Interface Messages

  • ALTERNATIVE_UI_SET_MODE - Shows or hides the Alternative Lineups user interface.


    • visible - True to show, False to hide.

  • AUTO_CAM_UP_CHANGED - Sends new up vector.


    • x - AutoCam up vector.

    • y - AutoCam up vector.

    • z - AutoCam up vector.

    • eye is up - False if camera is upside-down, true if camera is in normal position.

    • view direction - Orthoview direction. Valid values are: 'Front', 'Back', 'Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom'.

  • BEHAVIOR_SHOW_PROPERTIES - Shows the properties window for the specified behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_SHOW_PROPERTIES_BYLABEL - Shows the properties window for the specified behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_UI_CONTROLS - Displays the controls window for the specified behavior or its associated behavior group.


    • name - The name of the behavior to show controls for.

    • showGroup - True to open the group that this behavior belongs to.

  • BEHAVIOR_UI_CONTROLS_BYLABEL - Displays the controls window for the specified behavior or its associated behavior group.


    • name - The name of the behavior to show controls for.

    • showGroup - True to open the group that this behavior belongs to.

  • BEHAVIOR_UI_PROPERTIES - Shows the properties window for the specified behavior.


    • name - The name of the behavior to edit.

  • BEHAVIOR_UI_PROPERTIES_BYLABEL - Shows the properties window for the specified behavior.


    • name - The name of the behavior to edit.

  • BEHAVIOR_UI_SET_MODE - Shows or hides the Behaviors user interface.


    • visible - True to show, False to hide.

  • BEHAVIOR_UI_UPDATE - Refreshes the Behaviors user interface.

  • COI_SET_MODE - Sets the Center of Interest mode.


    • visible - True or False.

  • CUSTOM_UI_ACTIVATE - Switches to the given UI name, providing it was properly created. An invalid name will remove the custom UI.


    • uiName - The name of the custom UI as specified in the scene file.

  • CUSTOM_UI_ACTIVATED - Indicates that the custom UI has been changed to a different one.


    • uiName - The name of the custom UI that is currently active.

  • CUSTOM_UI_ADD - Adds the specified custom UI to the custom UI list. If either the name or the page already exists the entry is replaced. The name is searched for first, then the page. Use the layout and leadWin parameters to position the UI in the application window, as follows: left - 'row', 'browser'; right - 'row', '3d'; top - 'column', 'browser'; bottom - 'column', '3d'.


    • activate - True to activate the added page.

    • name - The name for the custom UI. Used in CUSTOM_UI_ACTIVATE.

    • page - Filename or URL.

    • layout - The layout orientation: 'row' or 'column'.

    • leadWin - The window that displays first: 'browser' or '3d'.

    • uiSize - The size of the custom UI panel in pixels.

  • CUSTOM_UI_ADDED - Indicates that a new custom UI was added. The layout and leadWin parameters describe the position of the UI in the application window, as follows: left - 'row', 'browser'; right - 'row', '3d'; top - 'column', 'browser'; bottom - 'column', '3d'.


    • name - The name of the added the custom UI. Used in CUSTOM_UI_ACTIVATE.

    • page - Filename or URL.

    • layout - The layout orientation: 'row' or 'column'.

    • leadWin - The window that displays first: 'browser' or '3d'.

    • uiSize - The size of the custom UI panel in pixels.

  • CUSTOM_UI_LAYOUT_CHANGED - Indicates that the custom UI has been modified. The layout and leadWin parameters describe the position of the UI in the application window, as follows: left - 'row', 'browser'; right - 'row', '3d'; top - 'column', 'browser'; bottom - 'column', '3d'.


    • name - The name of the layout that was modified.

    • layout - The layout orientation: 'row' or 'column'.

    • leadWin - The window that displays first: 'browser' or '3d'.

    • uiSize - The size of the custom UI panel in pixels.

  • CUSTOM_UI_LOADED - Indicates that a custom UI has loaded. The layout and leadWin parameters describe the position of the UI in the application window, as follows: left - 'row', 'browser'; right - 'row', '3d'; top - 'column', 'browser'; bottom - 'column', '3d'.


    • page - Filename or URL of the loaded interface.

    • layout - The layout orientation: 'row' or 'column'.

    • leadWin - The window that displays first: 'browser' or '3d'.

    • uiSize - The size of the custom UI panel in pixels.

  • CUSTOM_UI_SASH_SIZE - Sets the size of the sash separating the custom UI from the 3D window.


    • size - Set the size of the sash. The default is 2. If set to 0 or a negative number, the sash will not be movable.

  • CUSTOM_UI_SET_LAYOUT - Changes the layout of the custom UI. Use the layout and leadWin parameters to position the UI in the application window, as follows: left - 'row', 'browser'; right - 'row', '3d'; top - 'column', 'browser', bottom - 'column', '3d'.


