A space separated list of indices that indicate deleted patches.

  • PATCH_STATE_BYLABEL - Provides the patch reverse/delete settings for a particular object.


    • objectId - The ID of the object.

    • patchesReversed - A space separated list of indices that indicate reversed patches.

    • patchesDeleted - A space separated list of indices that indicate deleted patches.

  • PATCH_TAG_CHANGED - Notifies that tagged patches have changed.

  • REMOVED - Notifies listeners of nodes that have been really removed.


    • nodeId1, ..., nodeIdN - The IDs of nodes that have been removed.

  • SELECT - Adds items to or removes items from the selection list. Selection with no objects specified in Replace mode will clear the selection list. Selection with the All mode will select all nodes in the scene (regardless of what object IDs are specified).


    • objectID1, objectID2 - The IDs of objects to select or deselect.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract' or 'All'.

  • SELECTION_CHANGED - Indicates that the selection list changed. This response message is sent after a SELECT if the selection list is changed by the SELECT message. See also SELECTION_UNCHANGED.

  • SELECTION_CURRENT - Lists currently selected items.


    • selected - The currently selected items.

  • SELECTION_DISALLOWED - Response message that is sent when the user tries to selectAll but the application is not in the right state for this type of selection yet (i.e., during loading).


    • info - Information explaining why the selection is temporarily disallowed.

  • SELECTION_REQUEST_CURRENT - Requests the list of selected items.

  • SELECTION_SET_ADD_ITEMS - Adds geometry nodes to existing selection sets.


    • paths - The paths to the selection sets to add geometry nodes to (starting from the root nodes in the hierarchies).

    • geometry_list - The list of geometry nodes to be added to the selection sets. If the list is empty, the currently selected geometry is added.

  • SELECTION_SET_ADD_NODES - Adds nodes to the selection set tree. The nodes are children of a new folder. The nodes may be added with the hierarchy underneath the nodes, or the nodes may be expanded to leaf nodes and only those leaf nodes added.


    • path - Path to the parent folder.

    • id - Id of the new folder.

    • siblingId - Id of the new folder's sibling.

    • nodeIds - Node ids of the nodes to be added.

    • expandToLeaves - True if only leaf nodes should be added, False for hierarchy.

  • SELECTION_SET_CHANGED - Indicates that the contents of an existing selection set or selection set folder were modified.

  • SELECTION_SET_CHANGE_ID - Change the id of an existing selection set or selection set folder.


    • path - The path to the selection set or selection set folder to be renamed (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

    • newId - The new Id of the selection set or selection set folder.

  • SELECTION_SET_CHANGE_LABEL - Chnage the label of an existing selection set or selection set folder.


    • path - The path to the selection set or selection set folder to be renamed (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

    • newLabel - The new label of the selection set or selection set folder.

  • SELECTION_SET_CREATE - Creates a new selection set containing the specified geometry nodes. The new selection set is added under the folder specified by the path. If no geometry nodes are specified, then the selection set will be empty.


    • path - The path to the folder being modified (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

    • newName - The name of the new selection set.

    • siblingName - The name of the sibling indicating where to insert the new set.

    • geometry_list - The list of geometry nodes to be added to the selection set.

  • SELECTION_SET_CREATE_FOLDER - Creates a new selection set folder, adds the specified nodes to the folder and moves the specified selection sets or folders under the folder. The new folder is added under the folder specified by the path right before the given sibling. If the sibling name is empty, then the new folder will be added as the last member of its parent.


    • path - The path to the folder being modified (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

    • newName - The name of the new selection set folder.

    • siblingName - The name of the sibling indicating where to insert the new folder.

    • pathsToSubItems - The list of selection sets or folders to be moved under the new folder.

    • nodeIDs - The list of node identifers of nodes to be added to the new folder.

  • SELECTION_SET_CREATE_FROM_TEMPLATE - Creates a selection set hierarchy underneath the root folder from a template.


    • template - The template from which to create the selection sets.

    • name - The name of the folder at the root of the hierarchy.

  • SELECTION_SET_DELETE - Deletes existing selection sets or selection set folders.