    • name - The name of the layout to change. If empty, changes the default.

    • layout - The layout orientation: 'row' or 'column'.

    • leadWin - The window that displays first: 'browser' or '3d'.

    • uiSize - The size of the custom UI panel in pixels.

  • CUSTOM_UI_SET_VISIBILITY - Sets the custom UI visibility.


    • which - 'custom' for the custom UI.

    • visibility - True to display the custom UI, False to hide it.

  • CUSTOM_UI_VISIBILITY_CHANGED - Indicates that the visibility status of the custom UI dialog changed.


    • visibility - True if visible, False otherwise.

  • DIALOG_DESTROY - A dialog sends this message when it wants to be destroyed. This message is only necessary when the dialog is receiving and handling messages (i.e., the dialog previously sent a DIALOG_INTERPRETER_ADD message); this ensures that the dialog does not continue to receive messages while it is being destroyed. This message is not necessary if the dialog is to be destroyed on QUIT.


    • dialog - The instance of the dialog to be destroyed.

    • dialogId - The dialog identifier matching the DialogFactory show() call (typically an empty string).

  • DISPLAY_SET_PROJECTION_MODE - Sets the display to the specified projection mode.


    • mode - The display projection mode: 'Orthographic' or 'Perspective'. (See "Class ProjectionMode" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • DISPLAY_SET_VIEWPORT_SPLIT - Sets the display viewport to split across multiple clients/machines so that each system renders only a sub-region of the current view. Sets how the screen is to be sub-divided and which of the sub-divisions to display.


    • enabled - True to enable the viewport split, False to disable it.

    • columns - The number of columns to split the display into.

    • rows - The number of rows to split the display into.

    • columnIndex - The column coordinate of the cell that the current display is to show. Column 0 refers to the left-most column.

    • rowIndex - The row coordinate of the cell that the current display is to show. Row 0 refers to the top-most row.

    • horizontalOverlap - The pixel overlap of each cell with its neighbors in the horizontal direction.

    • verticalOverlap - The pixel overlap of each cell with its neighbors in the vertical direction.

  • ENVIRONMENT_UI_SET_MODE - Shows or hides the Environments user interface.


    • visible - True to show the Environments user interface, False to hide it.

  • HEADS_UP_DISPLAY_SET_MESSAGE - Show the message on the heads-up display.


    • messageText - The text of the message to display.

  • HEADS_UP_DISPLAY_SET_MODE - Sets the heads-up display mode.


    • visible - True to turn heads-up display on, False to turn it off.

  • HEADS_UP_DISPLAY_SET_MODE_ITEM - Sets the heads-up display mode for a specified item.


    • item - What to control. Choices are framerate (for frames per second values), info (for informational and warnings messages), speed (for navigation speed) and session (for hosted session information)

    • visible - True to turn heads-up display on, False to turn it off for the item.

  • MATERIAL_ENABLE_UI_UPDATE - Turns on/of updating of the material UI List.


    • enableUpdate - True if UI list should be updatable, False if not.

  • MATERIAL_SET_SELECTION_STYLE - Changes the selection drawing style or color.


    • drawStyle - The requested selection draw style: 'AnimatedGrid', 'WhiteWireframe', 'BlueWireframe', 'BlackWireframe'. (See "Class SelectionDrawStyleMode" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • MATERIAL_SNAP_SWATCH - Generates the material swatch for the specified material using the given image filename and dimensions.


    • materialName - The name of the material to use.

    • imageFilename - The filename for the generated image.

    • width - The width of the swatch image.

    • height - The height of the swatch image.

    • synchronous - True if the swatch should be snapped immediately. False if the snap is queued.

  • MATERIAL_SWATCH_GENERATION_UI - Adds/removes a UI Id on the list of UI:s needing material swatch generation. If no UI:s are in this list swatch generation will be turned off. The Id's used today


    • uiName - The Id of the UI needing swatch generation.

    • enableGeneration - True if UI should be added, False if it should be removed.

  • MATERIAL_UI_SET_MODE - Shows or hides the Material Library user interface.


    • visible - True to show, False to hide.

  • MATERIAL_UI_SWATCHES_UPDATE - Refreshes the scene material swatches regarding to the current environment.

  • NAVIGATION_BAR_SHOW_HIDE - Shows or hides Navigation Bar.

  • NAVIGATION_GOTO_VIEWCUBE_ORTHO_VIEW - Moves camera to an ortho view and sets the ViewCube's preset view as the last view.

  • NAVIGATION_SET_LAST_VIEWCUBE_VIEW - Sets the current view as ViewCube's last view.

  • RESET_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR - Reset the background color to the default value.

  • RT_CLUSTER_SWITCH - Ray Tracing Cluster is used when the switch is on. OpenGL or single machine ray tracing is used when the switch is off.


    • enable - Ray Tracing Cluster enable/disable

  • RT_CLUSTER_SWITCH_REQUEST - This is a request to toggle Ray Tracing Cluster on/off. The actual switch is caused by a delayed RT_CLUSTER_SWITCH message.


    • enable - Ray Tracing Cluster enable/disable request

  • RT_SWITCH - Ray Tracing is used when the switch is on. Normal tringle raster mode is used when the switch is off.


    • enable - Ray Tracing enable/disable

  • RT_SWITCH_REQUEST - This is a request to toggle Ray Tracing on/off. The actual switch is caused by RT_SWITCH which is delayed after RT_SWITCH_REQUEST has arrived.


    • enable - Ray Tracing enable/disable request

  • SCREENSNAP_UI_SET_MODE - Shows or hides the Screen Snapshot user interface (black crop bars).


    • visible - True to show the Screen Snapshot user interface, False to hide it.

  • SCREEN_SET_MODE - Sets the screen mode.


    • mode - 'Fullscreen' or 'Window'.

  • SET_DISPLAY - Sets the display to the value specified in the first argument.


    • display - The new value for the display.

  • SET_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR - Set the background color to the specified value.


    • red - Red channel value between 0 and 1.

    • green - Green channel value between 0 and 1.

    • blue - Blue channel value between 0 and 1.

  • SET_DISPLAY_POSITION_AND_SIZE - Resets the display size and location on the screen. If the values are invalid, the size and location will not change.


    • horizontal - The position of the screen on the horizontal axis.

    • vertical - The position of the screen on the vertical axis.

    • width - The display size in the horizontal direction.

    • height - The display size in the vertical direction.

  • SET_DISPLAY_SIZE - Resets the display size on the screen. If the values are invalid, the size will not change.


    • width - The display size in the horizontal direction.

    • height - The display size in the vertical direction.

  • SET_DRAW_MODE - Sets the draw mode to a particular style.


    • style - The draw style: WIREFRAME or SHADED. (See "Class DrawMode" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • SET_VIEWER_WINDOW - Specifies the window object containing the viewer. This message is sent during UI initialization to notify interested interpreters.


    • window - The window object. (For information, refer to the wxPython GUI toolkit documentation.)

  • SHOT_EDIT - Opens the Shot Properties dialog for the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot to edit.

  • SHOT_EDIT_BYLABEL - Opens the Shot Properties dialog for the named shot.


    • name - The name of the shot to edit.

  • SHOT_UI_SET_MODE - Shows or hides the Shot user interface.


    • visible - True to show the Shot user interface, False to hide it.

  • SPOTLIGHT_UI_SET_MODE - Shows or hides the spotlight Presentation Pointer user interface.


    • visible - True to show the spotlight pointer user interface, False to hide it.

  • STARTUP - Initializes the Showcase user interface.

  • STATUSBAR_SET_TEXT - Sends the string to the status bar.


    • text - The text to show in the status bar.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_CLOSE_WHEEL - Disables SteeringWheels.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_DECREASE_WALK_SPEED - Decrements walk speed.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_FIT_TO_WINDOW - Adjusts view size to fit the screen.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_FULL_NAVIGATION_WHEEL - Changes type of the SteeringWheels.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_GO_HOME - Restores Home view.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_INCREASE_WALK_SPEED - Increments walk speed.


  • STEERING_WHEEL_MINI_FULL_NAVIGATION_WHEEL - Changes type of the SteeringWheels.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_MINI_TOUR_BUILDING_WHEEL - Changes type of the SteeringWheels.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_MINI_VIEW_OBJECT_WHEEL - Changes type of the SteeringWheels.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_RESTORE_ORIGINAL_CENTER - Directs camera the the center.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_SET_PROPERTIES - Change the properties of the SteeringWheels.


    • properties - An instance of the SteeringWheelProperties class

  • STEERING_WHEEL_SHOW_HIDE - Shows or hides Streering Wheel.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_SHOW_PROPERTIES - Shows the properties window for the SteeringWheels.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_TOUR_BUILDING_WHEEL - Changes type of the SteeringWheels.

  • STEERING_WHEEL_VIEW_OBJECT_WHEEL - Changes type of the SteeringWheels.

  • STYLES_UI_SET_MODE - Shows or hides the Styles Library Overlay UI.


    • visible - True to show, False to hide.

  • TRIGGER_NOTIFICATION_SET_MODE - Shows or hides the Trigger tool tips in presentation mode.


    • visible - True to show, False to hide.

  • UI3D_COI_SET_POSITION - Positions the center of interest icon.


    • x - X location for the icon.

    • y - Y location for the icon.

    • z - Z location for the icon.

  • UI3D_COI_SET_VISIBLE - Shows or hides the center of interest icon.