    • paths - The paths to the selection sets or selection set folders to be deleted (starting from the root nodes in the hierarchies).

  • SELECTION_SET_DELETE_EMPTY_ITEMS - Deletes empty selection sets or folders.


    • paths - The names of existing selection sets or folders to be deleted if they are empty (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

  • SELECTION_SET_DUPLICATE - Duplicates existing selection sets or selection set folders, creating new sets and folders referring to the same geometry as the original selection sets and folders. If a set or folder to be duplicated is in a locked folder, then the resulting duplicate will be added at the top folder level.


    • paths - The paths to existing selection sets or selection set folders to be duplicated (starting from the root nodes in the hierarchies).

  • SELECTION_SET_DUPLICATE_FOLDER - Duplicates an existing selection set folder.


    • path - The path to the selection set folder to be duplicated (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

    • newName - The name for the duplicated folder.

  • SELECTION_SET_FOLDER_CREATED - Indicates that a new selection set folder was created.


    • path - The path to the new folder (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

  • SELECTION_SET_HIDE - Hides all members of the given selection sets or selection set folders.


    • paths - The paths to selection sets or selection set folders to hide (starting from the root nodes in the hierarchies).

  • SELECTION_SET_MOVE - Moves the given selection set or selection set folder to be under the specified folder. If a sibling is specified, then the set or folder is inserted before the sibling. If no sibling is specified, then the set or folder is added as the last member of the folder.


    • path - The name of an existing selection set or selection set folder to be moved (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

    • folderPath - The path to an existing selection set folder.

    • name - The name of one of the members of the given folder, or empty string. This member will be the sibling of the set or folder once it moves.

  • SELECTION_SET_NODE_SET_PROPERTY - Set node properties for nodes in given selection sets.


    • paths - The names of existing selection sets or selection set folders (starting from the root nodes in the hierarchies).

    • property - The property to change.

    • state - The new state of the property.

    • applyToLeaves - If True, apply this change to the leaf nodes.

  • SELECTION_SET_OPEN - When displayed in the UI, makes the given selection sets or selection set folders appear open.


    • paths - The names of existing selection sets or selection set folders to appear open (starting from the root nodes in the hierarchies).

    • openOrClosed - True for open, False for closed.

    • changeChildren - True to change the children of sets and folders too, False to leave them as is.

  • SELECTION_SET_OPEN_STATE_CHANGED - Indicates that the open state of an existing selection set or selection set folder was modified.

  • SELECTION_SET_REMOVE_FOLDERS - Removes folders from folders.


    • paths - Tuple of paths to folders to be removed.

  • SELECTION_SET_REMOVE_ITEMS - Removes geometry nodes from existing selection sets.


    • paths - The paths to selection sets with geometry nodes to be removed (starting from the root nodes in the hierarchies).

    • geometry_list - The list of geometry nodes to be removed from the selection sets. If the list is empty, the currently selected geometry is removed.

  • SELECTION_SET_REMOVE_NODES - Removes nodes from selection sets. If a selection set has all of its nodes removed, then the selection set is removed, too.


    • path - Path to the parent folder.

    • nodeIds - Tuple of node ids to be removed.

  • SELECTION_SET_RENAME - Renames an existing selection set or selection set folder.


    • path - The path to the selection set or selection set folder to be renamed (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

    • newName - The new name of the selection set or selection set folder.

  • SELECTION_SET_SELECT - Selects all members of the given selection sets or selection set folders.


    • paths - The paths to selection sets or selection set folders to be selected (starting from the root nodes in the hierarchies).

    • operation - 'Replace', 'Add', or 'Subtract'.

    • visibleOnly - 0 - select all members; 1 - restrict selection to visible members only.

  • SELECTION_SET_SHOW - Shows all members of the given selection sets or selection set folders.


    • paths - The paths to selection sets or selection set folders to show (starting from the root nodes in the hierarchies).

  • SELECTION_SET_SORT - Sorts the children of selection set folders in ascending alphabetical order. This is an operation, not a state.


    • path - The name of an existing selection set or folder to be sorted (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

  • SELECTION_SET_UNGROUP - Ungroups (disbands) a selection set folder. This promotes all the children of the folder to be its siblings, then deletes the folder.


    • path - The name of an existing selection set folder to be ungrouped (starting from the root node in the hierarchy).

  • SELECTION_STATE_CHANGED - Indicates whether visible/hidden objects/locators are selected/not selected.


    • hasSelected - There are objects selected

    • hasSelectedLocators - There are locators selected

    • hasHidden - There are hidden objects

    • hasHiddenLocators - There are hidden locators

    • hasSelectedHidden - There are hidden objecst which are selected

    • hasSelectedNotHidden - There are visible objects selected

    • hasSelectedHiddenLocators - There are hidden locators which are selected

    • hasSelectedNotHiddenLocators - There are visible locators selected

  • SELECTION_UNCHANGED - Indicates that the selection list is unchanged. This response message that is sent after a SELECT if the selection list is unchanged by the SELECT message. See also SELECTION_CHANGED.

  • SELECT_BYLABEL - Adds items to or removes items from the selection list. Selection with no objects specified in Replace mode will clear the selection list. Selection with the All mode will select all nodes in the scene (regardless of what object IDs are specified).


    • objectID1, objectID2 - The IDs of objects to select or deselect.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract' or 'All'.

  • SELECT_VISIBLE - Similar to SELECT, except that only the visible object IDs from the object list are accepted as input. Selection with the 'All' mode will select all visible nodes in the scene.


    • objectID1, objectID2 - The IDs of objects to select or deselect.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract' or 'All'.

  • SELECT_VISIBLE_BYLABEL - Similar to SELECT, except that only the visible object IDs from the object list are accepted as input. Selection with the 'All' mode will select all visible nodes in the scene.


    • objectID1, objectID2 - The IDs of objects to select or deselect.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract' or 'All'.

  • SHOT_CHANGE_TYPE - Changes the type of the shot to be newType carrying over as many common parameters as possible.


    • name - The name of the shot to modify.

    • newType - The type to change the shot to: 'ShotStill', 'ShotRecorder', 'ShotParametric', or 'ShotKeyframed'. (See "Module Shot" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.

    • motion - The filename for the motion, if the shot type is parametric.

  • SHOT_CHANGE_TYPE_BYLABEL - Changes the type of the shot to be newType carrying over as many common parameters as possible.


    • name - The name of the shot to modify.

    • newType - The type to change the shot to: 'ShotStill', 'ShotRecorder', 'ShotParametric', or 'ShotKeyframed'. (See "Module Shot" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.

    • motion - The filename for the motion, if the shot type is parametric.

  • SHOT_CREATE - Creates a named shot of the specified type with default parameters.


    • type - The type of shot to create: 'ShotStill', 'ShotParametric', 'ShotKeyframed', or 'ShotRecorded'. (See "Module Shot" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.

    • name - A name for the new shot. Pass an empty string to get a generated name.

    • label - A label for the new shot. Pass an empty string to get a generated label.

    • motionFilename - Maya motion file. Required for recorded shots, unused for all other shot types.

    • showProperties - True to show the shot's properties after creation.

    • imageName - The name of the image to use, or an empty string if one is to be generated.

    • hotkeyTrigger - Hotkey trigger associated with shot. May also be None.

    • viewMode - True if the shot is created in viewing mode.

    • position - The position of the shot in the Shots UI.

  • SHOT_CREATED - Indicates that a named shot of the specified type has been created.


    • type - The type of shot that was created: ShotStill, ShotParametric, ShotKeyframed, or ShotRecorded.

    • name - The name of the new shot.

    • label - The label of the new shot.

    • hotkeyTrigger - Hotkey trigger assigned to the shot.

    • hotkeyAssigned - True if the hotkey trigger was successfully assigned to the shot.

  • SHOT_DELETE - Deletes the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot to delete.

  • SHOT_DELETED - Indicates that a shot was deleted.


    • name - The name of the shot that was deleted.

  • SHOT_DELETE_BYLABEL - Deletes the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot to delete.

  • SHOT_LOOP_MODE - Indicates that the loop mode has changed.


    • isLoop - True if looping is enabled, False otherwise.