    • showOrHide - True to show the center of interest icon, False to hide the icon.

  • UI_ANNOTATION_CHANGED - Indicates that an annotation has changed.


    • annotationList - List of items that changed.

  • UI_BROWSER_OPEN - Open a browser to the particular page.


    • title - The window title to display.

    • url - Location of the page.

    • width - Width of the window. If zero, full screen.

    • height - Height of the window. If zero, full screen.

  • UI_CONFIRM_DIALOG - Opens a modal confirm dialog box.


    • title - The window title to display on the dialog. If the string is empty, the title defaults to the product name.

    • message - The message string to display within the dialog.

    • button - A button title to display within the dialog. If the string is empty, an OK button is displayed.

  • UI_CONFIRM_DIALOG_CALLBACK - Opens a modal confirm dialog box.


    • title - The window title to display on the dialog. If the string is empty, the title defaults to the product name.

    • message - The message string to display within the dialog.

    • buttons - The button titles to display within the dialog. If the tuple is empty, an OK button displays. The tuple must not contain any empty strings.

    • callback - A callback to be invoked with the title of the selected button.

  • UI_EDIT_SEARCH - Invokes a search input box on the screen.


    • size - The size of the field.

    • position - The position where the field should appear.

    • defaultString - The search prompt.

    • initialString - The current search terms.

    • message - The message that should be sent when the rename is completed.

  • UI_ENABLE_MENUBAR - Enables or disables the menu bar.


    • enable - True to enable the menus, False to disable them.

  • UI_NUMERICAL_INPUT_IN_PLACE - Invokes a numerical input text box on the screen.


    • value - The current value to display.

    • field - The position for the field.

    • size - The size of the field.

    • message - The name of the application message that will be sent when the user presses Enter.

    • function - A callable function that will take the value and return valid message data for the given message.

  • UI_NUMERICAL_LENGTH_INPUT_IN_PLACE - Invokes a numerical input text box on the screen. Allows user to enter numbers with supported units such as 1m or 1cm.


    • value - The current value to display.

    • field - The position for the field.

    • size - The size of the field.

    • message - The name of the application message that will be sent when the user presses Enter.

    • function - A callable function that will take the value and return valid message data for the given message.

    • lengthUnit - The length unit in use.

  • UI_OPEN_INPUT_DIALOG - Opens a modal dialog box requesting an input string from the user.


    • title - The window title to display on the dialog.

    • prompt - The prompt string to display within the dialog box.

    • callback - A callback function to be invoked upon success with the input string and the userdata parameter.

    • initial - An initial value for the input string (if any).

    • userdata - The user data to be returned to the callback function.

  • UI_RENAME_IN_PLACE - Invokes a rename input box on the screen.


    • oldName - The current name of the object.

    • position - The position where the field should appear.

    • size - The size of the field.

    • message - The message that should be sent when the rename is completed.

    • userdata - The data to be sent with the message. Note that the new name will be added to the end.

  • UI_TOOLTIP - Opens a window that looks like a tooltip. This window floats over all others so it cannot be clobbered by a redraw of, say, the 3D viewport. To hide the tooltip, set the text to "".


    • text - The tooltip text.

  • UI_TOOLTIP_ENABLE - Specifies whether the display of popup tooltips should be enabled or disabled. Pass true to enable and false to disable. Tooltips are enabled by default.


    • state - Boolean flag indicating the desired enable state.

  • VIEW_CUBE_LOCK_SECTION - Locks current section.

  • VIEW_CUBE_ORTHOGRAPHIC - Sets orthographic perspective.

  • VIEW_CUBE_ORTHO_WITH_FACES - Sets perspective.

  • VIEW_CUBE_PERSPECTIVE - Sets perspective.

  • VIEW_CUBE_PROPERTIES_CHANGED - An information message indicating that the properties of the view cube have been changed.


    • properties - An instance of the ViewCubePropertiesClass

  • VIEW_CUBE_RESET_FRONT - Resets front view.

  • VIEW_CUBE_SET_PROPERTIES - Change the properties of the view cube.


    • properties - An instance of the ViewCubeProperties class

  • VIEW_CUBE_SET_VIEW_FRONT - Sets current view as a front view.

  • VIEW_CUBE_SET_VIEW_HOME - Sets current view as a home view.

  • VIEW_CUBE_SHOW_HIDE - Shows or hides the view cube.

  • VIEW_CUBE_SHOW_PROPERTIES - Shows the properties window for the view cube.

  • WINDOW_SET_SIZE - Sets the size of the main window. Also automatically resizes the display.


    • width - The new width of the main window.

    • height - The new height of the main window.

  • WINDOW_SHOW_BORDERS - Hides/Shows the main window's borders.


    • show - True to show borders, False to hide them.