  • SHOT_MOVE_TO_KEYFRAME - Moves the current view to the keyframe of the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot.

  • SHOT_MOVE_TO_KEYFRAME_BYLABEL - Moves the current view to the keyframe of the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot.

  • SHOT_PARAMETERS_CHANGED - Indicates that a shot's parameters have changed.


    • name - The name of the shot that changed.

  • SHOT_PAUSE_PLAYBACK - Pauses playback of queued shots.

  • SHOT_PLAY - Begins playback of a series of named shots.


    • shotNames - A tuple of shot names.

    • restoreState - True to restore the camera state after playing the shot.

  • SHOT_PLAYBACK_PAUSED - Indicates that playback of queued shots has been paused.

  • SHOT_PLAYBACK_RESUMED - Indicates that playback of queued shots has been resumed after pause.

  • SHOT_PLAYING_DONE - Indicates that shot playing has finished.

  • SHOT_PLAY_ALL - Begins playback of all the shots in the scene.


    • restoreState - True to restore the camera state after playing the shots.

  • SHOT_PLAY_BYLABEL - Allows a SHOT_PLAY message to be issued by specifying labels instead of names. Since labels need not be unique, and since wildcards are allowed, more than one shot may match each label.


    • labels - A tuple of shot labels.

    • restoreState - True to restore the camera state after playing the shot.

  • SHOT_PLAY_SINGLE - Begins playback of a single named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot to play.

    • restoreState - True to restore the camera state after playing the shot.

  • SHOT_PLAY_SINGLE_BYLABEL - Allows a SHOT_PLAY_SINGLE message to be issued by specifying a label instead of a name. Since labels need not be unique, and since wildcards are allowed, more than one shot may match; in that case only one SHOT_PLAY_SINGLE message will be issued. If you want to play several shots, see SHOT_PLAY.


    • label - Shot label.

    • restoreState - True to restore the camera state after playing the shot.

  • SHOT_POSITION_AFTER - Places the named shot after prevShotName in the shot list.


    • name - The name of the shot to be moved.

    • prevShotName - The shot to place it after. If this is an empty string the shot is placed at the front of list.

  • SHOT_POSITION_AFTER_BYLABEL - Places the named shot after prevShotName in the shot list.


    • name - The name of the shot to be moved.

    • prevShotName - The shot to place it after. If this is an empty string the shot is placed at the front of list.

  • SHOT_REFRESH_THUMBNAIL - Resnaps and saves the thumbnail image at the original snap location.


    • name - The name of the shot that will have its thumbnail refreshed.

  • SHOT_REFRESH_THUMBNAIL_BYLABEL - Resnaps and saves the thumbnail image at the original snap location.


    • name - The name of the shot that will have its thumbnail refreshed.

  • SHOT_RENAME - Changes the label of an existing shot.


    • name - The name of the shot.

    • newLabel - The new label for the shot.

  • SHOT_RENAMED - Indicates that the label of a shot was changed.


    • name - The name of the shot.

    • newLabel - The new label for the shot.

  • SHOT_RENAME_BYLABEL - Changes the label of an existing shot.


    • name - The name of the shot.

    • newLabel - The new label for the shot.

  • SHOT_REQUEST_LOOP_MODE - Requests a SHOT_LOOP_MODE notification message.

  • SHOT_RESUME_PLAYBACK - Resumes playback of queued shots after pause.

  • SHOT_SAVE_THUMBNAIL - Saves a thumbnail image of a Shot-parameter pair.


    • shotName - The name of the shot.

    • parameterName - The name of the Shot parameter: 'Keyframe' or 'Keyframe2'. 'Keyframe' captures the thumbnail at the start of the shot, 'Keyframe2' captures it at the end of the shot.

  • SHOT_SAVE_THUMBNAIL_BYLABEL - Saves a thumbnail image of a Shot-parameter pair.


    • shotName - The name of the shot.

    • parameterName - The name of the Shot parameter: 'Keyframe' or 'Keyframe2'. 'Keyframe' captures the thumbnail at the start of the shot, 'Keyframe2' captures it at the end of the shot.

  • SHOT_SET_LOOP_MODE - Sets the loop mode.


    • isLoop - True to enable looping, False to disable.

  • SHOT_SET_PARAMETERS - Modifies the parameters of the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot to modify.

    • params - A dictionary of parameter name/value pairs. (See "Shot" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • createThumbnail - True if a thumbnail should be created.

  • SHOT_SET_PARAMETERS_BYLABEL - Modifies the parameters of the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot to modify.

    • params - A dictionary of parameter name/value pairs. (See "Shot" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • createThumbnail - True if a thumbnail should be created.

  • SHOT_SHOW_STAGESHOTS - Shows shots based on the specified stage (compare scene view) ID. If the stage ID is empty, all shots in scene will be shown.


    • id - The ID of the stage. (To get the stage ID, create a custom script that listens to the STAGE_REQUEST_ACTIVE_LIST message.)

  • SHOT_SHOW_STAGESHOTS_BYLABEL - Shows shots based on the specified stage (compare scene view) ID. If the stage ID is empty, all shots in scene will be shown.


    • id - The ID of the stage. (To get the stage ID, create a custom script that listens to the STAGE_REQUEST_ACTIVE_LIST message.)

  • SHOT_STARTED - Indicates that the named shot has started to play.


    • name - The name of the shot that has started to play.

  • SHOT_START_PLAYING - Initiates the playback of the queued list of shots to play.

  • SHOT_START_TRANSITION - Initiates a cinematic transition of the specified type for the specified duartion.


    • type - The kind of cinematic transition (for example, 'Fade from Black into shot'). (See "Shot" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • duration - The duration of the cinematic transition in seconds.

  • SHOT_STOP_PLAYING - Stops the playback of shots. No effect if no shots playing.


    • aborted - True if it was forced to stop, False if it naturally ended.

  • SHOT_THUMBNAIL_SAVED - Indicates that a SHOT_SAVE_THUMBNAIL action message has finished saving a Shot thumbnail.


    • shotName - The name of the shot.

    • parameterName - The name of the Shot parameter. 'Keyframe' or 'Keyframe2'. 'Keyframe' captures the thumbnail at the start of the shot, 'Keyframe2' captures it at the end of the shot.

  • SHOT_TRANSITION_DONE - Indicates that a cinematic transition has completed.

  • SHOT_TYPE_CHANGED - Indicates that the shot has changed type.


    • name - The name of the shot that changed type.

  • SHOT_UPDATE_DIALOG_DATA - Updates the Shot Properties dialog with data from the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot.

  • SHOT_UPDATE_DIALOG_DATA_BYLABEL - Updates the Shot Properties dialog with data from the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot.

  • SHOW - Makes the specified nodes visible, if they are hidden. Each node's parents are made visible as well.


    • nodeId1, ..., nodeIdN - The IDs of nodes to show. If none are specified, uses the currently selected objects.

  • SHOW_ALL - Shows all nodes.

  • SHOW_BYLABEL - Makes the specified nodes visible, if they are hidden. Each node's parents are made visible as well.


    • nodeId1, ..., nodeIdN - The IDs of nodes to show. If none are specified, uses the currently selected objects.

  • SWAP_HIDDEN_AND_SHOWN - Inverts the visibility of all the nodes. When hidden nodes are made visible, all of their parents are made visible as well.

  • UNDELETE - Marks the specified nodes undeleted. Each node and all of its children are marked as deleted.


    • nodeId1, ..., nodeIdN - The IDs of nodes to undelete.

  • UNDELETED - Notifies listeners of nodes that have been undeleted.


    • nodeId1, ..., nodeIdN - The IDs of nodes that have been undeleted.

  • UNDELETE_BYLABEL - Marks the specified nodes undeleted. Each node and all of its children are marked as deleted.


    • nodeId1, ..., nodeIdN - The IDs of nodes to undelete.

  • UNGROUP_NODES - Deletes the group node after taking all of its children and giving them to the nodes original parent.


    • nodeIds - The IDs of the nodes to ungroup.

  • UNGROUP_NODES_BYLABEL - Deletes the group node after taking all of its children and giving them to the nodes original parent.


    • nodeIds - The IDs of the nodes to ungroup.